Meytal Duer
The search for multineutron systems
Invited Talk
Physics Colloquium, Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv, Israel
2021, December 26
Andreas Bauswein
Neutron star mergers as probes for fundamental physics
Invited Talk
Recent Advances in Theoretical Cosmology and Astrophysics
Thessaloniki, Greece, virtual
2021, December 17
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Alexander Tichai, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Approximations and uncertainties in the in-medium similarity renormalization group
Contributed Talk
East Lansing, MI, USA
2021, December 15
Pierre Arthuis
Ab Initio Computation of Charge Densities for Sn and Xe Isotopes
Contributed Talk
RESANET online webinar
France (online)
2021, December 15
Maike Beuschlein (Coautors: O. Papst, J. Kleemann, U. Friman-Gayer, V. Werner, N. Pietralla, T. Beck, M. Berger, I. Brandherm, A. D'Alessio, F. Niederschuh, G. Steinhilber, J. Issak, J. Wiederhold, K. E. Ide, M. Hilcker, P. C. Ries, R. Kern, and R. Zidarova)
B(E2;0+1 → 2+1) value of 116Sn from Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence
Contributed Talk
Advanced Nuclear Reactions and Applications to Astrophysics, TALYS Summer School 2021
Oslo, Norway
2021, December 2
Almudena Arcones
R-process in neutron star mergers and rare core-collapse supernovae
Invited Talk
ECT* Seminar
Trento, Italy (online)
2021, November 25
B06, B07
Sebastian Blacker
Revealing a strong Phase transition in neutron star mergers with gravitational waves
Contributed Talk
XXth Nuclear Astrophysics Workshop
Garching, Germany
2021, November 23
Andreas Bauswein
From quark to black holes: the micro and macrophysics of neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
Colloquium Münster
Münster, Germany
2021, November 18
Darmstadt, Germany
Revealing a strong phase transition in neutron star mergers with gravitational waves
Contributed Talk
XXth Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics
Kreuth, Germany
2021, November 3
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Dipole polarizability from small-angle proton scattering and implications for symmetry energy properties and the formation of neutron skins
Plenary Talk
24th International Spin Symposium (SPIN2021)
Matsue, Japan
2021, October 18
K. König (Coauthors: . Powel, A. Klose, S. Fritzsche, H. García Escudero, J. D. Lantis, Y. Liu, K. Minamisono, W. Nazarewicz, W. Nörtershäuser, S. V. Pineda, P. -G. Reinhard, D. M. Rossi)
Nuclear charge radii of neutron-deficient scandium isotopes
Contributed Talk
DNP Fall Meeting
Boston, USA, virtual
2021, October 13
K. König (Coauthors: A.) Brown, G. Hagen, J.D. Holt, A. Incorvati, A. Klose, S. Fritzsche, H. García Escudero, J. D. Lantis, Y. Liu, T. Miyagi, K. Minamisono, W. Nazarewicz, W. Nörtershäuser, T. Papenbruck, J. Piekarewicz, S. V. Pineda, R. Powel, P. -G. Reinhard, D. M. Rossi, F. Sommer
Nuclear charge radii in the Calcium – Nickel region
Invited Talk
Heavy Ion Discussion Seminar
Lemont, USA, virtual
2021, October 8
Patrick Müller (Coauthors: Phillip Imgram, Bernhard Maaß, Wilfried Nörtershäuser)
Nuclear moments and the detection geometry in Collinear Laser Spectroscopy
Ecole Joliot Curie 2021
Saint-Pierre D'Oleron, Frankreich
2021, October 6
A01, A03
Camilla Juul Hansen
Isotopes and elements in very metal-poor stars
Invited Talk
IReNA Origins of the Isotopes Workshop
2021, September 28
Pavlos Koseoglou (Coauthors: M. L. Cortés, J. Issak, V. Werner, O. Papst, J. Kleemann, M. Beuschlein, N. Pietralla, U. Ahmed, K. E. Ide, I. Jurosevic, C. Nickel, M. Spall, T. Stetz, and R. Zidarova)
Temperature-dependent relative self-absorption measurements in 27Al
Contributed Talk
29th Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, NCSR Demokritos
Athens, Greece
2021, September 24
A01, B02
Athanasios Psaltis
Examining neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae with α-induced reactions
Contributed Talk
29th Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, NCSR Demokritos
