The seminar will take place on Thursdays at 10:00 in S211 seminar room 207. The talks should last 30-40 min and we plan 20 min discussion among doctoral researchers.
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Martin Baumann M.Sc. | B04 | mbaumann@ikp.tu-... +49 6151 16-23533 S1|19 4 |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Lars Zurek |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Tobias Mongelli | A04 | tmongelli@theorie.ikp.physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-21553 S2|11 203 |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Martin Pospiech | martinp@theorie.ikp.physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-21529 S2|11 003 |
WS 2024/25
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
31.10.2024 | Finia Jost | Neutrino-driven Core-collapse Supernova Yields in Galactic Chemical Evolution | B06 |
07.11.2024 | Tanja Kirchner | Triton calculations in the Faddeev formalism | A05 |
28.11.2024 | Isabelle Brandherm | Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 58Ni | B04 |
12.12.2024 | Christina Xanthopoulou | One & Two Proton Removal from Neutron-Rich Nuclei in the Region of 52Ca & STRASSE LH2 Target Status Update | A08 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
23.05.2024 | Matthias Heinz | Search for new bosons with ytterbium isotope shifts | A04 |
04.07.2024 | Live-Palm Kubushishi | Including core excitation in reaction models involving halo nuclei | A05 |
11.07.2024 | Martin Baumann | Dipole polarizabilities from nuclear photoabsorption measurements | B04 |
18.07.2024 | Laura Renth | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Magic Lead and Mid-Shell Palladium Isotopes | A03 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
26.10.2023 | Gerard Navó |
Core-collapse supernovae: reduced nuclear networks and equations of state |
B06 |
30.11.2023 | Giacomo Ricigliano | Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from BNS mergers: models for EOS constraints and rapid analysis | B07 |
08.02.2024 | Patrick Müller | Laser-spectroscopic determination of the nuclear charge radius of 13C | A01 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
13.04.2023 | Sabrina Huth | Equation of state of hot and dense matter in astrophysics and in the laboratory | B01 |
20.04.2023 | Maximilian Jacobi | Effect of nuclear matter properties in neutron-star mergers | B07 |
01.06.2023 | Moritz Kriegel | Students´ perception of physicist work | MGK |
15.06.2023 | Lars Zurek | Improving Skyrme energy density functionals with chiral effective field theory | A04 |
22.06.2023 | Madalina Enciu | Extended p3/2 neutron orbital and the N=32 shell closure in 52Ca | |
29.06.2023 | Matthias Göbel | Reactions with two-neutron halo nuclei in halo effective field theory | A05 |
tba | tba | tba | tba |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
10.11.2022 | Julius Müller | First results from the Gamow-NCSM | A02 |
17.11.2022 | Sebastian Blacker | Quark matter in neutron star mergers | B07 |
01.12.2022 | Matthias Heinz | Progress on IMSRG with 3-body operators | A04 |
08.12.2022 | Sebastian Dietz | Continuum structure of few-body systems | A02 |
15.12.2022 | Jonas Keller | tba | B01, B05 |
12.01.2023 | Marco Knösel | Development and Testing of the Neutron Detector HIME | A05 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
09.06.2022 | Jan Hoppe | The in-medium similarity renormalization group for ab initio nuclear structure: method advances and new applications | A04 |
23.06.2022 | Francesca Bonaiti | Electric dipole polarizability in neutron-rich 8He | B04 |
07.07.2022 | Madalina Enciu | The N = 32 shell closure in 52Ca with an extended p3/2 orbital from one-neutron knockout | A08 |
14.07.2022 | Tobias Mongelli | The In-Medium No-Core Shell Model as Comprehensive Ab-Initio Tool | A04 |
21.07.2022 | Maximilian Spall | Electron Scattering off 10B under 180° | B02 |
28.07.2022 | Isabelle Brandherm | The electric dipole strength in 58Ni | B02 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
16.12.2021 | Gerard Navó | Core-collapse supernovae, equation of state and neutrinos | B06 |
03.02.2022 | Laura Renth | Silicon Photo Multipliers for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy | A01/A03 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
06.05.2021 | Marco Knösel | Measurement of the Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length with Charge Exchange and Knockout Reactions | A05 |
27.05.2021 | Maximilian Jacobi | Long-time simulations of neutron star merger remnants | B07 |
17.06.2021 | Thomas Pohl | Parallel momentum distribution of residues after nucleon removal | A03 |
08.07.2021 | Jonas Keller | Neutron matter at finite temperature | B01, B05 |
15.07.2021 | Axel Frotscher | The (p,3p) two-proton removal from neutron-rich nuclei and the development of the STRASSE tracker | tba |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
19.11.2020 | Sebastian Dietz | Three-body resonances in pionless effective field theory | A01 |
17.12.2020 | Live-Palm Kubushishi | Nuclear shell effects in nuclear pasta | tba |
21.01.2021 | Felix Sommer | Nuclear Charge Radii of Nickel Isotopes across the N=Z=28 Doubly Magic Shell Closure | A03 |
28.01.2021 | Lars Zurek | Comparing different density-matrix expansions for long-range pion exchange | tba |
04.02.2021 | Matthias Göbel | tba | tba |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
