New experiment for ‘Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum’ (advanced practical experiments course for students) delivers first results


Simplified and compact version of the KOALA beamline for ‘Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum’ (advanced practical experiments course for students).

We have developed a compact collinear laser spectroscopy setup that allows Bachelor students to gain practical experience with the technique. The setup (see figure) is a simplified and compact version of the KOALA beamline. Today a spectrum of barium was measured for the first time and thereby the functionality was proven. The setup is supposed to be integrated in the regular experiment offers for students in the next winter semester so that it can be used by the summer semester 2021.

Figure: The setup consists of a surface ionization source on high voltage (cage on the left side in the figure), Faraday cups, Einzel lenses and steerer to tune the ion beam, a 90° electrostatic ion bender (spherical cross in the middle of the figure) that allows to superimpose the ion beam with the laser beam and an optical detection region with elliptical mirrors and photomultiplier. The spectrum of Barium is shown in the top right corner.