Radiation Safety at the Institute for Nuclear Physics
Detailed information on radiation safety at IKP can be found on the (only accessible within the IKP network). There are, e.g., web pages on radiation safety on the IKPWeb
- guidelines and form for
- the application of a “Strahlenpass” and
- the registration to radiation safety at IKP or GSI.
- guidelines for the S-DALINAC operation,
- legal foundations and
- regulations for the transport of radioactive material and hazardous goods.
Please contact the radiation safety members at IKP in case of questions.
Name | Function | Raum | Phone Number | |
Dr. Michaela Arnold | head of operation S-DALINAC, “Strahlenschutzbeauftragte” | marnold@ikp.tu-… | 216 | -16-21740 |
Dr. Jonny Birkhan | head of radiation safety department, “Strahlenschutzbeauftragter” (including GP), QCLAM electron spectrometer | jbirkhan@ikp.tu-… | 216 | -16-21740 |
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Conrad | “Strahlenschutzbeauftragter” accelerator | conrad@ikp.tu-… | 56 | -16-21741 |
Dr. Ruben Grewe | head of accelerator controlling, “Strahlenschutzbeauftragter” S-DALINAC, UHV oven, vertical cryostat | rgrewe@ikp.tu-… | 116 | -16-21745 |
Ute Hasenzahl | coordination radiation safety medical checkups | uhasenzahl@ikp.tu-… | 311 | -16-23505 |
Dipl.-Ing. Sven Hennings | deputy head of radiation safety department, “Strahlenschutzbeauftragter” for general radiation safety/accelerator | hennings@ikp.tu-… | 27 | -16-23557 |
Elke Schaum | “Straglenschutzbeauftragte” | eschaum@ikp.tu-… | 27 | -16-23559 |