Name | Title of Thesis | Type of Thesis | Year | Project(s) |
Madalina Enciu | Extended p3/2 neutron orbital and the N=32 shell closure in 52Ca | Doctoral Thesis | 2023 | A03, A08 |
Paul Christians | Development of a Bayesian Analysis for the No-Core Shell Model | Bachelor | 2020 | A02 |
Jonas Winter | DFT-Optimized Bases in the No-Core Shell Model | Bachelor | 2020 | A02 |
Lisa Wagner | Translationally Invariant Radii via Density Matrices | Bachelor | 2020 | A02 |
Cedric Wenz | Applications of Machine Learning in NCSM Calculations | Bachelor | 2020 | A02 |
Daniel Kromm | Bayesian Analysis of Light Nuclei within the No-Core Shell Model | Bachelor | 2020 | A02 |
Katharina Schröder | Global Optimization of Chiral Interactions | Bachelor | 2021 | A02, A04 |
Michelle Müller | Bayesian Order-by-Order Uncertainty Quantification for Observables | Bachelor | 2021 | A02 |
Maximilian Dick | Super-Soft Chiral Interactions from Many-Body Optimization | Bachelor | 2021 | A20, A04 |
Marc Leon Agel | Using neural networks to extrapolate the results of ab initio No-Core Shell Model computations | Bachelor | 2021 | A02 |
Niklas Zimmermann | Extrapolating Radii from Ab Initio No-Core Shell Model Calculations using Artificial Neural Networks | Bachelor | 2022 | A02 |
Daniel Rodriguez | Predicting Converged Observables from NCSM Calculations with Neural Networks | Bachelor | 2022 | A02 |
Carl Walde | Applying the In-Medium No-Core Shell Model to the Calcium Chain | Master | 2022 | A04 |
Maximilian Jacobi | Neutron star mergers: mass ejection and the role of the nuclear equation of state | Doctoral | 2023 | B07 |
Moritz Reichert | Nucleosynthesis and observational evidences of magneto-rotational driven supernovae | Doctoral | 2020 | B06 |
Philipp Ries | The complete low-lying photon response of the even-even chromium isotopes | Doctoral | 2020 | B02 |
Tobias Klaus | Electric dipole polarizability and spin-M1 strength from 90Zr(p,p´) data at forward scattering angles | Doctoral | 2020 | B02, B04 |
Marcel Berger | Nuclear structure studies below particle threshold with the nuclear resonance fluorescence method | Doctoral | 2020 | B02 |
Tobias Beck | Novel decay properties of positive-parity low-spin states of deformed gadolinium and dysprosium nuclei | Doctoral | 2021 | B02 |
Rodric Seutin | Electromagnetic properties of light nuclei with chiral effective field theory currents | Doctoral | 2020 | B01 |
Sabrina Huth | Equation of state of hot and dense matter in astrophysics and in the laboratory | Doctoral | 2023 | B01 |
Sonja Storck-Dutine | Measurement of the neutron-decay lifetime of the 26O ground state at SAMURAI | Doctoral | 2023 | A06 |
Christopher Lehr | Low-energy dipole response of the halo nucleus 8He | Doctoral | 2021 | A05 |
Tobias Mongelli | The in-mediumno-core shell model as comprehensive ab initio tool | Doctoral | 2022 | A04 |
Jan Hoppe | The in-medium similarity renormalization group for ab initio nuclear structure: method advances and new applications | Doctoral | 2022 | A04 |
Michael Mathy | Electromagnetic properties of light neutron-rich nuclei – Lifetime measurements of 16C and 23Ne | Doctoral | 2020 | A03 |
Tim Ratajczyk | Isotope shift measurements in TI+ transitions using laser-ablated and thermalized ions | Doctoral | 2021 | A03 |
Thomas Pohl | Multi-mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal from 14O at 94 MeV/nucleon | Doctoral | 2022 | A03 |
Axel Frotscher | The (p,3p) two-proton removal from neutron-rich nuclei and the development of the STRASSE tracker | Doctoral | 2021 | A03 |
Fabian Hildenbrand | Structure of three-body hypernuclei | Doctoral | 2020 | A02, A05 |
Julius Müller | Development of a Gamow no-core shell model framework for nuclear resonance | Doctoral | 2023 | A02 |
Thomas Hüther | Families of chiral two- plus three-nucleon interactions for accurate nuclear structure studies | Doctoral | 2021 | A02 |
Stefan Alexa | Continuum systems in the no-core shell model | Doctoral | 2020 | A02 |
Gerhart Steinhilber | The electron-gamma coincidence setup at the S-DALINAC | Doctoral | 2022 | A01, B02 |
Michaela Hilcker | A superfluid liquid helium target for electron scattering experiments at the S-DALINAC | Doctoral | 2020 | A01 |
Antonio D'Alessio | B(E2) strength of the 2+1 state of 12C off (e,e´) data & New design of the multi-wire drift chamber detector at the QCLAM spectrometer | Doctoral | 2020 | A01, B02 |
Justin Schäfer | Neutrino interactions in neutron star merger remnants | Bachelor | 2023 | B06 |
Sebastian Dietz | Continuum structure of few-body systems | Doctoral | 2022 | A02 |
Martin Ebert | Range corrections in pionless three-particle systems | Doctoral | 2022 | A02 |
Gerrit Leck |
Convergence and Statistical Description of Neodymium and Uranium Atomic Data for Kilonova Spectral Modelling |
Master | 2022 | B06 |
Carsten Becker | Kilonova light curve modelling | Bachelor | 2022 | B01 |
Mario Luis Jakobs |
Deducing Nuclear Matter Parameters from Gravitational Waves of Neutron Star Mergers |
Master | 2022 | B01 |
Konstantin Mohr | First laser spectroscopy of Mg+ at CRYRING@ESR and He-like Boron at HITRAP | Doctoral | 2022 | A01 |
Juliane Helbich | Black-hole formation in mergers of spinning neutron stars | Master | 2022 | B07 |
Finia Penelope Jost | Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations with Aenus-Alcar: Heating Factor and Progenitors | Master | 2022 | B06 |
Phillip Imgram | High-precision laser spectroscopy of helium-like carbon 12C4+ | Doctoral | 2022 | A01 |
Rico Holz | Bestimmung der nuklearen Leveldichte von 58Ni mittels Fluktuationsanalyse | Bachelor | 2022 | B04 |
Mirko Strauß | Extraktion von Niveaudichten aus Kernspektren mittels Fluktuationsanalyse | Bachelor | 2022 | B04 |
Imke Lopp | Implementierung von Silizium-Photomultipliern zum Nachweis von Einzelphotonen | Bachelor | 2022 | A01, A03 |
Julien Spahn | Untergrundbereinigte kollineare Sättigungsspektroskopie an 12C4+ | Bachelor | 2022 | A01 |
Emily Burbach | Optimierung einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionenquelle für kollineare Laserspektroskopie an C4+-Ionen | Bachelor | 2022 | A01 |
Wael Elkamhawy | Electroweak Properties of Halo Nuclei in Effective Field Theory | Doctoral | 2021 | A05 |
René Kalla | Charakterisierung der Nachweiselemente der kollinearen Laserspektroskopie | Bachelor | 2021 | A01, A03 |
Felix Sommer | Nuclear Charge Radii across the N=Z=28 Shell Closure in Nickel Isotopes | Doctoral | 2021 | A03 |
Lisa Raymann | Charakterisierung von Spiegelsystemen für den optischen Nachweis | Bachelor | 2021 | A01, A03 |
Stylianos Nikas |
Nucleosynthesis on the aftermath of neutron star mergers: The creation of the first r-process peak |
Doctoral | 2020 | B01, B06 |
Dag Fahlig Strömberg |
Weak Interactions in Degenerate Oxygen-Neon Cores |
Doctoral | 2020 | B01 |
Julian Palmes | Doppler-free frequency modulated absorption spectroscopy of Iodine lines at 705 nm | Bachelor | 2020 | A03 |
Karen Stefhani Maria Antachoque Espino | Implementation of a velocity filter at KOALA for ion-source specification | Bachelor | 2020 | A01 |
Andreas Geißel | Towards the Equation of State for Neutron Stars | Master | 2021 | B05 |
Patrick van Beek | Towards Dipole Strength Measurements Using Total Photoabsorption: NEPTUN Upgrade and Commissioning | Doctoral | 2021 | B04 |
Timon Dörnfeld | Symmetry Breaking in Dense QCD Matter | Master | 2021 | B05 |
Benedikt Schallmo | Equation of State of QCD at Intermediate Densities | Master | 2020 | B05 |
Bernhard Maaß | Laser Spectroscopy of the Boron Isotopic Chain | Doctoral | 2020 | A01 |
Isabelle Brandherm | Magnetic dipole strength in 58Ni from inelastic proton scattering at extreme forward angles | Master | 2020 | B02, B04 |
Laura Renth | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Laser-Ablated Calcium Ions and Deployment of a Negative Ion Source for a Boron Atom Beam Produced by Photodetachment | Master | 2020 | A01, A03 |
M. K. Pieper | Funktionaler Renormierungsgruppenzugang für Untersuchungen von Kernmaterie | Bachelor | 2020 | B05 |
Maxim Singer | Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme eines neuen Datenaufnahmesystems am QCLAM-Spektrometer | Doctoral | 2020 | B02 |
Maximilian Spall | Investigation of excited states in 16O(p,p’) under extreme forward angles | Master | 2020 | B04 |
Sebastian Töpfel | Scaling behavior in dense matter | Master | 2020 | B05 |