SFB 1245
Atomic Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars

Talks and Posters 2022

Presenter(s) Title Type Occasion Place Date Project
Live-Palm Kubushishi Halo-EFT description of core excitations in halo nuclei Invited Talk Seminar at the Université du Burundi Bujumbura, Burundi 2022, December 29 A05
Giacomo Ricigliano Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from compact binary merger ejecta Invited Talk Universitá degli Studi di Trento Trento, Italy 2022, December 20 B07
Alexandre Obertelli Nucleon removal from 14O at 100 MeV/nucleon Contributed Talk Reimei workshop “Unveiling nuclear shells and correlations in exotic nuclei through knockout reactions” Darmstadt, Germany 2022, December 10 A03
Andreas Bauswein Neutron stars as laboratories for nuclear physics Invited Talk KHuK Jahrestagung Bad Honnef, Germany 2022, December 9 B07
Athanasios Psaltis Stellar fireworks and the origin of the elements Invited Talk Nuclear Lunch Webinar Athens, Greece 2022, December 8 B06
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure Invited Talk GSI Kolloquium Darmstadt, Germany 2022, December 6 A01
Giacomo Ricigliano Semi-Analytic Modeling of Kilonovae Poster Kilonova: Multimessenger and Multiphysics Bad Honnef, Germany 2022, November 28 B06
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Almudena Arcones) Nuclear matter properties in neutron star mergers Contributed Talk Kilonova: Multimessenger and Multiphysics Bad Honnef, Germany 2022, November 28 B07
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Testing the Oslo method with proton scattering at extreme forward angles Invited Talk Symposium in honor of the retirement of Magne Guttormsen, Academy of Science Oslo, Norway 2022, November 22 B04
Athanasios Psaltis First radiative α-capture on 7Be using DRAGON for neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis Poster Advisory Committee On TRIUMF (ACOT) meeting Online 2022, November 19 B06
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) Recent progress on in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations with three-body operators Invited Talk MPIK Seminar – Stored and Cooled Ions Heidelberg, Germany 2022, November 17 A04
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure Invited Talk Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig Braunschweig, Germany 2022, November 8 A01
Meytal Duer Free system of four correlated neutrons Invited Talk International Symposium on Clustering as a window on the Hierarchical Structure of Quantum Systems Sendai, Japan (online) 2022, November 3 A06
Matthias Göbel Two-neutron halos and the neutron-neutron scattering length Invited Talk Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics Seminar, Ohio University Athens, OH, USA 2022, November 1 A05
Meytal Duer Free system of four correlated neutrons Invited Talk Physics Theory Colloquium, TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 31 A06
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Magnetic excitation modes in nuclei School Lecture Summer School “Resonances in atomic nuclei” Bushbuckridge, South Africa 2022, October 31 B02
Athanasios Psaltis Survey of the astrophysical conditions that produce light neutron-capture elements in metal-poor stars Contributed Talk 16th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Hanoi, Vietnam (online) 2022, October 26 B06
Pierre Arthuis Ab initio density distributions for Sn and Xe isotopes Contributed Talk European Nuclear Physics Conference 2022 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, October 26 A04
Almudena Arcones Cosmic laboratories for nuclear physics Plenary Talk European Nuclear Physics Conference 2022 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, October 25 B06, B07
Isabelle Brandherm Systematics of the dipole polarizability Invited Talk Giant and soft modes of excitation in nuclear structure and astrophysics, ECT* Trento, Italy 2022, October 24 B04
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Fundamental Research and Nuclear Structure Invited Talk Seminar, Helmholtz Institut Jena Jena, Germany 2022, October 20 A01
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Almudena Arcones) Nuclear Matter Properties in Neutron-Star Mergers Invited Talk EMMI+IReNA Workshop – Remnants of neutron-star mergers Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 17 B07
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Experimental signatures of a toroidal E1 mode in 58Ni Invited Talk Giant and soft modes of excitation in nuclear structure and astrophysics, ECT* Trento, Italy 2022, October 15 B04
Stefan Typel Cluster correlations in dense matter and atomic nuclei Invited Talk Reimei workshop “Unveiling nuclear shells and correlations in exotic nuclei through knockout reactions” Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 12 A05
Alexandre Obertelli STRASSE and search for the 0+2 state in 54Ca Contributed Talk Reimei workshop “Unveiling nuclear shells and correlations in exotic nuclei through knockout reactions” Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 10 A08
Alexandre Obertelli Momentum distributions from knockout from O,C isotopes Contributed Talk Reimei workshop “Unveiling nuclear shells and correlations in exotic nuclei through knockout reactions” Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 10 A03
Madalina Enciu Extended p3/2 neutron orbital and the N = 32 shell closure in 52Ca studied via (p,pn) reaction Contributed Talk Reimei workshop “Unveiling nuclear shells and correlations in exotic nuclei through knockout reactions” Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 10 A03, A08
Andreas Geißel Towards the Equation of State of Neutron Stars Contributed Talk SFB 1245 Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 6 B05
Sebastian Blacker Quark matter in neutron star mergers Contributed Talk SFB 1245 Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 4 B07
Gerard Navó Core-collapse supernovae simulations: nucleosynhtesis network and nuclear energy generation Invited Talk SFB 1245 Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 4 B06
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Almudena Arcones) Nuclear Matter Properties in Neutron-Star Mergers Invited Talk SFB 1245 Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, October 4 B07
Takayuki Miyagi Neutron skin of 208 Pb from first principle Invited Talk NuSym22, X International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry energy Catania, Italy 2022, September 27 Z
Stefan Typel Clusters in nuclear matter and at the surface of heavy nuclei Invited Talk NuSym22, X International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry energy Catania, Italy 2022, September 27 A05
Almudena Arcones r-process nucleosynthesis Invited Talk PUMA 2022, INFN Genua, Italy 2022, September 25 B07
Giacomo Ricigliano Semi-Analytic Modeling of Kilonovae Contributed Talk PUMA 2022, INFN Genua, Italy 2022, September 23 B07
Kristian König Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at BECOLA at NSCL/FRIB Invited Talk NUSTAR Collaboration Meeting 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, September 22 A03
Athanasios Psaltis Exploring the uncertainties of (α,xn) reactions for the weak r-process Poster 16th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos Chengdu, China (online) 2022, September 21 B06
Giacomo Ricigliano Semi-analytic modeling of Kilonova Invited Talk Friedrich Schiller Universitat Jena, Germany 2022, September 21 B07
Athanasios Psaltis Using (α,xn) reaction rates and abundance ratios to constrain the weak r -process Contributed Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) 2022 Cape Town, South Africa 2022, September 15 B06
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Possible evidence for a toroidal E1 mode in 58Ni Invited Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) 2022 Cape Town, South Africa 2022, September 15 B04
Kristian König (Coauhors:Robert Powel, Andrew Klose, Stephan Fritzsche, Yuan Liu, Kei Minamisono, Witold Nazarewicz, Skyy V. Pineda, Paul-Gerhard Reinhard) Surprising restoration of the N = 20 charge-radius kink Contributed Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) 2022 Cape Town, South Africa 2022, September 15 A03
Sonia Bacca Ab initio electroweak reactions Plenary Talk International conference on recent progress in many-body theory XXI Chapel Hill, NC, USA 2022, September 14 B04
Kristian König (Coauthors: Phillip Imgram, Bernhard Maaß, Patrick Müller, Wilfried Nörtershäuser) First results towards an all-optical nuclear charge radius determination of 12C Poster International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 2022 Cape Town, South Africa 2022, September 12 A01
Andreas Bauswein ELEMENTS: Exploring the Universe from Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales Invited Talk 19th Topical Workshop of the Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration virtual 2022, September 9 B07
Athanasios Psaltis Constraining nucleosythesis in neutrino-driven winds using the impact of (α,xn) reaction rates Contributed Talk Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X Geneva, Switzerland 2022, September 6 B06
Sebastian Blacker Quark matter in neutron star mergers Invited Talk ELEMENTS WA2 meeting Frankfurt, Germany (online) 2022, September 5 B07
Alexandre Obertelli The STRASSE array: status report Plenary Talk SAMURAI workshop Saitama, Japan 2022, September 2 A08
Phillip Imgram (Coauthors: Kristian König, Bernhard Maaß, Patrick Müller, Wilfried Nörtershäuser) Laser Spectroscopy of 12C4+: First results towards an all-optical charge radius determination Contributed Talk 20th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions Matsue, Japan 2022, September 2 A01
Tobias Wolfgruber Machine Learning for the Prediction of Converged Observables from NCSM Calculations Contributed Talk 4th Meeting of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Intern. Collaboration (LENPIC 2022) Bochum, Germany 2022, August 24 A04
Robert Roth In-Medium NCSM: Developments & Results Invited Talk 4th Meeting of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Intern. Collaboration (LENPIC 2022) Bochum, Germany 2022, August 24 A04
Martin Ebert Non-perturbative range corrections and spurious poles
in finite volume
Invited Talk Bethe Forum: Multihadron Dynamics in a Box – A.D. 2022 Bonn, Germany 2022, August 17 A02
Francesca Bonaiti Ground and dipole-excited states in neutron-rich 8He Invited Talk FRIB Topical Program on “Few-body clusters in exotic nuclei and their role in FRIB experiments” East Lansing, MI, USA 2022, August 16 B04
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) Progress on IMSRG with 3-body operators Invited Talk ORNL Nuclear Theory Seminar Oak Ridge, TN, USA 2022, August 3 A04
Andreas Geißel (coauthors: Benedikt Schallmo, Jens Braun) Speed of sound of strong-interaction matter at supranuclear densities Poster 11th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group 2022 (ERG2022) Berlin, Germany 2022, July 29 B05
Jonas Stoll (Coauthor: Niklas Zorbach) The (1 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model
at non-zero µ, T and finite N
Poster 11th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group 2022 (ERG2022) Berlin, Germany 2022, July 27 B05
Andreas Bauswein Postmerger phase of neutron star coalescences Invited Talk Frontiers in Numerical Relativity 2022 Jena, Germany 2022, July 27 B07
Jens Braun Towards a microscopic understanding of macroscopic properties of strong-interaction matter Plenary Talk 11th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group 2022 (ERG2022) Berlin, Germany 2022, July 26 B05
Meytal Duer A four-neutron system probed via alpha knockout from 8He Invited Talk RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar RIKEN, Japan (online) 2022, July 26 A06
Meytal Duer Search for the tetra-neutron Invited Talk Neutron Rich Matter on Heaven and Earth, Institute of Nuclear Theory Seattle, WA, USA (online) 2022, July 19 A06
Dominic Rossi Low-Energy Dipole Response of 6,8He Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 A05
Matthias Göbel Two-neutron halo nuclei and the neutron-neutron scattering length Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 A05
Wael Elkamhawy EM properties and beta-delayed proton emission of 1n halo nuclei in EFT Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 A05
Katharina Ide (Coauthors: T. Beck, M. Berger, S. W. Finch, U. Friman-Gayer, J. Kleemann, Krishichayan, B. Löher, O. Papst, N. Pietralla, D. Savran, W. Tornow, M. Weinert, V. Werner, J. Wiederhold and A. Zilges) Isovector-E2 strength of the scissors mode of 152Sm Contributed Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 14 B02
Andreas Bauswein EoS influence on neutron star mergers Invited Talk Advances on Giant Nuclear Monopole Excitations and Applications to Multi-messenger Astrophysics, ECT* Trento, Italy, virtual 2022, July 14 B07
Madalina Enciu Magicity of N=32 studied via (p,pn) reaction Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 A08
Francesca Bonaiti Ground and dipole-excited states in neutron-rich 8He Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 B04
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Nuclear Charge Radii from Boron to Carbon Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 14 A01
Sonja Storck-Dutine Measurement of the neutron-decay Lifetime of the
26O g.s. at SAMURAI
Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 13 A06
Sebastian Dietz Few-neutron resonances in pionless EFT Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 12 A02, A05
Maike Beuschlein (Coauthors: O. Papst, J. Kleemann, U. Friman-Gayer, V. Werner, N. Pietralla, T. Beck, M. Berger, I. Brandherm, A. D'Alessio, F. Niederschuh, G. Steinhilber, J. Issak, J. Wiederhold, K. E. Ide, M. Hilcker, P. C. Ries, R. Kern, and R. Zidarova) Investigation of the B(E2;0+1 → 2+1) value of 116Sn Contributed Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 12 B02
T. Beck (Coauthors: V. Werner, R. Jolos, N. Pietralla) Delta = 1 Coriolis mixing of 1+ states 164Dy Contributed Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 12 B02
Tobias Beck (Coauthors: N. Pietralla, V. Werner) Novel signatures for QPTs from mixed-symmetry states Contributed Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 12 B02
Volker Werner Boundaries of the QPT and evolution of deformation in rare earth nuclei Contributed Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 12 B02
Meytal Duer A four-neutron system probed via alpha knockout from 8He Invited Talk Halo Week 2022 Bergen, Norway 2022, July 12 A06
Jens Braun From quarks and gluons to neutron starts – physics across many length scales Invited Talk Theory Colloquium Jena, Germany 2022, July 11 B05, B07
Volker Werner The shape-phase transition(s) in Zr isotopes Invited Talk 10th International Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems Dubrovnik, Croatia 2022, July 11 B02
Meytal Duer A four-neutron system probed via alpha knockout from 8He Invited Talk ECT Workshop on Nuclear physics at the edge of stability Trento, Italy 2022, July 7 A06
Pierre Capel EFT-inspired two-body model of 11Be accounting for the core excitations Invited Talk ECT Workshop on Nuclear physics at the edge of stability Trento, Italy 2022, July 6 A05
Matthias Göbel Neutron halos in Halo EFT Invited Talk HFHF NUSTAR Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, July 5 A05
Pierre Arthuis Ab initio density distributions for neutron-rich tin isotopes Invited Talk HFHF NUSTAR Workshop 2022 Darmstadt, Germany 2022, July 5 A04
T. Pohl (Coauthors: Y. Sun, A. Obertelli) One-nucleon removal from 14O at 100 MeV/nucleon with a thin hydrogen target Contributed Talk International Conference on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB) Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, June 30 A03
A. Frotscher The (p,3p) two-proton removal from neutron-rich nuclei Contributed Talk International Conference on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB) Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, June 28 A03
V. Girard-Alcindor STRASSE: a silicon tracker for quasifree scattering measurement at the RIBF Contributed Talk International Conference on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB) Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, June 27 A08
Kristian König (Coauthors: A. Brown, G. Hagen, J.D. Holt, A. Incorvati, A. Klose, S. Fritzsche, H. García Escudero, J. D. Lantis, Y. Liu, T. Miyagi, K. Minamisono, W. Nazarewicz, W. Nörtershäuser, T. Papenbruck, J. Piekarewicz, S. V. Pineda, R. Powel, P. -G. Reinhard, D. M. Rossi, F. Sommer) Nuclear charge radii in the Calcium – Nickel region Invited Talk Institutsseminar Kernchemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Mainz, Germany 2022, June 27 A03
Meytal Duer A four-neutron system probed via alpha knockout from 8He Contributed Talk International Conference on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB) Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, June 27 A06
Madalina Enciu Magicity of N=32 in neutron-rich Calcium isotopes studied via (p,pn) reaction Contributed Talk International Conference on Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB) Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2022, June 26 A03, A08
Phillip Imgram (Coauthors: K. König, P. Müller, W. Nörtershäuser) Collinear Laser Spectroscopy Of 12C4+: Towards an All-Optical Nuclear Charge Radius Determination Contributed Talk 14th International Symposium of EBIS/T (EBIST2022) Whistler, Canada 2022, June 17 A01
Jonas Stoll (Coauthor: Niklas Zorbach) The absence of symmetry breaking in the
(1 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with bosonic fluctuations
at non-zero T and µ
Contributed Talk FunQCD 22 Valencia, Spain 2022, June 16 B05
Andreas Geißel (Coauthor: Benedikt Schallmo) Speed of sound in strong-interaction matter at supranuclear densities Contributed Talk fFunQCD 22 Valencia, Spain 2022, June 16 B05
Andreas Bauswein From quarks to black holes: micro- and macrophysics of neutron star Invited Talk Strangeness in Quark Matter SQM2022 Busan, South Korea, virtual 2022, June 16 B07
Hans-Werner Hammer Unparticle Physics and Universality Invited Talk KITP Programm “Living near unitarity” Santa Barbara, CA, USA 2022, June 15 A02
Athanasios Psaltis Constraining nucleosynthesis using observations, simulations and nuclear physics Invited Talk FRIB Theory Seminar East Lansing, MI, USA 2022, June 7 B06
Gerard Navó Core-collapse supernovae with reduced nucleosynthesis network Invited Talk Oak Ridge National Lab Oak Ridge, TN, USA 2022, June 3 B06
Pierre Capel A few-body treatment of breakup reactions on halo nuclei Invited Talk KITP Program “Living Near Unitarity” Santa Barbara, CA,
2022, June 2 A05
Sebastian Blacker Revealing a strong phase transition in neutron star mergers with gravitational waves Poster FAIR next generation scientists – 7th Edition Workshop Paralia, Greece 2022, May 26 B07
Gerard Navó Core-collapse supernova simulations with reduced nucleosynthesis networks Poster JINA-CEE Frontiers in nuclear astrophysics South Bend, IN, USA 2022, May 26 B06
Athanasios Psaltis Exploring the impact of (α,n) reactions in neutrino-driven nucleosynthesis Poster JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics South Bend, IN, USA 2022, May 26 B06
Alexandre Obertelli Recent RIBF results on 78Ni and neutron-rich Ca isotopes Invited Talk YKIS2022, Symposium “Developments of physics of unstable nuclei” Kyoto, Japan (online) 2022, May 25 A03, A08
Pierre Capel Using halo-EFT descriptions of nuclei within precise models of reactions Invited Talk Developments in Physics of Unstable Nuclei (YKIS2022b) at YITP, Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan 2022, May 23 A05
Phillip Imgram (Coauthors: Kristian König, Bernhard Maaß, Patrick Müller, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser) Laser spectroscopy of 12C4+: Towards an all-optical charge radius determination Contributed Talk International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems PSAS 2022 Warsaw, Poland 2022, May 17 A01
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Possible Evidence for a Toroidal E1 Mode in 58Ni Invited Talk 13th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics Ischia, Italy 2022, May 16 B04
Isabelle Brandherm Electric and magnetic dipole response in 58Ni from high-resolution inelastic proton, electron and photon scattering Invited Talk 8th Workshop on Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, Norway 2022, May 13 B04
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Dipole Polarizability of 40,48Ca and Implications for the Symmetry Energy and the Formation of Neutron Skins Invited Talk 8th Workshop on Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, Norway 2022, May 09 B04
Andreas Geißel (Coauthors: Benedikt Schallmo, Jens Braun) Speed of Sound of strong-interaction matter at supranuclear densities Poster Exploring New Topics with Functional Renormalisation Bad Honnef, Germany 2022, May 4 B05
Andreas Geißel (Coauthors: Benedikt Schallmo, Jens Braun) Equation of state of strong-interaction matter at supranuclear densities Poster ELEMENTS Annual Conference 2022 Frankfurt, Germany 2022, May 4 B05
Athanasios Psaltis (α,xn) reaction rate impact study to constrain the weak r-process nucleosynthesis Contributed Talk ELEMENTS Annual Conference 2022 Frankfurt, Germany 2022, May 4 B06
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Almudena Arcones, Takami Kuroda, Martin Obergaulinger, Wolgang Kastaun, Bruno Giacomazzo) Long-time simulations of neutron-star merger Contributed Talk ELEMENTS Annual Conference 2022 Frankfurt, Germany 2022, May 4 B07
Jonas Stoll (Coauthor: Niklas Zorbach) The (1 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model
at non-zero µ, T and finite N
Poster ELEMENTS Annual Conference 2022 Frankfurt, Germany 2022, May 3 B05
Almudena Arcones Cosmic laboratories for nuclear physics Invited Talk PRISMA Colloquium Mainz, Germany 2022. April 27 B06, B07
Wilfried Nörtershäuser Nuclear Charge Radii: The N=28 Shell Closure and Prospects in the Z=5 Region Invited Talk ECT* Workshop “Nuclear Physics from Atomic Spectroscopy” (online) 2022. April 12 A01, A03
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Alexander Tichai, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) Extension and acceleration of the in-medium similarity renormalization group Contributed Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany, virtual 2022, March 31 A04
Patrick Müller (Coauthors: Phillip Imgram, Bernhard Maaß, Wilfried Nörtershäuser) Influence of the fluorescence detection region on the determination of nuclear moments Contributed Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany, virtual 2022, March 31 A01, A03
Sonja Storck-Dutine
Measurement of the neutron-decay Lifetime of the
26O g.s. at SAMURAI
Contributed Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany, virtual 2022, March 30 A06
Lars Zurek (Coauthors: Rodrigo Navarro Pérez, Scott K. Bogner, Richard J. Furnstahl, Achim Schwenk) Energy-density functionals from local chiral interactions Contributed Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany, virtual 2022, March 30 A04
Kristian König (Coauthors: Robert Powel, Andrew Klose, Stephan Fritzsche, Jeremy Lantis, Yuan Liu, Kei Minamisono, Witek Nazarewicz, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Skyy Pineda, Paul-Gerhard Reinhard, and Dominic Rossi) Nuclear charge radii of neutron-deficient scandium isotopes Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany, virtual 2022, March 30 A03
Gerard Navó Core-collapse supernovae with reduced nucleosynthesis networks Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany (online) 2022, March 29 B06
Matthias Göbel E1 strength distribution of 11-Li in Halo EFT Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany (online) 2022, March 28 A05
Meytal Duer The search for the tetraneutron Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany (online) 2022, March 28 A06
Francesca Bonaiti Electric dipole polarizability in nuclei Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany 2022, March 28 B04
Pierre Arthuis Configuration Interaction Monte Carlo with Chiral Three-Body Forces Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Sektion Materie und Kosmos Mainz, Germany 2022, March 28 A04
Gerard Navó Core-collapse supernovae with reduced nucleosynthesis networks Invited Talk Universidad de Valencia Valencia, Spain 2022, March 22 B06
Almudena Arcones Origin of heavy elements: r-process in neutron star mergers and core-collapse
Invited Talk FlipPhysics Workshop Valencia, Spain 2022, March 21 B06, B07
Almudena Arcones Cosmic laboratories for nuclear physics Invited Talk MIT Physics Colloquium Cambridge, MA, USA (online) 2022, March 10 B06, B07
Andreas Bauswein Neutron star mergers: black hole formation, hadron-quark phase transition and gravitational waves Invited Talk Half an EMMI Day Darmstadt, Germany, virtual 2022, February 22 B07
Athanasios Psaltis A pipeline to study the impact of nuclear physics uncertainties in nucleosynthesis Invited Talk ELEMENTS Kick-off WA3 workshop Online 2022, February 15 B06
Almudena Arcones R-process in neutron star mergers and magneto-rotational supernovae Invited Talk GSI Plasma Seminar Darmstadt, Germany 2022, January 25 B06, B07
A. Obertelli Low-density nuclear matter Invited Talk Colloquium, University of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany 2022, January 14 A08
Kai Hebeler Chiral effektive field theory for nuclear forces and the nuclear many-body problem Invited Talk jDPG Workshop: Effektive Feldtheorie in der Physik Limburg, Germany 2022, January 7 B05