Almudena Arcones
Heavy elements formation in various formation sites
Invited Talk
Chemial Evolution and Nucleosynthesis Across the Galaxy (CENAG)
Heidelberg, Germany
2018, November 26
Sebastian König
Few nucleons near unitarity
Plenary Talk
GDR RESANET GT3 meeting “Quelles sont les nouvelles frontières dans la description microscopique des noyaux?”, CEA
Saclay, France
2018, November 13
Almudena Arcones
Extreme matter in core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
EMMI Physics Day, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, November 12
Hans-Werner Hammer
Nuclear Interactions: Status and Perspectives
Invited Talk
GDR RESANET GT3 meeting “Quelles sont les nouvelles frontières dans la description microscopique des noyaux?”, CEA
Saclay, France
2018, November 12
Almudena Arcones
Making heavy elements in neutron star mergers and core-collapse supernovae
Invited Talk
Department of Physics, University of York
York, United Kingdom
2018, November 7
Julia Bliss (Coauthors: Almudena Arcones, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira, Maximilian Witt)
Astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties: Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven supernova ejecta
Invited Talk
Nuclear Physics Seminar, University of York
York, United Kingdom
2018, November 6
Robert Roth
Ab Initio Description of Collective Excitations
Invited Talk
6th International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX6)
Cape Town, South Africa
2018, November 1
Peter von Neumann-Cosel (Coauthors: Sergej Bassauer, Atsushi Tamii)
Evolution of the Electric Dipole Response in the Stable Sn Isotope Chain
Contributed Talk
6th International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX6)
Cape Town, South Africa
2018, October 30
Achim Schwenk
Uncertainty estimates for neutron-rich nuclei and neutron stars
Invited Talk
Uncertainty Quantification at the Extremes (ISNET-6)
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, October 10
Julia Bliss (Coauthors: Almudena Arcones, Maximilian Witt, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira)
Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven supernova ejecta: astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties
Invited Talk
Uncertainty Quantification at the Extremes (ISNET-6)
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, October 9
Thomas Aumann
Physics with Radioactive Beams
Invited Talk
Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium, MIT
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
2018, October 1
Achim Schwenk
Chiral effective field theory for dark matter direct detection
Plenary Talk
SFB 1044 Workshop
Mainz, Germany
2018, October 1
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Gamma Strength Functions and the Brink-Axel Hypothesis
Invited Talk
6th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics
Berkeley, CA, USA
2018, September 25
Jonas Braun (Coauthors: Hans-Werner Hammer and Lucas Platter
Electromagnetic properties of one-neutron halo nuclei in Halo EFT
Contributed Talk
International School of Nuclear Physics 40th Course
Erice, Italy
2018, September 20
Wael Elkamhawy (Coauthor: Hans-Werner Hammer)
Description of Ne-31 in Halo EFT
Contributed Talk
International School of Nuclear Physics 40th Course
Erice, Italy
2018, September 20
Almudena Arcones
Creation of elements
Invited Talk
Astroparticle physics in Germany
Mainz, Germany
2018, September 17
Julia Bliss
Influence of astrophysical and (a,n) reaction rate uncertainties on the nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven supernova ejecta
Invited Talk
Nuclear Physics in Stellar Explosions, ATOMKI
Debrecen, Hungary
2018, September 12
Axel Frotscher
SEASTAR analysis with ROOT6
Contributed Talk
ROOT Users' Workshop 2018
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2018, September 12
Stylianos Nikas
Mass measurement of neutron rich gallium isotopes and the production of the first r-process abundance peak elements
Invited Talk
Nuclear Physics in Stellar Explosions, ATOMKI
Debrecen, Hungary
2018, September 12
Thomas Aumann
Projects of the Darmstadt Collaborative Research Center at RIBF
Invited Talk
SAMURAI International Workshop 2018
Tokyo, Japan
2018, September 3
Achim Schwenk
From fundamental interactions to structure and stars
Plenary Talk
ECT* 25th Anniversary, ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, August 31
Wilfried Nörtershäuser
Laser Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure Studies
Invited Talk
Euroschool on Exotic Beams – 25-years Symposium, KU Leuven
Keuven, Belgium
2018, August 30
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Fine Structure of Giant Resonances – What Can Be Learned
Invited Talk
Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics: Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape
Zakopane, Poland
2018, August 29
Almudena Arcones
Are heavy r-process elements produced only in neutron star mergers? One year after gravitational wave detection GW170817
Contributed Talk
Colloquium, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, August 14
Marc Leonhardt
Symmetry breaking patterns in dense QCD
Contributed Talk
XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
Maynooth, Ireland
2018, August 3
Almudena Arcones
The r-processes in supernovae and neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
Topical Program: FRIB and the GW170817 kilonova, NSCL/FRIB at MSU
East Lansing, MI, USA
2018, July 23
Sebastian König (Coauthors: P. Klos, J. Lynn, H.-W. Hammer, A. Schwenk)
Few-body resonances from finite-volume calculations
Plenary Talk
Connecting bound state calculations with scattering and reactions, NSCL/FRIB
East Lansing, MI, USA
2018, July 19
Thomas Aumann (Coauthors: C.A. Bertulani, F. Schindler, S. Typel)
Peeling off neutron skins – Constraints on the Symmetry Energy from Neutron-Removal Cross Sections
Invited Talk
Probing exotic structure of short-lived nuclei by electron scattering, ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, July 17
Achim Schwenk
Always at the forefront – from NN experiments to ab initio theory
Plenary Talk
TRIUMF 50th Anniversary Symposium
Vancouver, Canada
2018, July 17
Almudena Arcones
The r-Processes and their astrophysical sites
Invited Talk
ARIEL workshop at TRIUMF Science Week
Vancouver, Canada
2018, July 16
Wilfried Nörtershäuser
The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology
Invited Talk
HIC4FAIR Kolloquium, JLU Gießen
Gießen, Germany
2018, July 12
Sebastian König
Nuclear physics around the unitarity limit
Invited Talk
XXII International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Caen, France
2018, July 10
Martin Pospiech (Coauthors: ens Braun, Marc Leonhardt)
Fierz-complete NJL model study: towards the phase diagram of hot and dense two-flavor QCD
Exact Renormalization Group 2018
Paris, France
2018, July 9
Marc Leonhardt (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Martin Pospiech)
Towards the equation of state of cold dense matter
Exact Renormalization Group 2018
Paris, France
2018, July 9
Gerhart Steinhilber (Coauthors: Tobias Klaus, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Norbert Pietralla, Vladimir Ponomarev, Jochen Wambach)
Progress Towards Electron-Gamma-Coincidence Exsperiments
Contributed Talk
SFB Workshop
Budenheim, Germany
2018, July 5
Andre Sieverding
The neutrino process with time-dependent neutrino properties
Contributed Talk
Core-Collapse Supernovae in the multi-messenger era, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
Assergi, Italy
2018, July 2
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Core-Collapse supernovae and the impact of finite-temperature microphysics
Contributed Talk
Satellite Workshop of the NIC 2018 Conference, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
Assergi, Italy
2018, July 2
Robert Roth
Ab Initio Hypernuclear Structure Theory
Plenary Talk
13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, Jefferson Lab
Portsmouth, VA, USA
2018, June 29
Tobias Beck
Probing the E2 properties of the scissors mode with real photons
Contributed Talk
Nuclear Photonics 2018
Brasov, Romania
2018, June 28
Udo Gayer
Precision nuclear structure for 0vbb decay using second-generation gamma-ray beams
Contributed Talk
Nuclear Photonics 2018
Brasov, Romania
2018, June 28
Volker Werner
Decay characteristics of the nuclear scissors mode from Compton-back-scattering
Invited Talk
Nuclear Photonics 2018
Brasov, Romania
2018, June 26
Marcel Schilling
Decay behavior of scissors mode states in 76Ge
Nuclear Photonics 2018
Brasov, Romania
2018, June 26
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Dipole Response in Nuclei – Real vs. Virtual Photon Probes
Invited Talk
Nuclear Photonics 2018
Brasov, Romania
2018, June 26
Andre Sieverding
The neutrino process in self-consistent supernova simulations
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Assergi, Italy
2018, June 26
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Core-Collapse supernovae and the impact of finite-temperature microphysics
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Assergi, Italy
2018, June 26
Julia Bliss (Coauthors: Almudena Arcones, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira, Maximilian Witt)
Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven supernova ejecta: astrophysical and nuclear physics uncertainties
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Assergi, Italy
2018, June 26
Dag Fahlin Strömberg (Coauthors: Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo, Heiko Möller)
Electron capture processes in ONe cores
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Assergi, Italy
2018, June 26
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: Hannah Yasin, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Impact of nucleon effective masses on the equation of state in core-collapse supernovae
NNPSS 2018, Wright Laboratory at Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA
2018, June 22
Achim Schwenk
Chiral effective field theory for dark matter direct detection
Plenary Talk
Teilchen-Tee, ITP
Heidelberg, Germany
2018, June 21
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Nuclear Reaction Networks
School Lecture
The physics of macronova
Stockholm, Sweden
2018, June 19
Johannes Wiederhold
Evolution of E2 strength of the rare earth isotopes 174,176,178,180Hf
