Prof. Dr. Wilfried Nörtershäuser
Working area(s)
work +49 6151 16-23575
S2|14 221
Schlossgartenstraße 9
Curriculum Vitae
2023 | International Advisory Committee of the LISA (Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinides) Conference in Leuven, Belgium |
2022 – 2023 | Local Organizing Committee of the European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (EFB25), Mainz |
2021 – | Elected member of the KHuK (Committee for Hadrons and Nuclei), Section “Fundamental Symmetries” |
2021 – | Ex-officio (KHuK) member of KAT (Committee for Astro-Particle Physics) |
2020 – | Program Director APPA, Helmholtz Research Academy Hesse for FAIR (HFHF) |
2019 – | International Advisory Committee of the Hyperfine Interactions Conference Series |
2016 – 2019 | Dean of Studies in the Faculty of Physics |
2016 – | Principal Investigator, DFG SFB 1245 |
2016 – | Co-Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration |
2016 – | Member of the European Physical Society (EPS) |
2015 | Co-Organizer, ECT* Workshop “The interplay between atomic and nuclear physics to study exotic nuclei”, with S. Fritzsche, M. Godefroid, and G. Neyens |
2013 – | International Advisory Committee, European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) |
2012 – 2016 | Principal Investigator, PRISMA Excellence Cluster, JGU Mainz |
2012 | Organizer, 501. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar Nuclear Ground-State Properties of the Lightest Nuclei: Status and Perspectives, with T. Neff, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef |
2010 | International Advisory Board of the International Conference on Laser Probing (LAP), TRIUMF, Canada |
2009 – 2012 | Founding Member of the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM) |
2009 – 2016 | Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration |
2008 | Co-Organizer, LASPEC-MATS workshop, Matalascañas (Huelva), Spain |
2006 | Organizer Workshop: “Advanced Laser and Mass Spectroscopy”, ALMAS-1, GSI, FAIR |
2005 – 2012 | Coordinator of Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at the ESR |
2006 – 2009 | Coordinator, Laser Spectroscopy Experiments, GSI, Darmstadt |
2004 – 2009 | Deputy Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration |
1999 – 2000 | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship |
1997 | DAAD Foreign Exchange Scholarship |
1995 – | Member of the German Phsical Society (DPG) |
2009 | Appointment as Junior Professor at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (Institute for Nuclear Chemistry) |
2012 | Evaluation and Reappointment as Junior Professor |
2012 | Appointment as a University Professor for “Experimental Atomic and Nuclear Physics of Radioactive Nuclides” at the TU Darmstadt |
1999 – 2000 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland WA, USA) |
2000 – 2005 | Postdoctoral Research Associate (Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany) |
2005 – 2011 |
Leader of a 'Helmholtz Young Investigator Group' 'Laser Spectroscopy of Exotic Atoms and Highly Charges Ions' (LaserSpHEre) Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz & GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy-Ion Research, Darmstadt |
1990 – 1995 | Physics Study (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) |
1995 | Physics Diploma – summa cum laude |
1996 – 1999 | Research Assistant (Department of Physics at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz) |
1999 | Doctor rerum naturalium in Physics – magna cum laude |
1990 – 1995 | Scholarship of the “German National Academic Foundation” |
Invited Talks
123. |
18.-22.11.2024 Laser Spectroscopy at Storage Rings The 11th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI’24), Huizhou, Guangdong, China |
122. |
06.-10.09.2024 Laser Spectroscopy of 208Bi82+ at the ESR 21st Sparc Topical Workshop, Münster University, Germany |
121. |
30.08.2024 Laser Spectroscopy of He-Like C4+ and Prospects for other He-Like Light Systems 15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST 2024), Kielce, Poland |
120. |
09.–14.06.2024 Laser Spectoscopy of 208Bi82+ at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR PLATAN 2024 – Merger of the Poznan Meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing, Agora, University of Jyväskylä, Finland |
119. |
10.05.2024 Charge Radii of Light Elements from He-Like Systems Workshop on NREC 2024 (Nuclear Radius Extraction Collaboration), Stony Brook University, Stony Brook (NY), USA |
118. |
29.02.2024 High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of He-like C4+ Seminar Talk at Peking University, Peking, China |
117. |
26.-28.02.2024 Atomic State Population Dynamics at CRYRING@ESR The 1st Workshop on Polarized Beam and Target – Physics and Applications (PBT2024), Huizhou, Guangdong, China |
116. |
16.11.2023 High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of He-like C4+ Ions Quantum Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz |
115. |
09.-10.11.2023 Probing Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Interactions by Laser Spectroscopy at Accelerators Block Lecture SFB 1227, DQmat, Leibniz Universität Hannover |
114. |
06.03.2023 Laser Spectroscopy at the Storage Rings of GSI/FAIR Symposium Precision Physics with Highly Charged Ions, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP), Hannover |
113. |
06.12.2022 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure GSI Kolloquium, Darmstadt, Germany |
112. |
08.11.2022 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig, Germany |
111. |
20.10.2022 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure Atomphysik Seminar, Helmholtz Institut Jena, Germany |
110. |
10-15.07.2022 Nuclear Charge Radii from Boron to Carbon Halo Week 2022, Bergen, Norway |
109. |
11.-15.04.2022 Nuclear Charge Radii: The N=28 Shell Closure and Prospects in the Z=5 Region ECT* Workshop “Nuclear Physics from Atomic Spectroscopy”, (Online Event) |
108. |
06.09.2021 FAIR Phase 0 – Laser Spectroscopy and Applications SPARC Workshop 2021 (Online Event) |
107. |
04.02.2021 The APPA Research Program in HFHF -Plans and Recent Results HFHF Kolloquium, Gießen |
106. |
25.11.2019 Electrons spy the Nucleus: Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii Solvay Workshop on “New Frontiers in Atomic, Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysics”, Brussels, Belgium |
105. |
05.11.2019 Atomic Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure Colloquium in Memorian of Ernst Otten, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany |
104. |
09.10.2019 Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions Workshop “Laser spectroscopy as a tool for nuclear theories", CEA, Saclay, France |
103. |
19.05.2019 Determination of Nuclear Ground State Properties by Laser Spectroscopy Invited Tutorial Lecture at the PLATAN-2019 conference, Mainz, Germany |
10.2 |
30.08.2018 Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure Studies Euroschool on Exotic Beams – 25-years Symposium, Leuven, Belgien |
101. |
12.07.2018 The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology HIC4FAIR Colloquium, Universität Gießen, Deutschland |
100. |
02.05.2018 The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology Bothe Kolloquium, MPIK Heidelberg, Deutschland |
99. |
20.02.2018 High-Voltage measurements with collinear laser spectroscopy KATRIN Collaboration Meeting, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany |
98. |
30.01.2018 The hyperfine puzzle of strong field bound-state QED Seminar des Stefan-Meyer-Instituts, Vienna, Austria |
97. |
23.11.2017 The hyperfine puzzle of strong field bound-state QED Quantum Seminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany |
96. |
04.-09.09.2017 Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Heavy Ions at the ESR – The Hyperfine Puzzle of Strong-Field Bound-State QED Workshop for Storage Ring Physics and Accelerator Technologies, Bejing, China |
95. |
14.-19.07.2017 Recent Developments in Laser Spectroscopy for RIBs 3 Lectures a 45 min at the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course 201 – Nuclear Physics with Stable and Radioactive Ion Beams, Varenna, Italy |
94. |
29.05.2017 QED and the hyperfine-structure puzzle in hydrogen-like and lithium-like bismuth 3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, ARIS 2017, Keystone, Colorado, USA |
93. |
25.04.2017 Laser Spectroscopy at CRYRING – An Outlook Workshop on Research with CRYRING@ESR, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenphysik, Darmstadt, Germany |
92. |
18.05.2016 QED tests with the GSI Experimental Storage Ring and HITRAP X International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznań, Poland |
91. |
September 13-18, 2015 Laser Spectroscopy of Stored and Trapped Ions 4 Lectures a 45 minutes at the 3rd Joint HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics – Fall 2015 – Haus Ebersberg, Bad Zwelden, Germany |
90. |
June 8-12, 2015 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Few-Electron Systems at the Extremes CRC 634 – Achievements and Outlook, Darmstadtium Conference Center, Darmstadt, Germany |
89. |
June 7-10, 2015 Recent advances in instrumentation for collinear laser spectroscopy 7th International Conference on Laser Probing (LAP2015), East Lansing, Michigan, USA |
88. |
18.-22.05.2015 Laser Spectroscopy of Few-Electron Systems at the Extremes: Structure of Light Nuclei and QED in Strong Fields The 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21), Chicago, Illinois, USA |
87. |
02.03.-06.03.2015 LASPEC and MATS: Bridging the Gap to FAIR NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2015, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany |
86. |
24.02.-25.02.2015 HVDC Rückführung mittels Laser-Spektroskopie 288. PTB-Seminar: HVDC – Erzeugung, Messung und Anwendungen, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig , Germany |
85. |
22.01.2015 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, Precision Tests and Metrology HIC4FAIR-Kolloquium, Gießen, Germany |
84. |
02.12.2014 Laser-based tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions at the ESR 6th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP2014), Takamatsu, Japan |
83. |
29.11.2014 Laser Spectroscopy of Stored Ions TCP2014 School & E3 Symposium 2014, RIKEN, Japan |
82. |
19.11.2014 Moments and radii of light and medium-heavy elements from collinear laser spectroscopy MPG-BMBF-TÜBITAK Preparatory Workshop: “Nuclear structure studies using empirical and theoretical ground and excited state properties”, Istanbul University, Turkey |
81. |
13.10.2014 SPARC at FAIR: Prospects for Atomic Spectroscopy International Conference on Science and Technology for FAIR in Europe, Worms, Germany |
80. |
02.10.2014 Laser Spectroscopy at Storage Rings 9th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI'14), Schloss Rheinfels, St. Goar, Germany |
79. |
10.09.2014 Laser Spectroscopy at GSI: Past, Present and Future VII International Symposium on EXOtic Nuclei (EXON-2014), Kaliningrad, Russia |
78. |
01.07.2014 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure, Precision Tests and Metrology Physikalisches Kolloquium, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany |
77. |
18.03.2014 Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Ground-State Properties Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Hadronen und Kerne, Frankfurt, Germany |
76. |
05.02. 2014 Collinear Spectroscopy of Be Isotopes and the Quest for the Charge Radius of Boron-8 EMMI Workshop “Threshold physics at the neutron dripline”, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany |
75. |
29.01.2014 Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Interactions PRISMA-Seminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany |
74. |
June 3-7, 2013 High precision atomic data for halo nuclei and related nuclear structure 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec, Canada |
73. |
14.05.2013 Nuclear ground state properties by laser spectroscopy IX International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH, Poznan, Poland |
72. |
28.11.2012 Laser spectroscopy at the HESR SPARC Workshop, Vienna, Austria |
71. |
5-8 November 2012 Laser spectroscopy on ion beams: testing fundamental interactions and symmetries 3 lectures a 45 min., General FANTOM Study Week on Photon Science, Groningen, the Netherlands |
70. |
02.11.2012 Atomkerne im Laserlicht – Laserspektroskopie an der Schnittstelle von Atom- und Kernphysik Antrittsvorlesung, Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU-Darmstadt, Germany |
69. |
October 8-12, 2012 LASPEC – Laser Spectroscopy at the Low-Energy Beamline at FAIR “NUSTAR Week 2012”, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA |
68. |
Sep. 30 – Oct. 4, 2012 High precision atomic data for halo nuclei and related nuclear structure ICAMDATA 2012: Eighth International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, USA |
67. |
September 10-14, 2012 Tests of relativity and bound-state QED at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR European Conference on Trapped Ions, Obergurgl, Austria |
66. |
September 5, 2012 Ground-state hyperfine transition in Li-like Bi HCI 2012, Heidelberg, Germany |
65. |
June 10 – 15, 2012 Laser Spectroscopy of Radioactive Isotopes for Nuclear Structure Studies Nobel Symposium NS 152 – Physics with Radioactive Beams, 2012, Göteborg, Sweden |
64. |
May 29 – June 3, 2012 Charge Radii of Neutron-Rich Light Isotopes by High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy CIPANP 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida |
63. |
02.04.2012 Laser spectroscopic determination of nuclear ground state properties: Recent progress and challenges SFB 634 – Workshop 2012, Bonn Bad Godesberg, Germany |
62. |
13.03.2012 High Precision Laser Spectroscopy at the Storage Ring ESR Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (AMOP), Stuttgart, Germany |
61. |
09.01.2012 Exoten im Laserlicht – Prüfsteine für fundamentale Wechselwirkungen und Symmetrien Seminar für Kern- und Radiochemie, Institut für Kernchemie, Mainz, Germany |
60. |
18.10.2011 Experimental progress and prospects in studies of light nuclei Workshop on Nuclear structure seen through ground-state properties of exotic nuclei, ECT*, Trento, Italy |
59. |
04.10.2011 Test of time dilation with relativistic Li+ ions at the ESR Workshop on low-energy fundamental-interactions physics at ISOL@MYRRHA, SCL-CEN, Mol, Belgium |
58. |
05.07.2011 Laser Spectroscopic Tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions using Highly Charged Ions and Relativistic Ion Beams Sonderseminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
57. |
13.04.2011 Laserspektroskopie exotischer Kerne und hochgeladener gespeicherter Ionen Sonderseminar, TU Darmstadt, Institut für Kernphysik |
56. |
11.01.2011 Laser Spectroscopy of Exotic Few-Electron Systems: Investigations at the Boundary of Atomic and Nuclear Physics FIAS-EMMI Day, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany |
55. |
03.12.2010 Test der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie am ESR KHuK Jahrestagung 2010, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany |
54. |
13.09.2010 Recent developments in Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at ISOLDE/CERN Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions HFI/NQI 2010, CERN, Geneva |
53. |
29.06.2010 Test of Time Dilation by Laser Spectroscopy EMMI Workshop on Physics Prospects at the ESR and HITRAP 2010, Eisenach, Germany |
52. |
05.05.2010 Absolute voltage calibration by collinear laser spectroscopy International Workshop on Energy calibration of the KATRIN experiment, Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Münster, Germany |
51. |
12.04.2010 QED tests in highly-charged ions using laser spectroscopy Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics, TCP2010, Tunturihotelli in Saariselkä, Finland |
50. |
23.03.2010 Precision laser spectroscopy of light exotic isotopes Nordic Winter Meeting on Physics @ FAIR, Björkliden, Sweden |
49. |
19.03.2010 Ladungsradien leichter Radionuklide und die Struktur von Halokernen Frühjahrstagung der DPG Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, Germany |
48. |
03.03.2010 Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii Annual NuSTAR Meeting 2010, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany |
47. |
26.02.2010 Laserspektroskopie – ein Zugang zur Atom- und Kernstruktur der schwersten Elemente Gemeinsames Sonderseminar der Universität Mainz und der GSI Darmstadt, Seminarraum Theorie (SB3 3.170a), GSI Darmstadt, Germany |
46. |
11.12.2009 Bericht zur ISOLDE Jahrestagung des Komitees für Hadronen und Kerne (KHuK), Bad Honnef (Germany) |
45. |
08 – 11.09.2009 Lasers used in radioactive beam experiments 4 lectures à 45 min, 16th Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2009, Leuven, Belgium, September 4 to 11, 2009 |
44. |
02.09.2009 Nuclear Charge Radii of Light Halo Nuclei XXXI Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics: Nuclear Physics and the Road to FAIR, Piaski (Poland) |
43. |
24.07.2009 Precision laser spectroscopy of light exotic isotopes Institutsseminar des Physikalischen Instituts Tübingen |
42. |
23.06.2009 Laser spectroscopy of halo nulei VIII International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznan, Poland, June 22-25, 2009 |
41. |
23.06.2009 Laser spectroscopy on relativistic lithium beams for a test of Lorentz invariance VIII International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznan, Poland, June 22-25, 2009 |
40. |
10.06.2009 The nuclear charge radius of Be-11 and recent achievements in high-resolution laser spectroscopy at GSI Bothe Kolloquium, MPIK Heidelberg, Deutschland |
39. |
13.05.2009 The nuclear charge radius of Be-11 and recent achievements in high-resolution laser spectroscopy at GSI NUSTAR Seminar, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Deutschland |
38. |
22.04.2009 “Es werde Licht! Wie Laser uns helfen die Welt zu verstehen – Anwendungen des Lasers an den Grenzen des Wissens” Wissenschaft für alle, GSI Darmstadt, Deutschland |
37. |
26.03.2009 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at its Best: Charge Radii of Be-7,9,10 and the Halo Nucleus Be-11 NUSTAR Annual Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Germany |
36. |
10.12.2008 The Nuclear Charge Radius of Halo Nuclei Experimental Subatomic Physics Seminar, Chalmers University, Göteborg, Schweden |
35. |
19.11.2008 Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Matter: Nuclear Charge Radii of Halo Nuclei ISHIP Workshop, GSI Darmstadt, Germany |
34. |
09.10.2008 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at LASPEC and other Facilities LASPEC-MATS Workshop, Matalascañas (Huelva), Spain |
33. |
16.07.2008 On-line and Off-line Applications of a Frequency Comb at GSI Atomic Physics Seminar, GSI Darmstadt, Germany |
32. |
27.03.2008 Lasers shed new light on halos: The nuclear charge radii of Li-11 and Be-11 Halo Workshop, TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada) |
31. |
20.12.2007 From Present into the Future – Laser Spectroscopy at GSI Inter-University Accelerator Center Delhi (India) |
