Theoretical Astrophysics
Research Group Almudena Arcones


Here we provide the nucleosynthesis network Winnet

Please read and cite Reichert et al. 2023 when you use this reaction network in a publication. Furthermore give credit to the data that you are using (reaction rates, thermodynamic conditions, equation of state, etc.). For this check the example cases that contain the relevant literature in the header of their parameter files in the par/ folder. Additionally, the Readme in the data/ folder contains relevant information about the references of input files.

Here we provide equation of state (EOS) tables for astrophysical simulations explored in [1]:

See the publication for more details about the names and input parameters. When using these table please refer to our work [1].

The EOS tables are created using the open-source code SROEOS from [2,3]. As in [2], we refer to the LS220 generated EOS with the SROEOS code as LS220. For the construction of EOS tables, see also [4].

For questions and feedback please contact:

Neutrino-driven trajectories based on a steady-state model:

If you use these trajectories, please cite: J. Bliss et al., ApJ 855, 135 (2018) and J. Bliss et al., Phys. Rev. C 101, 055807 (2020).

Representative trajectories for the MR-SN model 35OC-Rs (M. Obergaulinger & M. Á. Aloy, MNRAS, 469, L43, 2017) and their nucleosynthesis (M. Reichert et al., MNRAS, 501, 5733, 2021) can be found here.

If you use the trajectories and/or nucleosynthesis output please cite following papers: