Arbeitsgruppe Wilfried Nörtershäuser
Experimentelle Atom- und Kernphysik radioaktiver Nuklide

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Nörtershäuser


Experimentelle Atom- und Kernphysik radioaktiver Nuklide


work +49 6151 16-23575

Work S2|14 221
Schlossgartenstraße 9
64289 Darmstadt

Curriculum Vitae

International Advisory Committee of the LISA (Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinides) Conference in Leuven, Belgium
2022 – 2023 Local Organizing Committee of the European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (EFB25), Mainz
2021 – Gewähltes Mitglied des Komitees für Hadronen und Kerne (KHuK), Sektion „Fundamentale Symmetrien“
2021 – Ex-Officio Mitglied (KHuK) des Komitees für Astroteilchenphysik (KAT)
2020 – Programmdirektor der Abteilung APPA der Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR (HFHF)
2019 – International Advisory Committee of the Hyperfine Interactions Conference Series
2016 – 2019 Studiendekan des Fachbereiches Physik
2016 – Principal Investigator, DFG SFB 1245
2016 – Co-Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration
2016 – Member of the European Physical Society (EPS)
2015 Co-Organizer, ECT* Workshop “The interplay between atomic and nuclear physics to study exotic nuclei”, with S. Fritzsche, M. Godefroid, and G. Neyens
2013 – International Advisory Committee, European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI)
2012 – 2016 Principal Investigator, PRISMA Excellence Cluster, JGU Mainz
2012 Organizer, 501. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar Nuclear Ground-State Properties of the Lightest Nuclei: Status and Perspectives, with T. Neff, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
2010 International Advisory Board of the International Conference on Laser Probing (LAP), TRIUMF, Canada
2009 – 2012 Gründungsmitglied des Helmholtz Institutes Mainz (HIM)
2009 – 2016 Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration
2008 Co-Organizer, LASPEC-MATS workshop, Matalascañas (Huelva), Spain
2006 Organizer Workshop: “Advanced Laser and Mass Spectroscopy”, ALMAS-1, GSI, FAIR
2005 – 2012 Coordinator of Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at the ESR
2006 – 2009 Coordinator, Laser Spectroscopy Experiments, GSI, Darmstadt
2004 – 2009 Deputy Spokesperson, LASPEC Collaboration
1999 – 2000 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellowship
1997 DAAD Foreign Exchange Scholarship
1995 – Member of the German Phsical Society (DPG)
2009 Berufung zum Professor als Juniorprofessor an das Institut für Kernchemie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
2012 Evaluation und Wiederberufung als Juniorprofessor
2012 Ernennung zum Universitätsprofessor für „Experimentelle Atom- und Kernphysik radioaktiver Nuklide“ an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt
1999 – 2000 Postdoc (Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland WA, USA)
2000 – 2005 Wissenschaflicher Angestellter (Eberhard Karls-Universität, Tübingen)
2005 – 2011 Leiter einer 'Helmholtz-Hochschul-Nachwuchsgruppe'
'Laser Spektroskopie von exotischen Atomen und hochgeladenen Ionen' (LaserSpHERe)
Institut für Kernchemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz & GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt
1990 – 1995 Physikstudium (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
1995 Physik Diplom – mit Auszeichnung
1996 – 1999 Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz)
1999 Doctor rerum naturalium in Physik – magna cum laude
1990 – 1995 Stipendiat der „Studienstiftug des deutschen Volkes“

Eingeladene Vorträge

123. 18.-22.11.2024
Laser Spectroscopy at Storage Rings
The 11th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI’24), Huizhou, Guangdong, China
122. 06.-10.09.2024
Laser Spectroscopy of 208Bi82+ at the ESR
21st Sparc Topical Workshop, Münster University, Germany
121. 30.08.2024
Laser Spectroscopy of He-Like C4+ and Prospects for other He-Like Light Systems
15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST 2024), Kielce, Poland
120. 09.–14.06.2024
Laser Spectoscopy of 208Bi82+ at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR
PLATAN 2024 – Merger of the Poznan Meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing, Agora, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
119. 10.05.2024
Charge Radii of Light Elements from He-Like Systems
Workshop on NREC 2024 (Nuclear Radius Extraction Collaboration), Stony Brook University, Stony Brook (NY), USA
118. 29.02.2024
High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of He-like C4+
Seminar Talk at Peking University, Peking, China
117. 26.-28.02.2024
Atomic State Population Dynamics at CRYRING@ESR
The 1st Workshop on Polarized Beam and Target – Physics and Applications (PBT2024), Huizhou, Guangdong, China
116. 16.11.2023
High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of He-like C4+ Ions
Quantum Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
115. 09.-10.11.2023
Probing Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Interactions by Laser Spectroscopy at Accelerators
Block Lecture SFB 1227, DQmat, Leibniz Universität Hannover
114. 06.03.2023
Laser Spectroscopy at the Storage Rings of GSI/FAIR
Symposium Precision Physics with Highly Charged Ions, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Photonik (SAMOP), Hannover
113. 06.12.2022
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure
GSI Kolloquium, Darmstadt, Germany
112. 08.11.2022
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure
Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig, Germany
111. 20.10.2022
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure
Atomphysik Seminar, Helmholtz Institut Jena, Germany
110. 10-15.07.2022
Nuclear Charge Radii from Boron to Carbon
Halo Week 2022, Bergen, Norway
109. 11.-15.04.2022
Nuclear Charge Radii: The N=28 Shell Closure and Prospects in the Z=5 Region
ECT* Workshop „Nuclear Physics from Atomic Spectroscopy“, (Online Event)
108. 06.09.2021
FAIR Phase 0 – Laser Spectroscopy and Applications
SPARC Workshop 2021 (Online Event)
107. 04.02.2021
The APPA Research Program in HFHF -Plans and Recent Results
HFHF Kolloquium, Gießen
106. 25.11.2019
Electrons spy the Nucleus: Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii
Solvay Workshop on „New Frontiers in Atomic, Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysics“, Brussels, Belgium
105. 05.11.2019
Atomic Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure
Colloquium in Memorian of Ernst Otten, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
104. 09.10.2019
Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions
Workshop “Laser spectroscopy as a tool for nuclear theories", CEA, Saclay, France
103. 19.05.2019
Determination of Nuclear Ground State Properties by Laser Spectroscopy
Invited Tutorial Lecture at the PLATAN-2019 conference, Mainz, Germany
10.2 30.08.2018
Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure Studies
Euroschool on Exotic Beams – 25-years Symposium, Leuven, Belgien
101. 12.07.2018
The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology
HIC4FAIR Colloquium, Universität Gießen, Deutschland
100. 02.05.2018
The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology
Bothe Kolloquium, MPIK Heidelberg, Deutschland
99. 20.02.2018
High-Voltage measurements with collinear laser spectroscopy
KATRIN Collaboration Meeting, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
98. 30.01.2018
The hyperfine puzzle of strong field bound-state QED
Seminar des Stefan-Meyer-Instituts, Vienna, Austria
97. 23.11.2017
The hyperfine puzzle of strong field bound-state QED
Quantum Seminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
96. 04.-09.09.2017
Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Heavy Ions at the ESR – The Hyperfine Puzzle of Strong-Field Bound-State QED
Workshop for Storage Ring Physics and Accelerator Technologies, Bejing, China
95. 14.-19.07.2017
Recent Developments in Laser Spectroscopy for RIBs
3 Lectures a 45 min at the International School of Physics „Enrico Fermi“, Course 201 – Nuclear Physics with Stable and Radioactive Ion Beams, Varenna, Italy
94. 29.05.2017
QED and the hyperfine-structure puzzle in hydrogen-like and lithium-like bismuth
3rd International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science, ARIS 2017, Keystone, Colorado, USA
93. 25.04.2017
Laser Spectroscopy at CRYRING – An Outlook
Workshop on Research with CRYRING@ESR, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenphysik, Darmstadt, Germany
92. 18.05.2016
QED tests with the GSI Experimental Storage Ring and HITRAP
X International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznań, Poland
91. September 13-18, 2015
Laser Spectroscopy of Stored and Trapped Ions
4 Lectures a 45 minutes at the 3rd Joint HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics – Fall 2015 – Haus Ebersberg, Bad Zwelden, Germany
90. June 8-12, 2015
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Few-Electron Systems at the Extremes
CRC 634 – Achievements and Outlook, Darmstadtium Conference Center, Darmstadt, Germany
89. June 7-10, 2015
Recent advances in instrumentation for collinear laser spectroscopy
7th International Conference on Laser Probing (LAP2015), East Lansing, Michigan, USA
88. 18.-22.05.2015
Laser Spectroscopy of Few-Electron Systems at the Extremes: Structure of Light Nuclei and QED in Strong Fields
The 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21), Chicago, Illinois, USA
87. 02.03.-06.03.2015