23.04 | Patrick van Beek | Major Upgrade and Commissioning of the Photon Tagger NEPTUN | B04 |
30.04 | Axel Frotscher | The (p,3p) reaction mechanism in neutron rich nuclei | A03/A08 |
07.05 | Stylianos Nikas | The creation of the first r-process peak in the aftermath of NSMs | B06 |
14.05 | tba | tba | tba |
28.05 | Jan Hoppe | Probing chiral interactions to N3LO in medium-mass nuclei | A04 |
04.06 | Tobias Mongelli | Carbon Isotopes in the In-Medium NCSM | A04 |
11.06 | tba | tba | tba |
18.06 | Sabrina Schäfer | New equations of state constrained by nuclear physics, observations & high-density QCD calculations | B01 |
25.06 | tba | tba | tba |
02.07 | tba | tba | tba |
09.07 | tba | tba | tba |
16.07 | tba | tba | tba |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
19.12 | Rodric Seutin | Electromagnetic currents from chiral effective field theory: results for three-body systems | A04, B01 |
30.01 | Wael Elkamhawy | Universality and predictive power in halo nuclei | A05 |
06.02 | Sonja Storck | Lifetime Measurement of the 260 g.s. at SAMURAI Analysis Update | A06 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
25.04 | Martin Pospiech | Phases of Strong-Interaction Matter | B05 |
02.05 | Marc Leonhardt | Constraints on the EOS at Intermediate Densities from the FRG | B05 |
09.05 | Michaela Hilcker | Electron Scattering off Liquid Helium at S-DALINAC | A01 |
16.05 | Svenja Greif | Constraining the Equation of State through Neutron Star Observables | B01 |
23.05 | Klaus Vobig | Fully Open-Shell Nuclei and Electromagnetic Observables from the In-Medium NCSM | A04 |
06.06 | Thomas Hüther | Next Generation of Chiral Interactions | A02 |
13.06 | Gerhart Steinhilber | The Electromagnetic Decay of the GDR in Heavy Nuclei | A07 |
27.06 | Stefan Alexa | Continuum Extension of the NCSM: HORSE and ACCC | A02 |
11.07 | Maxim Singer | QCLAM Spectrometer: Data Acquisition & Analysis | B02 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
22.11 | Philipp Ries | Valence shell dependence of the Pygmy-Dipole Resonance | B03 |
06.12 | Marcel Schmidt | Reactions in halo effective field theory | A05 |
24.01 | Christopher Lehr | Low-energy dipole response of the halo nuclei 6,8 He | A05 |
07.02 | Dag Fahlin Strömberg | Forbidden electron capture in degenerate ONe cores | B01 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
03.05. | Lukas Huth | Chiral effective field theory for local nuclear forces and for valence-space interactions | A04 |
24.05. | Carlos Mattes | Challenges in long-time Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations | B06 |
07.06. | Andre Sieverding | Neutrinos in Supernova Nucleosynthesis | B06 |
21.06. | Hannah Yasin | Core-Collapse Supernovae and Equation of State | B06 |
28.06. | Felix Sommer | Nuclear charge radii and moments through collinear laser spectroscopy at Argonne National Laboratory | A03 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
02.11. | Tobias Klaus | Progress Towards (e,e'gamma) Experiments at the S-DALINAC | A07 |
30.11. | Michael Mathy | Studying EM properties of Carbon Isotopes – Focusing on the Lifetime Measurement of Higher-Lying States in C-16 | A03 |
21.12. | Svenja Greif | Constraining the Equation of State through Neutron Star Observables | B01 |
25.01. | Martin Pospiech | Exploring the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and density | B05 |
08.02. | Wael Elkamhawy | Description of Ne-31 in Halo EFT | A05 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
27.04. | Cesar Lizarazo | Collectivity and Shell evolution for 50≤N≤60, 28≤Z≤40: New spectroscopy measurements | |
04.05. | Christian Gorges | Collinear laser spectroscopy on short-lived Sn isotopes | |
18.05. | Udo Gayer | Constraining nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay between 82Se and 82Kr | B03 |
01.06. | Julian Kahlbow | Experiments with radioactive ion beams at the SAMURAI setup using the neutron detector NeuLAND | A06 |
22.06. | Lukas Huth | Shell-Model Interactions From Chiral Effective Field Theory | A04 |
20.07. | Marc Leonhardt | Symmetry breaking and four-quark interactions in QCD | B05 |
27.07. | Marcel Schmidt | Halo Effective Field Theory for Nuclear Reactions | A05 |
Day | Speaker | Title | Project |
27.10. | Christoph Kremer | Shape coexistence and quantum phase transition in Zirconium | A01 |
10.11. | Julia Bliss | Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds | B06 |
24.11. | Richard Trippel | Collective Excitations from Coupled-Cluster and In-Medium SRG | A04 |
01.12. | Diego Semmler | The Low Energy Photon Tagger NEPTUN: Toward a Detailed Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance with Real Photons | B04 |
08.12. | Markus Zweidinger | Nuclear Structure Studies on Medium-Heavy Mass Nuclei using the Method of Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence | B03 |
15.12. | Jonas Braun | Electric Properties of One-Neutron Halo Nuclei in Halo EFT | A02 |
12.01. | Carlos Mattes | Long-time simulation of core-collapse supernovae | B06 |
19.01. | Maxim Singer | QCLAM-Spectrometer | B02 |
26.01. | Andre Sieverding | Neutrino nucleosynthesis | B06 |
02.02. | Bernhard Maaß | Resonance ionization spectroscopy of neutral boron as a first step towards the charge radius measurement of 8B | A01 |
09.02. | Christian Drischler | Applications of chiral nuclear forces up to N3LO to nuclear matter and neutron stars | B05 |
16.02. | Sergej Bassauer | Systematics of the Electric Dipole Response in stable tin isotopes | B04 |