Research Group Joachim Enders
Technical Nuclear Physics

Physics Education Research (College Level)

In the context of the teaching activities of the research group we are testing and evaluating activating forms of teaching and learning, in particular with classes offered for non-physics majors. With small-scale accompanying studies we aim at a quantification of the “success” of these innovations, e.g., with respect to the conceptual understanding of physics.

Figure: Relative learning gain in the conceptual understanding of mechanics topics (two left bars) and E&M (right group of bars). The red bars show physics courses for students in electrical engineering that were implemented using the inverted classroom model including peer instruction.
Figure: Relative learning gain in the conceptual understanding of mechanics topics (two left bars) and E&M (right group of bars). The red bars show physics courses for students in electrical engineering that were implemented using the inverted classroom model including peer instruction.

Among the innovative teaching forms used and partially evaluated during the past years are:

  • Supplementing recitation sessions by essay writing, also as group homework and using Wikis
  • Recording of lectures and of dedicated, didactically enriched teaching videos
  • Supplementing manuscripts with conceptual questions and motivating examples
  • Implementation of large-scale classes for non-physics majors as flipped classroom / inverted lecture
  • Using quizzes and peer-instruction elements in large-scale introductory physics classes
  • Integration of problem-solving section and tutored instruction in classes with a large number of participants.

Preliminary work suggests that among participating students (non-physics majors) the conceptual understanding in activating teaching and learning scenarios is enhanced with respect to conventional classes.


  • QSL funds, Physics Department, TU Darmstadt

J. Enders, Ziele und Akzeptanzprobleme von E-Learning- und Web-2.0-Elementen in der Hochschullehre: eine Atomphysikvorlesung als Beispiel, PhyDid B – Didaktik der Physik – Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung [Münster, Germany, 2011] 8 pp.,

J. Enders, Erste Erfahrungen mit einer invertierten Vorlesung in der Service-Lehre Physik bei großen Hörerzahlen PhyDid B – Didaktik der Physik – Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung [Wuppertal, Germany, 2015] 8 pp.,

J. Enders, Peer Instruction und Flipped Classroom in der Service-Lehre Physik, PhyDid B – Didaktik der Physik – Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung [Hannover, Germany, 2016] 8 pp.,

J. Enders, Flip your classroom – Bringt das was?, Gastbeitrag zum Blog der E-Learning-Arbeitsgruppe der TU Darmstadt,