LASPEC and MATS: Bridging the Gap to FAIR
NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2015, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
86. 24.02.-25.02.2015
HVDC Rückführung mittels Laser-Spektroskopie
288. PTB-Seminar: HVDC – Erzeugung, Messung und Anwendungen, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig , Germany
85. 22.01.2015
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, Precision Tests and Metrology
HIC4FAIR-Kolloquium, Gießen, Germany
84. 02.12.2014
Laser-based tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions at the ESR
6th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP2014), Takamatsu, Japan
83. 29.11.2014
Laser Spectroscopy of Stored Ions
TCP2014 School & E3 Symposium 2014, RIKEN, Japan
82. 19.11.2014
Moments and radii of light and medium-heavy elements from collinear laser spectroscopy
MPG-BMBF-TÜBITAK Preparatory Workshop: „Nuclear structure studies using empirical and theoretical ground and excited state properties“, Istanbul University, Turkey
81. 13.10.2014
SPARC at FAIR: Prospects for Atomic Spectroscopy
International Conference on Science and Technology for FAIR in Europe, Worms, Germany
80. 02.10.2014
Laser Spectroscopy at Storage Rings
9th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI'14), Schloss Rheinfels, St. Goar, Germany
79. 10.09.2014
Laser Spectroscopy at GSI: Past, Present and Future
VII International Symposium on EXOtic Nuclei (EXON-2014), Kaliningrad, Russia
78. 01.07.2014
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure, Precision Tests and Metrology
Physikalisches Kolloquium, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
77. 18.03.2014
Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Ground-State Properties
Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Hadronen und Kerne, Frankfurt, Germany
76. 05.02. 2014
Collinear Spectroscopy of Be Isotopes and the Quest for the Charge Radius of Boron-8
EMMI Workshop „Threshold physics at the neutron dripline“, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
75. 29.01.2014
Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Interactions
PRISMA-Seminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany
74. June 3-7, 2013
High precision atomic data for halo nuclei and related nuclear structure
44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec, Canada
73. 14.05.2013
Nuclear ground state properties by laser spectroscopy
72. 28.11.2012
Laser spectroscopy at the HESR
SPARC Workshop, Vienna, Austria
71. 5-8 November 2012
Laser spectroscopy on ion beams: testing fundamental interactions and symmetries
3 lectures a 45 min., General FANTOM Study Week on Photon Science, Groningen, the Netherlands
70. 02.11.2012
Atomkerne im Laserlicht – Laserspektroskopie an der Schnittstelle von Atom- und Kernphysik
Antrittsvorlesung, Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU-Darmstadt, Germany
69. October 8-12, 2012
LASPEC – Laser Spectroscopy at the Low-Energy Beamline at FAIR
„NUSTAR Week 2012“, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA
68. Sep. 30 – Oct. 4, 2012
High precision atomic data for halo nuclei and related nuclear structure
ICAMDATA 2012: Eighth International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, USA
67. September 10-14, 2012
Tests of relativity and bound-state QED at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR
European Conference on Trapped Ions, Obergurgl, Austria
66. September 5, 2012
Ground-state hyperfine transition in Li-like Bi
HCI 2012, Heidelberg, Germany
65. June 10 – 15, 2012
Laser Spectroscopy of Radioactive Isotopes for Nuclear Structure Studies
Nobel Symposium NS 152 – Physics with Radioactive Beams, 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
64. May 29 – June 3, 2012
Charge Radii of Neutron-Rich Light Isotopes by High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy
CIPANP 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida
63. 02.04.2012
Laser spectroscopic determination of nuclear ground state properties: Recent progress and challenges
SFB 634 – Workshop 2012, Bonn Bad Godesberg, Germany
62. 13.03.2012
High Precision Laser Spectroscopy at the Storage Ring ESR
Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (AMOP), Stuttgart, Germany
61. 09.01.2012
Exoten im Laserlicht – Prüfsteine für fundamentale Wechselwirkungen und Symmetrien
Seminar für Kern- und Radiochemie, Institut für Kernchemie, Mainz, Germany
60. 18.10.2011
Experimental progress and prospects in studies of light nuclei
Workshop on Nuclear structure seen through ground-state properties of exotic nuclei, ECT*, Trento, Italy
59. 04.10.2011
Test of time dilation with relativistic Li+ ions at the ESR
Workshop on low-energy fundamental-interactions physics at ISOL@MYRRHA, SCL-CEN, Mol, Belgium
58. 05.07.2011
Laser Spectroscopic Tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions using Highly Charged Ions and Relativistic Ion Beams
Sonderseminar, Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
57. 13.04.2011
Laserspektroskopie exotischer Kerne und hochgeladener gespeicherter Ionen
Sonderseminar, TU Darmstadt, Institut für Kernphysik
56. 11.01.2011
Laser Spectroscopy of Exotic Few-Electron Systems: Investigations at the Boundary of Atomic and Nuclear Physics
FIAS-EMMI Day, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany
55. 03.12.2010
Test der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie am ESR
KHuK Jahrestagung 2010, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
54. 13.09.2010
Recent developments in Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at ISOLDE/CERN
Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions HFI/NQI 2010, CERN, Geneva
53. 29.06.2010
Test of Time Dilation by Laser Spectroscopy
EMMI Workshop on Physics Prospects at the ESR and HITRAP 2010, Eisenach, Germany
52. 05.05.2010
Absolute voltage calibration by collinear laser spectroscopy
International Workshop on Energy calibration of the KATRIN experiment, Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Münster, Germany
51. 12.04.2010
QED tests in highly-charged ions using laser spectroscopy
Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics, TCP2010, Tunturihotelli in Saariselkä, Finland
50. 23.03.2010
Precision laser spectroscopy of light exotic isotopes
Nordic Winter Meeting on Physics @ FAIR, Björkliden, Sweden
49. 19.03.2010
Ladungsradien leichter Radionuklide und die Struktur von Halokernen
Frühjahrstagung der DPG Hadronen und Kerne, Bonn, Germany
48. 03.03.2010
Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii
Annual NuSTAR Meeting 2010, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
47. 26.02.2010
Laserspektroskopie – ein Zugang zur Atom- und Kernstruktur der schwersten Elemente
Gemeinsames Sonderseminar der Universität Mainz und der GSI Darmstadt, Seminarraum Theorie (SB3 3.170a), GSI Darmstadt, Germany
46. 11.12.2009
Bericht zur ISOLDE
Jahrestagung des Komitees für Hadronen und Kerne (KHuK), Bad Honnef (Germany)
45. 08 – 11.09.2009
Lasers used in radioactive beam experiments
4 lectures à 45 min, 16th Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2009, Leuven, Belgium, September 4 to 11, 2009
44. 02.09.2009
Nuclear Charge Radii of Light Halo Nuclei
XXXI Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics: Nuclear Physics and the Road to FAIR, Piaski (Poland)
43. 24.07.2009
Precision laser spectroscopy of light exotic isotopes
Institutsseminar des Physikalischen Instituts Tübingen
42. 23.06.2009
Laser spectroscopy of halo nulei
VIII International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznan, Poland, June 22-25, 2009
41. 23.06.2009
Laser spectroscopy on relativistic lithium beams for a test of Lorentz invariance
VIII International Workshop: APPLICATION OF LASERS AND STORAGE DEVICES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI RESEARCH – Recent Achievements and Future Prospects, Poznan, Poland, June 22-25, 2009
40. 10.06.2009
The nuclear charge radius of Be-11 and recent achievements in high-resolution laser spectroscopy at GSI
Bothe Kolloquium, MPIK Heidelberg, Deutschland
39. 13.05.2009
The nuclear charge radius of Be-11 and recent achievements in high-resolution laser spectroscopy at GSI
NUSTAR Seminar, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Deutschland
38. 22.04.2009
„Es werde Licht! Wie Laser uns helfen die Welt zu verstehen – Anwendungen des Lasers an den Grenzen des Wissens“
Wissenschaft für alle, GSI Darmstadt, Deutschland
37. 26.03.2009
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at its Best: Charge Radii of Be-7,9,10 and the Halo Nucleus Be-11
NUSTAR Annual Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
36. 10.12.2008
The Nuclear Charge Radius of Halo Nuclei
Experimental Subatomic Physics Seminar, Chalmers University, Göteborg, Schweden
35. 19.11.2008
Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Matter: Nuclear Charge Radii of Halo Nuclei
ISHIP Workshop, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
34. 09.10.2008
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at LASPEC and other Facilities
LASPEC-MATS Workshop, Matalascañas (Huelva), Spain
33. 16.07.2008
On-line and Off-line Applications of a Frequency Comb at GSI
Atomic Physics Seminar, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
32. 27.03.2008
Lasers shed new light on halos: The nuclear charge radii of Li-11 and Be-11
Halo Workshop, TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada)
31. 20.12.2007
From Present into the Future – Laser Spectroscopy at GSI
Inter-University Accelerator Center Delhi (India)
30. 17.12.2007
From Present into the Future – Laser Spectroscopy at GSI
National Laser Symposium NLS-07, Vadodara (India)
29. 22.05.2007
Precision at the Intersection of Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Laser Spectroscopy GSI Kolloquium, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
28. 14.05.2007
Laserspektroskopie schwerster Elemente und exotischer Nuklide
Festsymposium zu Ehren des Glenn T. Seaborg Awards für Dr. Norbert Trautmann, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany
27. 12. – 15.02.2007
From Tests of Fundamental Symmetries to Nuclear Structure – Recent Progress of Laser Spectroscopy at GSI
3. SPARC Workshop, Paris
26. 09.02.2007
Halo Nuclei in Laser Light
Graduiertenkolleg „Hadrons in Vacuum, in Nuclei and Stars“, Basel
25. 26.01.2007
Laserspectroscopy of highly charged ions at HITRAP
Nuclear Physics Institute, Westfälische Universität Münster, Germany
24. 11.01.2007
Halo nuclei in laser light – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Physics Division Seminar Oak Ridge, USA
23. 10.01.2007
Halo nuclei in laser light – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11
National Superconducting Laboratory NSCL – Nuclear Seminar Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
22. 08.01.2007
High-Precision spectroscopy of exotic Nuclei – The nuclear charge radius of Li-11
NIST Radioactivity Group Seminar Gaithersburg, USA
21. 19.10.2006
LaSpec at FAIR's Low-Energy Beamline (LEB)
1st International Workshop on Advanced Laser and Mass Spectroscopy – ALMAS1, GSI Darmstadt
20. 14.09.2006
Halo Nuclei in Laser Light
LAP, Vienna, Austria
19. 15.06.2006
Halo Nuclei in Laser Light
PSAS, Venice, Italy
18. 07.06.2006
Halo Nuclei in Laser Light
EGAS, Ischia, Italy
17. 01.06.2006
Perspectives for Laser Spectroscopy of Radioactive Isotopes: LaSpec at FAIR's Low-Energy Beamline
Laser 2006, Poznan, Poland
16. 09.02.2006
Exotic Nuclei in Laser Light – Shapes and Sizes of „diffuse“ Nuclei
Teachers Retraining, Institute of Physics, University of Mainz
15. 07.06.2005
Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei: Determination of the 11Li Charge Radius
Canaidain Association of Physicists Congress, Vancouver
14. 25.05.2005
Electrons Spy on Nuclei: The nuclear charge radius of the halo nucleus 11Li
Bode-Kolloquium, Max Planck-Institute of Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
13. 04.03.2005
Laser Spectroscopic Nuclear Charge Radii Determination of Light Nuclei – From Hydrogen to Lithium
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Atomic Physics Section, Berlin
12. 04.03.2005
Laser Spectroscopic Nuclear Charge Radii Determination of Light Nuclei
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Section Hadrons and Nuclei, Plenary Talk, Berlin
11. 10.02.2005
Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – Nuclear Charge Radius Determination of the Halo Nucleus 11Li
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Institute of Physics, QUANTUM Seminar
10. 24.11.2004
Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – Laser Spectroscopic Determination of Nuclear Charge Radii at the Neutron Dripline
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry
9. 30.06.2004
Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei: Whispers about the Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li
TRIUMF, Vancouver
8. 25.05.2004
Electrons Spy on Nuclei – The Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9Li
Workshop on „Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research“, Poznan, Poland
7. 19.03.2004
Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Detecting Whispers about the Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li
Argonne National Laboratory, Physics Division
6. 22.01.2004
Electronic Eavesdropping on Nuclei – How to Measure Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9,11Li
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Institute of Physics, Atomic Physics Seminar
5. 21.01.2004
Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Determination of the Charge Radii of 8,9Li
GSI Darmstadt, Nuclear Physics Seminar
4. 15.11.2002
Electrons Spy on Nuclei – How to determine the Charge Radius of 11Li
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute of Physics, HSB Seminar
3. 08.11.2002
Electrons Spy on Nuclei – Detecting Whispers About the Charge Radius of 11Li
Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Institute of Experimental Physics
2. 03.07.2002
Measuring the charge radius of 11Li: A Status Report
GSI Darmstadt, Atomic Physics Seminar
1. 31.07.1997
Ultratrace Determination of Calcium with Diode-Laser-Based RIMS – First Successful Measurements of 41Ca
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory