First evidence for toroidal excitations in an atomic nucleus
Isabelle Brandherm defended her doctoral dissertation successfully
Isabelle Brandherm (SFB1245, B04) defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Electric and Magnetic Dipole Strength in 58Ni” successfully. Congratulations!
Naked Thallium-205 Ion Decay Reveals Sun’s History Over Millions of Years
Jörn Kleemann defended his doctoral dissertation successfully
Jörn Kleeman (GRK 2891 “Nuclear Photonics” and member of the SFB 1245, B02) defended his dissertation entitled “Probing the Giant Dipole Resonance using Nuclear Resonance Flourescence” with distinction. Congratulations!
Picture: Danielle Adams/TRIUMFPicture: Danielle Adams/TRIUMF
Exotic beta decay of thallium helps to determine the timescale of the Sun’s birth
Giersch Awards for 3 SFB Members
Matthias Heinz (A04) and Patrick Müller (A01) received Outstanding Thesis Awards and Andreas Geissel (Photo) was awarded a Giersch Excellence Grant. Congratulations to all Awardees.
Pierre Capel honored as Fellow of the American Physical Society
Prof. Dr. Pierre Capel (A04, A05) has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Congratulations to the awardee!
SFB Members receive Research Awards of the Gerhard-Herzberg Society
Matthias Heinz (A04) received the Research Award and Julian Palmes (A03) the Master of Science Research Award for their outstanding PhD and Master thesis, respectively. Congratulations to the prize winners!
Moritz Kriegel defended his doctoral dissertation successfully
Moritz Kriegel defended his dissertation entitled “What do physicists do? Conception and evaluation of out of school learning environments to promote realistic ideas about physicists‘ vocational activities” successfully. Congratulations.
Finia Jost (B06) received the 1st Poster Prize at the Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference in Dresden
Picture: M. Enciu, TU DarmstadtPicture: M. Enciu, TU Darmstadt
Mădălina Enciu (A03, A08) has been awarded the RIBF Users Group Thesis Award
The award distinguishes outstanding thesis work performed in the context of radioactive beam experiments.
Picture: K. Mai (TUDa), G. Otto (GSI)Picture: K. Mai (TUDa), G. Otto (GSI)
Two ERC Starting Grants to SFB Members
Alexander Tichai (A04) and Zewei Xiong (B01, B06), both members of the SFB, receive prestigious ERC starting grants.
Magic or Superfluid?
The neutron-rich unbound fluorine isotope 30F has been observed for the first time in an experiment at the SAMURAI spectrometer at the RIBF in RIKEN, Japan. The measured neutron separation energy shows no sharp decrease after N=20 providing the most direct confirmation that the N=20 shell gap is not restored in this region of the chart of nuclides close to 28O.
Laura Renth defended her doctoral dissertation successfully
Laura Renth defended her dissertation entitled „Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Magic Lead and Mid-Shell Palladium Isotopes“ successfully. Congratulations.
Francesca Bonaiti defended her dissertation successfully
Francesca Bonaiti defended her dissertation entitled “Constraining the nuclear matter equation of state from electromagnetic observables in finite nuclei” successfully. Congratulations.
Live-Palm Kubushishi defended his doctoral dissertation successfully
Live-Palm Kubushishi (A05) defended his dissertation entitled „Exploring core excitation in halo nuclei using halo effective field theory“ successfully. Congratulations.