RTG 2128 Accelence

Research Profile

The Research Training Group (RTG) addresses the training of junior scientists in the interdisciplinary field of accelerator science with particular emphasis on the technology of ERLs. It exploits unique opportunities for accelerator science at the S-DALINAC at Darmstadt and along the construction of MESA at Mainz.


The initiative builds on three pillars: scientific programme, qualification concept and supervising concept. Each of these pillars will be of equal importance for the success of the RTG. The scientific programme defines the lines of research of doctoral projects for the junior scientists while the qualification concept facilitates the professional development of the scientists within the RTG. The principal investigators and their supervising concept will ensure an efficient and transparent academic training of the junior scientists.

High beam power achievable in ERLs and the requests for excellent beam quality needed for precision experiments in nuclear and radiation physics lead to the formulation of interrelated projects addressed within this RTG.

The scientific programme is divided into five interconnected project areas covering most technological aspects along electron accelerators beginning with the generation of electrons and ending at the beam target interactions at the experimental sites.

Funding Periods

  • 1st Period: 1. April 2016 – 30. September 2020 (54 Months)
  • 2nd Period: 1. October 2020 – 31. March 2025 (54 Months)