Presenter(s) | Title | Type | Occasion | Place | Date | Project |
Bernhard Maaß (Coauthors: A. Brinson, D. Burdette, J. Clark, A. Dockery, M. Horst, P. Imgram, K. König, K. Minamisono, Patrick Müller, Peter Müller, W. Nörtershäuser, S. Pineda, S. Rausch, L. Renth, B. Rickey, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, G. Savard, F. Sommer, A. Valverde) | First results from ATLANTIS – A new collinear laser spectroscopy setup at Argonne National Laboratory | Invited Talk | ISOLDE Users Meeting | Geneva, Switzerland | 2023, November 30 | A03 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Low-energy dipole response in the Sn isotopic chain: Pygmy or not pygmy? | Invited Talk | African Nuclear Physics Conference 2023 | Kruger Park, South Africa | 2023, November 30 | B04 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Testing the generalized Brink-Axel hypothesis in heavy nuclei | Invited Talk | African Nuclear Physics Conference 2023 | Kruger Park, South Africa | 2023, November 30 | B04 |
Wilfried Nörtershäuser | High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of He-like C4+ Ions | Invited Talk | Quantum Seminar Mainz | Mainz, Germany | 2023, November 16 | A01 |
Wilfried Nörtershäuser | Probing Nuclear Structure and Fundamental Interactions by Laser Spectroscopy at Accelerators | School Lecture | Block Lecture at DQmat (SFB 1227: Designed Quantum States of Matter) | Hannover, Germany | 2023, November 9 | A01, A03Block Lecture at DQmat (SFB 1227: Designed Quantum States of Matter) |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Evidence for a toroidal electric dipole mode in nuclei | Invited Talk | Colloquium RCNP, Osaka University | Osaka, Japan | 2023, October 27 | B04 |
Giacomo Ricigliano |
Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from BNS mergers: models for EOS constraints and rapid analysis |
Invited Talk | Visit | Tokyo, Japan | 2023, September 25 | B07 |
Giacomo Ricigliano |
Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from BNS mergers: impact of nuclear matter properties |
Contributed Talk | MICRA2023 Conference on Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics | Trento, Italy | 2023, September 11 | B0 |
Giacomo Ricigliano |
Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from BNS mergers: impact of nuclear matter properties |
Contributed Talk | Workshop on The Radiative Transfer and Atomic Physics of Kilonovae | Stockholm, Sweden | 2023, September 4 | B07 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | A critical test of the Oslo method | Invited Talk | Taking the Temperature (T3): Workshop on Statistical Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics and Applications, Ohio University | Athens, OH, USA | 2023, August 15 | B04 |
Madalina Enciu | Extended p3/2 neutron orbital and the N = 32 shell closure in 52Ca | Contributed Talk | Direct reactions and spectroscopy with hydrogen targets: past 10 years at the RIBF and future prospects | York, UK | 2023, July 31 | A03, A08 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Evidence for a toroidal electric dipole mode in nuclei | Contributed Talk | 17th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS17) | Grenoble, France | 2023, July 21 | B02, B04 |
Giacomo Ricigliano |
Nucleosynthesis and Kilonova from BNS mergers: models for EOS constraints and rapid analysis |
Contributed Talk | ELEMENTS Annual Conference | Bad Nauheim, Germany | 2023, July 11 | B07 |
Laura Renth (Coauthors: Daniel Burdette, Alex Brinson, Jason Clark, Adam Dockery, Max Horst, Phillip Imgram, Kristian König, Bernhard Maaß, Simon Rausch, Kei Minamisono, Patrick Müller, Peter Müller, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Skyy Pineda, Brooke Rickey, Daniel Sagntiago-Gonzales, Guy Savard, Felix Sommer, Adrian Valverde) | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Neutron Rich Palladium Isotopes | Poster | ARIS (Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science) | Avignon, France | 2023, June 7 | A03 |
Patrick Müller (Coauthors: P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maaß, W. Nörtershäuser) | The nuclear charge radius of 13C | Poster | ARIS (Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science) | Avignon, France | 2023, June 7 | A01 |
Phillip Imgram (Coauthors: K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, W. Nörtershäuser) | High-precision collinear laser spectroscopy – An all-optical nuclear charge radius of 12C | Contributed Talk | ARIS (Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science) | Avignon, France | 2023, June 6 | A01 |
Pierre Arthuis | Automated generation and evaluation of diagrams at play in various many-body methods | Invited Talk | Automated tools for many-body theory | Saclay, France | 2023, June 5 | A04 |
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) | Precision nuclear structure with the in-medium similarity renormalization group | Invited Talk | Yonsei University Seminar | Seoul, South Korea | 2023, May 23 | A04 |
Jonas Stoll (Coauthor: Jens Braun) |
Towards the equation of state of color-superconducting strong-interaction matter |
Poster | Exploring New Topics with Functional Renormalisation | Darmstadt Germany | 2023, May 5 | B05 |
