The application has to be made via the . application portalProf. Dr. Thorsten Kröll is the responsible person at the Instute for Nuclear Physics.
Since the summer term 2012 the experiment 1.2 “Hochfrequenzresonatoren” is offered. It provides a further insight into to research conducted at the S-DALINAC.
Please respect the (opens in new tab) (PDF file, in German only) of the courses. rules
List of available experiments
No. | Experiment | Instruction | FP Room | Tutors | Room |
Phone 06151-16- |
Contact |
1.1 | Measurement of magnetic fields | (opens in new tab) 1.1 | 32 |
Dominic Schneider Vincent Wende |
S2|14 116 S2|14 36 |
21745 23562 |
dschneider@ikp.tu-… vwende@ikp.tu-… |
1.2 | High-frequency resonators | (opens in new tab) 1.2 | 32 |
Kiriaki Prifti Jeroen Bormans |
S2|14 209 GSI SB3 4.160 |
23544 06159-71-3668 |
kprifti@ikp.tu-… jbormans@ikp.tu-… |
1.3 | Stern-Gerlach experiment | (opens in new tab) 1.3 | 33 | Liancheng Ji | S2|14 502 | 23571 | lji@ikp.tu-… |
2.2a | Interaction of gamma radiation with matter | (opens in new tab) 2.2a | 35 |
Tim Stetz Amrita Gupta |
S2|14 210 S2|14 211 |
23545 23546 |
tstetz@ikp.tu-… agupta@ikp.tu-… |
2.2b | Environmental radioactivity | (opens in new tab) 2.2b | 34 |
Dr. Jonny Birkhan Igor Jurosevic |
S2|14 216 S2|14 120 |
21740 23566 |
jbirkhan@ikp.tu-… ijurosevic@ikp.tu-… |
2.3 | Alpha spectroscopy with a semiconductor detector | (opens in new tab) 2.3 | 34 |
Nikhil Mozumdar Johan Larsson |
S1|19 4 GSI SB3 4.115a |
23572 +4747523332 |
nmozumdar@ikp.tu-… |
2.4 | Mössbauer effect with Fe-57 | (opens in new tab) 2.4 | 34 | Alexandru Enciu | S1|19 110 | 23410 | aenciu@ikp.tu-… |
2.6 | Cosmic radiation | (opens in new tab) 2.6 | 35 | Dr. Alexandra Stefanescu | S2|14 307 | 23701 | astefanescu@ikp.tu-… |
2.7 | Parity violation in beta decay | (opens in new tab) 2.7 | 26 | Hares Nazary | GSI C12 2.008 | 06159-71-3375 | hnazary@ikp.tu-… |
2.8a | Measurement of the lifetime of positronium in matter |
(opens in new tab)
2.8a (German) (opens in new tab) 2.8a (English) |
26 |
Dr. Leandro Milhomens da Fonseca Martin von Tresckow |
S2|14 418 S2|14 502 |
23532 23571 |
lmilhomensdafonseca@ikp.tu-… mtresckow@ikp.tu-… |
2.8b | Positron emission tomography (PET) | (opens in new tab) 2.8b (German) (opens in new tab) 2.8b (English) | 33 | Dr. Leyla Atar | S2|14 502 | 23571 | latar@ikp.tu-… |
2.10 | Gamma-gamma coincidence and angular correlation | (opens in new tab) 2.10 | 35 |
Dr. Carole Chatel Madalina Enciu |
GSI SB3 4. 160 S1|19 110 |
06159-71-3668 23526 | mravar@ikp.tu-… |
2.13 | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy | (opens in new tab) 2.13 | 33 | Dimitrios Zisis | S2|14 22 |
23576 06159-71-3057 |
dzisis@ikp.tu-… |