Athens, Greece
2021, September 24
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Polarizability of 40Ca and 48Ca: Implications for the density dependence of the symmetry energy
Invited Talk
African Nuclear Physics Conference 2021
iThemba LABS, South Africa
2021, September 24
Athanasios Psaltis
Examining neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae with alpha-indeed reactions
Contributed Talk
29th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS 2021)
Athens, Greece
2021, September 22
Gerard Navó
Core-collapse supernovae simulations with reduced nucleosynthesis networks
16th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
Chengdu, China (online)
2021, September 22
Athanasios Psaltis
Exploring the uncertainties of neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis using the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction
Contributed Talk
16th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
Chengdu, China (online)
2021, September 21
Almudena Arcones
R-process in neutron star mergers and magneto-rotational supernovae
Invited Talk
African Nuclear Physics Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa (online)
2021, September 20
B06, B07
Isabelle Brandherm
Electric and magnetic dipole response in 58Ni from inelastic proton scattering
Contributed Talk
African Nuclear Physics Conference 2021
iThemba LABS, South Africa
2021, September 20
Andreas Bauswein
Neutron star mergers
School Lecture
16th IMPRS Summer School Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, virtual
2021, September 14
Almudena Arcones
ELEMENTS: Exploring the Universe from microscopic to macroscopic scales
Invited Talk
18th SPARC Workshop, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2021, September 9
B06, B07
Camilla Juul Hansen
Astronomical Observations in WG3
Invited Talk
ChETEC-INFRA workshop
Lisbon, Portugal
2021, September 8
Patrick Müller (Coauthors: Phillip Imgram, Bernhard Maaß, Wilfried Nörtershäuser)
Influence of the fluorescence detection region on the determination of nuclear moments
Contributed Talk
International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions 2021
Brasov,Romania + virtuell
2021, September 7
A01, A03
Kristian König (Coauthors: J. D. Lantis, K. Minamisono, W. Nörtershäuser, S. V. Pineda, R. Powel, F. Sommer)
Overcoming systematic uncertainty limitations in collinear laser spectroscopy experiments
International Conference on HYPERFINE Interactions and their Applications
Brasov, Romania + virtuell
2021, September 7
Isabelle Brandherm
Study of the dipole response in 58Ni
Contributed Talk
DPG Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section
Germany (online)
2021, September 3
Athanasios Psaltis
Weak r-process nucleosynthesis: the impact of (α,xn) reactions
Contributed Talk
DPG Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section
Germany (online)
2021 August 30
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Almudena Arcones, Takami Kuroda, Martin Obergaulinger, Wolgang Kastaun, Bruno Giacomazzo)
Long-time neutron star merger simulations in 2D
Contributed Talk
DPG Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section
Germany (online)
2021 August 30
Athanasios Psaltis
The 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction using DRAGON for the νp-process
TRIUMF Science Week
2021 August 16
Andreas Bauswein
Signals of quark deconfinement in gravitational waves from binary merger event
Invited Talk
A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum 2021
Stavangar, Norway, virtual
2021, August 5
Andreas Bauswein
Neutron star binary mergers
Invited Talk
19th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure
Mexico City, Mexico, virtual
2021, July 28
Almudena Arcones
R-process: connecting simulations to observations
Invited Talk
ECT* Workshop: Probing nuclear physics with neutron star mergers
Trento, Italy (online)
2021, July 12
B06, B07
Almudena Arcones
R-process: Connecting simulations to observations
Invited Talk
Königstuhl Colloquium, Max Planck Institut für Astronomie
Heidelberg, Germany (online)
2021, July 9
B06, B07
Wael Elkamhawy
beta-delayed proton emission from 11-Be in EFT
Invited Talk
ECT* Workshop: Nuclear physics at the edge of stability
2021, June 28
Almudena Arcones
R-process from simulations to observations
Invited Talk
Neutron star mergers as multimessenger laboratories for dense matter
Trento, Italy (online)
2021, June 16
B06, B07
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Electric dipole response and polarizability from (p,p’) scattering at RCNP
Invited Talk
Nuclear Photonics (NP2020)
Kurashiki, Japan
2021, June 7
Athanasios Psaltis
Measurement of the 7Be(α,γ)11C reaction with DRAGON for neutrino-driven wind nucleosynthesis
Contributed Talk
2021 CAP Virtual Congress
2021, June 6
Meytal Duer
The search for the tetraneutron
Invited Talk
Particle Physics Seminar
Tel-Aviv, Israel (online)
2021, June 5
Andreas Bauswein
From quarks to black holes: micro- and macrophysics of neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
Colloquium Darmstadt
Darmstadt, Germany
2021, May 29
Pierre Arthuis
Ab Initio Computation of Charge Densities for Sn and Xe Isotopes
Invited Talk
ISOLDE Group Seminar, CERN
Geneva, Switzerland (online)
2021, May 20
Almudena Arcones
Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in neutron star mergers and rare core-collapse supernovae
Invited Talk
Seminar, Niels Bohr International Academy, Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark (online)
2021, May 10
B06, B07
Axel Frotscher
The (p,3p) two-proton removal from neutron-rich nuclei and the development of the STRASSE tracker
Invited Talk
Virtual Nuclear Physics Forum 2021
LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA
2021, May 5
Pierre Arthuis
Towards high-precision ab initio calculations with automatised diagram generation
Invited Talk
Hadronic, Nuclear and Atomic Physics Seminar, Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain (online)
2021, May 5
Sebastian Blacker
Revealing a strong phase transition in neutron star mergers with gravitational waves
Contributed Talk
APS April Meeting 2021
2021, April 18
Moritz Reichert (Coauthors: Camilla Hansen, Almudena Arcones)
Extreme r-process enhanced stars in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Invited Talk
Monthly Online Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions (SNAQs)
2021, April 14
Moritz Reichert (Coauthors: Martin Obergaulinger, Marius Eichler, Almudena Arcones, Miguel Ángel Aloy)
Nucleosynthesis of magneto-rotational driven supernovae
Invited Talk
N3AS Seminar
2021, April 13
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Alexander Tichai, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Recent developments in the in-medium similarity renormalization group
Invited Talk
SFB 1245 Workshop 2021
Darmstadt, Germany (online)
2021, March 26
Sebastian Blacker
Postmerger GW emission and collapse behavior of NS mergers
Contributed Talk
SFB 1245 Workshop 2021
Darmstadt, Germany (online)
2021, March 26
Sabrina Huth
New equations of state constrained by nuclear physics, observations, and QCD calculations of high-density nuclear matter
Invited Talk
SFB 1245 Workshop 2021
Darmstadt, Germany
2021, March 25
Axel Frotscher
(p,3p) reaction mechanism
Invited Talk
SFB 1245 Workshop 2021
Darmstadt, Germany
2021, March 24
Almudena Arcones
Origin of heavy elements: r-process in neutron star mergers and core-collapse supernovae
Invited Talk
Online Lectures of the Matter and Cosmos Section, DPG
2021, March 3
B06, B07
Meytal Duer
Short-Range Correlations in neutron-rich Nuclei
Invited Talk
The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Kanazawa, Japan (online)
2021, March 3
Andreas Bauswein
Neutron star merger simulations
Plenary Talk
PHAROS WG1+WG2 Workshop: neutron star equation of state and transport properties
2021, February 24
Almudena Arcones
Where and how are the heaviest elements produced in the Universe?
Invited Talk
Veldhoven, Netherlands (online)
2021, January 18
B06, B07