Research Group Hans-Werner Hammer
Effective Field Theories for Strong Interactions and Ultracold Atoms


Lectures, Exercises, and Seminars

H.-W. Hammer

Es ist geplant, die Lehrveranstaltung in englischer Sprache zu halten.


Di 13:30 – 15:10, S2|11 – 10

Fr 11:40 – 13:20, S2|11 – 10


(2 Stunden, jede zweite Woche)

Fr 11:40 – 13:20, S2|11 – 10 Daten: tba

Fr 11:40 – 13:20, S2|07 – 167 Daten: tba

Lecture Plan

  • 0. Why quantum field theory?
  • 1. Classical field theory: Classical mechanics, transition to the continuum, field quantization
  • 2. Relativistic quantum fields: Causality, Noether theorem, symmetries, Klein-Gordon field, Dirac field, Feynman propagator, spin statistics theorem
  • 3. Interacting fields and Feynman diagrams: Dimensional analysis, perturbation theory, correlation functions, Wick theorem, cross sections and S-Matrix, Feynman rules,
  • 4. Elementary Processes of Quantum Electrodynamics: Myon production, Møller scattering
  • 5. Radiative corrections and Renormalization: Loop diagrams, optical theorem, Källén-Lehmann representation, LSZ theorem, 1-loop renormalization


  • M.E. Peskin, D.V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Westview Press
  • D. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press
  • M.D. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model, Cambridge University Press
  • A. Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press
  • S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields 1: Foundations, Cambridge University Press
  • S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields 2: Modern Applications, Cambridge University Press

All further information can be found on moodle.

Seminar Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics (SS22)

The lectures will be held in hybrid form in English.

All further information can be found on moodle.

The lectures will be held digitally in English.

All further information can be found on moodle.

Seminar Symmetries in Theoretical Physics (SS 21)

The lectures will be held digitally in English.

All further information can be found on moodle.

The lectures will be held digitally.

All further information can be found on moodle.

Seminar Symmetries in Theoretical Physics (SS 20)

Higher Quantum Mechanics (WS 19/20)

Seminar Quantum Mechanics in Path Integral Formalism (SS 19)

Seminar Atomic Nuclei: From fundamental interactions to structure and stars (WS 18/19)

H.-W. Hammer


Tu 13:30 – 15:10, S2|11 – 010

Fr 13:30 – 15:10, S2|11 – 010


during the time of lectures

Dates: 26.10., 13.11., 7.12., 14.12., 1.2., 12.2.

Tutor: Martin Ebert (

Oral Examinations

Period: 20.-21.2., 13.-14.3. Examination Content (opens in new tab)


Übung 1 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (26.10.18)

Übung 2 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (13.11.18)

Übung 3 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (07.12.18)

Übung 4 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (14.12.18)

Übung 5 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (1.2.19)

Übung 6 [Aufgabenblatt] (opens in new tab) (12.2.19)

Plan of Lecture

  • 0. Einheiten und Konventionen
  • 1. Überblick: Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik: Historischer Überblick, fundamentale Wechselwirkungen, Higgs-Mechanismus, Gravitation und große Vereinheitlichung
  • 2. Symmetrien und Quarks: Grundlagen der Gruppentheorie, SU(2), SU(3), Quarkmodell, Gell-Mann-Okubo Massenformel, Schwere Quarks, Asymptotische Freiheit, Confinement
  • 3. Relativistische Wellengleichungen und Quantenelektrodynamik: Klein-Gordon-, Dirac-, Maxwell-, Proca-Gleichung, Lorentz-Gruppe, Antiteilchen, Eichinvarianz, Wechselwirkende Systeme und Feynmandiagramme, Quantenelektrodynamik, Renormierung
  • 4. Elektroschwache Wechselwirkungen: Schwache Wechselwirkung: Fermi-Theorie und Glashow-Salam-Weinberg-Modell, Spontane Symmetriebrechung und Higgs-Mechanismus, CKM-Matrix, CP- und P-Verletzung, Neutrino-Oszillationen
  • 5. Physik jenseits des Standardmodells: Standardmodell als Effektive Feldtheorie, Massive Neutrinos, Axionen, GUTs, Supersymmetrie, Extradimensionen

Additional Material


H.-W. Hammer


Tu 08:00 – 09:40, S2|08 – 171

Tu 08:00 – 09:40, S2|08 – 171

Office hour

Di 13:00 – 14:00, S2|11 – 106

Lecture Material ⟹ Moodle

  • Short Script
  • Exercises and Solutions
  • Quickies
  • Literature

Plan of Lectures and Literature

Quantum Field Theory II (WS 17/18)

Seminar Quantum Mechanics in Path Integral Formalism (SS 17)

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (SS 17)

Theoretical Physics II: Quantum Mechanics (WS 16/17)

Theoretical Physics I: Classical Mechanics (SS 16)

Seminar Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics (SS 16)

Quantum Field Theory II (WS 15/16)

Seminar Theoretical Hadron Physics (WS 15/16)

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (SS 15)

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (WS 14/15)

Seminar Computational Aspects of Strong Interaction Physics (WS 14/15)

Seminar Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics (SS 14)

Higher Quantum Mechanics (WS 13/14

Seminar Computational Aspects of Strong Interaction Physics (WS 13/14)