30. |
17.12.2007 From Present into the Future – Laser Spectroscopy at GSI National Laser Symposium NLS-07, Vadodara (India) |
29. |
22.05.2007 Precision at the Intersection of Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laser Spectroscopy GSI Kolloquium, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany |
28. |
14.05.2007 Laserspektroskopie schwerster Elemente und exotischer Nuklide Festsymposium zu Ehren des Glenn T. Seaborg Awards für Dr. Norbert Trautmann, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany |
27. |
12. – 15.02.2007 From Tests of Fundamental Symmetries to Nuclear Structure – Recent Progress of Laser Spectroscopy at GSI 3. SPARC Workshop, Paris |
26. |
09.02.2007 Halo Nuclei in Laser Light Graduiertenkolleg “Hadrons in Vacuum, in Nuclei and Stars”, Basel |
25. |
26.01.2007 Laserspectroscopy of highly charged ions at HITRAP Nuclear Physics Institute, Westfälische Universität Münster, Germany |
24. |
11.01.2007 Halo nuclei in laser light – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Physics Division Seminar Oak Ridge, USA |
23. |
10.01.2007 Halo nuclei in laser light – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11 National Superconducting Laboratory NSCL – Nuclear Seminar Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA |
22. |
08.01.2007 High-Precision spectroscopy of exotic Nuclei – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11 NIST Radioactivity Group Seminar Gaithersburg, USA |
21. |
19.10.2006 LaSpec at FAIR's Low-Energy Beamline (LEB) 1st International Workshop on Advanced Laser and Mass Spectroscopy – ALMAS1, GSI Darmstadt |
20. |
14.09.2006 Halo Nuclei in Laser Light LAP, Vienna, Austria |
19. |
15.06.2006 Halo Nuclei in Laser Light PSAS, Venice, Italy |
18. |
07.06.2006 Halo Nuclei in Laser Light EGAS, Ischia, Italy |
17. |
01.06.2006 Perspectives for Laser Spectroscopy of Radioactive Isotopes: LaSpec at FAIR's Low-Energy Beamline Laser 2006, Poznan, Poland |
16. |
09.02.2006 Exotic Nuclei in Laser Light – Shapes and Sizes of “diffuse” Nuclei Teachers Retraining, Institute of Physics, University of Mainz |
15. |
07.06.2005 Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei: Determination of the 11Li Charge Radius Canaidain Association of Physicists Congress, Vancouver |
14. |
25.05.2005 Electrons Spy on Nuclei: The nuclear charge radius of the halo nucleus 11Li Bode-Kolloquium, Max Planck-Institute of Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg |
13. |
04.03.2005 Laser Spectroscopic Nuclear Charge Radii Determination of Light Nuclei – From Hydrogen to Lithium Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Atomic Physics Section, Berlin |
12. |
04.03.2005 Laser Spectroscopic Nuclear Charge Radii Determination of Light Nuclei Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Section Hadrons and Nuclei, Plenary Talk, Berlin |
11. |
10.02.2005 Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – Nuclear Charge Radius Determination of the Halo Nucleus 11Li Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Institute of Physics, QUANTUM Seminar |
10. |
24.11.2004 Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii at the Neutron Dripline Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry |
9. |
30.06.2004 Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei: Whispers about the Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li TRIUMF, Vancouver |
8. |
25.05.2004 Electrons Spy on Nuclei – The Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9Li Workshop on “Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research”, Poznan, Poland |
7. |
19.03.2004 Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Detecting Whispers about the Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li Argonne National Laboratory, Physics Division |
6. |
22.01.2004 Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – How to Measure Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Institute of Physics, Atomic Physics Seminar |
5. |
21.01.2004 Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Determination of the Charge Radii of 8,9Li GSI Darmstadt, Nuclear Physics Seminar |
4. |
15.11.2002 Electrons Spy on Nuclei – How to determine the Charge Radius of 11Li Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Physics, HSB Seminar |
3. |
08.11.2002 Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Detecting Whispers About the Charge Radius of 11Li Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Institute of Experimental Physics |
2. |
03.07.2002 Measuring the charge radius of 11Li: A Status Report GSI Darmstadt, Atomic Physics Seminar |
1. |
31.07.1997 Ultratrace Determination of Calcium with Diode-Laser-Based RIMS – First Successful Measurements of 41Ca Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |