Research Group Daniel Mohler
Theoretical Hadron Physics


Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mohler
Theoretical hadron physics, Meson–baryon scattering and baryon resonances, hadron reactions and nucleon-resonances
+49 6151 16-21554
S2|11 304
Permanent Administrative Personnel
Konstanze Schmechel
Team Assistence RG Arcones, RG Braun, RG Martinez-Pinedo, RG Mohler and RG Moore; Network SFB-TR 211
+49 6151 16-21551
S2|11 209
Dr. Fernando Alvarado
Renwick James Hudspith Ph.D.
RG Mohler
+49 6159 71 3605
GSI SB3 4.115
Doctoral Researchers
Barbara Cid Mora M.Sc.
+49 6159 71 3605
GSI SB3 4.115
David Thoma M.Sc.
S2|11 4
Graduate Students
Zoe Heck B.Sc.
S2|11 4
Tanja Rausch B.Sc.
S2|11 004
Manuel Stolz B.Sc.
GSI SB3 4.117a