International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics La Rabida
Huelva, Spain
2018, June 19
Philipp C. Ries (Coauthors: Sergej Bassauer, Antonio D'Alessio, Michaela Hilcker, Tobias Klaus, Michael Mathy, Peter von Neumann)
Investigation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance across the Shell Closure in Chromium Isotopes
International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics La Rabida
Huelva, Spain
2018, June 19
Stefan Typel
Equations of state for astrophysical applications
Invited Talk
EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force: The physics of neutron star mergers at GSI/FAIR, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, June 15
Achim Schwenk
Equation of state and neutron star properties constrained by chiral effective field theory and observations
Invited Talk
EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force: The physics of neutron star mergers at GSI/FAIR, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, June 14
Corbinian Wellenhofer
Neutron Stars, Effective Field Theory, and the Nuclear Many-Body Problem
Invited Talk
Strong Interaction Seminar, TUM
München, Germany
2018, June 11
Marc Leonhardt (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Martin Pospiech)
Symmetry breaking patterns in QCD and the study of cold dense matter
Contributed Talk
New Frontiers in QCD 2018 / YKIS2018b Symposium, YITP
Kyoto, Japan
2018, June 7
Martin Pospiech (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Marc Leonhardt)
The phase diagram of hot and dense QCD
Contributed Talk
New Frontiers in QCD 2018 / YKIS2018b Symposium, YITP
Kyoto, Japan
2018, June 7
Kai Hebeler
Implementation and applications of 3N interactions and nuclear currents
Invited Talk
International Workshop “New ideas in constraining nuclear forces", ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, June 6
Corbinian Wellenhofer
Uncertainty Quantification for Nuclear Many-Body Calculations
Invited Talk
International Workshop “New ideas in constraining nuclear forces", ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, June 5
Thomas Aumann
Peeling off neutron skins Constraints on the Symmetry Energy from Neutron-Removal Cross Sections
Contributed Talk
Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams
Matsue, Japan
2018, June 5
Achim Schwenk
Status and challenges of chiral EFT calculations of nuclei and dense matter
Invited Talk
International Workshop “New ideas in constraining nuclear forces", ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, June 5
Almudena Arcones
R-process nucleosynthesis: nuclear physics and astrophysics challenges
Invited Talk
EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force: The physics of neutron star mergers at GSI/FAIR, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, June 4
Udo Gayer
Nuclear Structure of 82Kr and 82Se relevant for 0vbb decay
Contributed Talk
Nuclear Structure and Related Topics
Burgas, Bulgaria
2018, June 3
Marcel Schmidt (Coauthors: Hans-Werner Hammer, Lucas Platter)
Halo Effective Field Theory for Nuclear Reactions
Contributed Talk
2018 NUCLEI Collaboration Meeting, The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN, USA
2018, June 1
Dominic Rossi
Light nuclei at and beyond the neutron dripline
Invited Talk
Giens, France
2018, June 1
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Nuclear physics for supernova and neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
TDLI Workshop on ``The exploding Universe'', Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Shanghai, China
2018, May 29
Almudena Arcones
Nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers
Invited Talk
Giens, France
2018, May 28
Stefan Typel
Clustering in dilute matter with medium effects
Invited Talk
International Workshop on Multi facets of EOS and Clustering (IWM-EC 2018), LNS
Catania, Italy
2018, May 25
Svenja K. Greif (Coauthors: Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State through the Tidal Deformability of Neutron Stars
Contributed Talk
JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics
South Bend, IN, USA
2018, May 24
Tobias Beck
E2 strength of the scissors mode and F-vector quadrupole charges over a shape-phase transition
Contributed Talk
9th International Workshop: Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-body Systems
Padua, Italy
2018, May 23
Jörn Kleemann
Decay Characteristics of the Scissors Mode in the QPT and 0νββ-Partner Isotopes ¹⁵⁰Nd and 150Sm
Contributed Talk
9th International Workshop: Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-body Systems
Padua, Italy
2018, May 23
Bernhard Maaß
Precision Measurement of the Isotope Shift in Neutral Boron
Contributed Talk
Wien, Austria
2018, May 17
Marcel Schmidt (Coauthors: Hans-Werner Hammer, Lucas Platter)
From Halo EFT to Reaction EFT
Contributed Talk
International Workshop on “State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics”, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University
Galveston, TX, USA
2018, May 15
Svenja K. Greif (Coauthors: Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State through the Tidal Deformability of Neutron Stars
Contributed Talk
Bonn workshop on the formation and evolution of neutron stars
Bonn, Germany
2018, May 14
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Gravitational waves and kilonova from mergers: probes from nucleosynthesis
Invited Talk
8th Iberian Gravitational Waves meeting, UiB
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2018, May 9
Wilfried Nörtershäuser
The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology
Invited Talk
Bothe Kolloquium, MPIK Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany
2018, May 2
Achim Schwenk
Effects of many-body currents in dark matter detection and WIMP-nucleus scattering
Invited Talk
Exploring the role of electro-weak currents in Atomic Nulcei, ECT*
Trento, Italy
2018, April 24
Almudena Arcones
Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements
Invited Talk
Colloquium, SFB 1258
Garching, Germany
2018, April 16
Achim Schwenk
Linking LHC and direct detection results in Higgs Portals
Plenary Talk
Heidelberg, Germany
2018, April 5
Marc Leonhardt (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Martin Pospiech)
Symmetry breaking patterns in hot and dense QCD
From correlation functions to QCD phenomenology
Bad Honnef, Germany
2018, April 4
Corbinian Wellenhofer
Finite-Temperature MBPT and its Application in Nuclear Matter Calculations
Contributed Talk
Many-Body Perturbation Theory in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chemistry, CEA
Saclay, France
2018, March 28
Robert Roth
Nuclear interactions and many-body perturbation theory: convergence, accuracy and sensitivity
Invited Talk
ESNT Workshop on “Many-body perturbation theories in modern quantum chemistry and nuclear physics”, CEA
Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
2018, March 26
Stefan Typel
Equations of state of compact star matter with clusters and phase transitions
Invited Talk
Physics of Core-Collapse Supernovae and Compact Star Formations, Waseda University
Tokio, Japan
2018, March 19
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Nuclear physics impact on kilonova light curves
Invited Talk
INT-JINA symposium: First multi-messenger observations of a neutron star merger and its implications for nuclear physics, Institute Nuclear Theory
Seattle, WA, USA
2018, March 13
Kai Hebeler
Equation of state constraints from modern nuclear interactions and observation
Invited Talk
International Workshop “First multi-messenger observations of a neutron star merger and its implications for nuclear physics”
Seattle, WA, USA
2018, March 12
Peter von Neumann-Cosel
Experimental Test of the Brink-Axel Hypothesis using High-Resolution InelasticProton Scatteringat 0°
Invited Talk
RCNP Colloqium
Osaka, Japan
2018, March 9
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Heavy element nucleosynthesis: the r process
School Lecture
Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
Florence, Italy
2018, March 5
Victoria Durant
Towards chiral three-nucleon forces in heavy nuclei
Invited Talk
Nuclear ab initio Theories and Neutrino Physics, INT
Seattle, WA, USA
2018, March 2
Stefan Alexa (Coauthors: Thomas Hüther, Robert Roth)
Tetra-Neutron from Chiral Interactions
Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2018, TRIUMF
Vancouver, Kanada
2018, March 2
Gerhart Steinhilber (Coauthors: Tobias Klaus, Norbert Pietralla, Dmytro Symochko, Peter von Neumann-Cosel)
Preparatory Tests for (e,e'g) Coincidence Experiments at the S-DALINAC
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, March 1
Oliver Papst
Dipole strength in 164Dy below the neutron separation threshold
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, March 1
Michaela Hilcker (Coauthors: Adrian Brauch, Jens Conrad, Norbert Pietralla, Gerhart Steinhilber, Peter von Neumann-Cosel)
Aufbau und Test eines Flüssig-Heliumtargets für Elektronenstreuexperimente
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, March 1
Stefan Typel
Parametrisations of relativistic mean-field model with density dependent couplings
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Philipp C. Ries (Coauthors: Sergej Bassauer, Antonio D'Alessio, Michaela Hilcker, Tobias Klaus, Michael Mathy, Peter von Neumann)
Formfaktoren der ersten angeregten Kernzustände von 129Xe und 131Xe
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Dag Fahlin Strömberg (Coauthors: Heiko Möller, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo)
Electron capture processes in stellar degenerate cores
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Jan Hoppe (Coauthors: C. Drischler, K. Hebeler, and A. Schwenk)
Weinberg eigenvalue analysis based on chiral effective field theory interactions
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Rodric Seutin (Coauthors: Philipp Klos, Sebastian König, Achim Schwenk)
Electroweak currents from chiral EFT in few-nucleon systems
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Patrick van Beek
Improved two-gamma decay measurement setup and NEPTUN status report
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Corbinian Wellenhofer
Nuclear Many-Body Theory for Neutron Star Mergers
Contributed Talk
Nuclear ab initio Theories and Neutrino Physics, INT
Seattle, WA, USA
2018, February 28
Sebastian König (Coauthors: P. Klos, J. Lynn, H.-W. Hammer, A. Schwenk)
Few-body resonances from finite-volume calculations
Plenary Talk
Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2018, TRIUMF
Vancouver, Canada
2018, February 28
Lars Zurek (Coauthors: Eduardo Antonio Coello Pérez, Achim Schwenk)
Energy density functionals from local chiral interactions
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 28
Thomas Hüther (Coauthor: Robert Roth)
Light Nuclei with Recent Chiral EFT Interactions
Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2018, TRIUMF
Vancouver, Canada
2018, February 28
Kai Hebeler
Recent developments and applications of three-nucleon interactions
Invited Talk
Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2018, TRIUMF
Vancouver, Canada
2018, February 27
Jörn Kleemann
Decay Characteristics of the Scissors Mode in the 0νββ-Decay Mother 150Nd
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: Hannah Yasin, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Investigation of thermal effects on the equation of state and radii of neutron stars b
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Svenja K. Greif (Coauthors: Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State through the Tidal Deformability of Neutron Stars
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Eduardo Antonio Coello Pérez
Beta and double-beta decays within an effective theory
Plenary Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Tobias Beck
Probing the E2 properties of the scissors mode with real photons
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Robert Roth
New Horizons for the No-Core Shell Model
Invited Talk
Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2018, TRIUMF
Vancoucer, Canada
2018, February 27
Christopher Lehr
Low-energy dipole response of the halo nuclei 6,8He
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: Hannah Yasin, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Investigation of thermal effects on the equation of state and radii of neutron stars
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Core-collapse supernovae and the impact of the equation of state
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 27
Dominic Rossi
NeuLAND@SAMURAI campaign
Invited Talk
IVth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure
Bormio, Italy
2018, February 24
Udo Gayer
Nuclear structure of 82Se and 82Kr relevant for 0vbb decay
Contributed Talk
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 20
Kai Hebeler
Explorative calculations with semilocal momentum-space regularised NN+3N interactions
Invited Talk
LENPIC meeting 2018
Bochum. Germany
2018, February 19
Sebastian König
Volume Dependence of N-Body Bound States
Plenary Talk
INT 18-70W: Multi-Hadron Systems from Lattice QCD, INT
Seattle, WA, USA
2018, February 9
Kai Hebeler
The Similarity Renormalization Group and Deuteron Disintegration
Invited Talk
International Workshop “Polarized light ion physics with EIC”
Ghent, Belgium
2018, February 6
Martin Pospiech (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Marc Leonhardt)
Exploring the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and density
Contributed Talk
Cold Quantum Coffee 2018, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Heidelberg, Germany
2018, January 30
Bernhard Maaß
Towards Laser Spectroscopy on Boron-8 at Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Talk
Invited talk at AP Seminar, GSI
Darmstadt, Germany
2018, January 30
Thomas Aumann
Search for the tetra neutron
Invited Talk
56th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Bormio, Italy
2018, January 25
Stefan Typel (Coauthors: Tom Aumann, Carlos Bertulani, Fabia Schindler)
Constraining the symmetry energy with neutron removal cross sections
Invited Talk
ENSAR2-NuSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions (Theory and Experiment), Heavy-Ion Laboratory
Warsaw, Poland
2018, January 23
Almudena Arcones
Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae b
Invited Talk
660. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar
Bad Honnef, Germany
2018, January 22
Christiane Schmickler (Coauthors: H.-W.) Hammer, E. Hiyama
Universality with long-range Coulomb interactions
Contributed Talk
International Workshop XLVI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
Hirschegg, Austria
2018, January 19
Stefan Alexa
Tetra-Neutron from Chiral Interactions
Contributed Talk
International Workshop XLVI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
Hirschegg, Austria
2018, January 18
Sebastian König (Coauthors: P. Klos, J. Lynn, H.-W. Hammer, A. Schwenk)
Few-body resonances from finite-volume calculations
Plenary Talk
International Workshop XLVI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
Hirschegg, Austria
2018, January 18
Kai Hebeler
Recent developments and applications of three-nucleon interactions
Invited Talk
International Workshop XLVI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
Hirschegg, Austria
2018, January 16
Thomas Aumann
Unbound states beyond the drip lines
Invited Talk
International Workshop XLVI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Multiparticle resonances in hadrons, nuclei, and ultracold gases
Hirschegg, Austria
2018, January 15