Alexandre Obertelli | Shell closures in Ni and Ca: in-beam spectroscopy at RIBF | Invited Talk | Nuclear tapas: the shell model as a cornerstone of nuclear structure | Madrid, Spain | 2023, April 27 | A03, A08 |
Andreas Bauswein | From quarks to black holes: micro- and macrophysics of neutron star mergers | Invited Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 23 | B07 |
P. Imgram (Coauthors: K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, and W. Nörtershäuser) | High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of C4+ for an All-Optical Determination of the Nuclear Charge Radius | Invited Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 22 | A01 |
J. Spahn (Coauthors: P. Imgram, K. König, P. Müller, and W. Nörtershäuser) | Background-Corrected Collinear Saturation Spectroscopy at COALA | Poster | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 22 | A01 |
Meytal Duer | Determination of the neutron-neutron scattering length | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 22 | A05, 06 |
Lars Zurek (Coauthors: Scott K. Bogner, Richard J. Furnstahl, Rodrigo Navarro Pérez, Nicolas Schunck, Achim Schwenk) | Improving Skyrme energy density functionals with chiral effective field theory | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 21 | A04 |
Matthias Heinz | Ab initio structure of neutron-rich calcium isotopes | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 21 | A04 |
L. Renth (for the ATLANTIS Collaboration) | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy on Neutron Rich Palladium | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 21 | A03 |
K. König (Coauthors: R. Garcia-Ruiz, K. Minamisono, and W. Nörtershäuser) | Collinear laser spectroscopy at NSCL/FRIB | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Hadrons and Nuclei | Dresden, Germany | 2023, March 20 | A03 |
Matthias Heinz | Precision nuclear structure with the in-medium similarity renormalization group | Contributed Talk | Triangle Nuclear Theory Colloquium | Raleigh, NC, USA | 2023, March 9 | A04 |
P. Müller (Coauthors: P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maass, and W. Nörtershäuser) | Collinear laser spectroscopy in 12,13C4+ | Contributed Talk | DPG Spring Meeting 2023, Section Atomic Physics | Hannover, Germany | 2023, March 9 | A01 |
Lars Zurek | Ab initio but faster? | Invited Talk | LLNL Nuclear Joint Seminars | Livermore, CA, USA | 2023, March 8 | A04 |
Alexandre Obertelli | Nucleon removal, a tool to study rare isotopes | Invited Talk | NUSPEQ 2023 | Numazu, Japan | 2023, March 7 | A03 |
Maximilian Jacobi (Coauthors: Federico Guercilena, Sabrina Huth, Almudena Arcones) | Effects of Nuclear Matter Properties in Neutron-Star Mergers | Invited Talk | Seminar – Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics | Potsdam, Germany | 2023, March 7 | B07 |
Pierre Arthuis | Revisiting chiral low-momentum interactions for medium-mass nuclei | Contributed Talk | Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics | Vancouver, Canada | 2023, March 3 | A04 |
Lars Zurek | Improving Skyrme energy density functionals with chiral effective field theory | Poster | Workshop on Progress in Ab Initio Nuclear Theory, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2023, March 2 | A04 |
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) | Precision nuclear structure with the in-medium similarity renormalization group | Invited Talk | LANL T-2 Nuclear Theory Seminar | Los Alamos, NM, USA | 2023, March 1 | A04 |
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) | IMSRG with three-body operators | Poster | Progress in Ab Initio Nuclear Theory | Vancouver, Canada | 2023, March 1 | A04 |
Meytal Duer | Recent result on the 4n system from SAMURAI@RIKEN | Plenary Talk | NUSTAR Annual Meeting, GSI | Darmstadt, Germany | 2023, March 1 | A06 |
Francesca Bonaiti | Computing nuclear responses for open-shell nuclei in coupled-cluster theory | Poster | Workshop on Progress in Ab Initio Nuclear Theory, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2023, March 1 | B04 |
L. Renth (Coauthors: D. Burdette, A. Brinson, J. Clark, A. Dockery, M. Horst, P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maaß, S. Rausch, K. Minamisono, Patrick Müller, Peter Müller, W. Nörtershäuser, S. Pineda, B. Rickey, D. Sagntiago-Gonzales, G. Savard, F. Sommer, A. Valverde | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at ATLANTIS | Invited Talk | Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2023 | Schleching, Germany | 2023, February 28 | A03 |
Alexandre Obertelli | The neutron-rich side of matter | Invited Talk | Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2023 | Schleching, Germany | 2023, February 27 | A03, A08 |
Matthias Heinz, Achim Schwenk | Main Lectures for Section “Modern Nuclear Structure”: Modern nuclear forces and ab initio calculations of nuclei, Nuclear structure frontiers, "Equation of state of dense matter and neutron stars | School Lecture | Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2023 | Schleching, Germany | 2023, February 25 | A04, B01, B05 |
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) | Improved ab initio nuclear structure for medium-mass and heavy nuclei | Invited Talk | Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2023 | Schleching, Germany | 2023, February 24 | A04 |
Matthias Göbel | Two-neutron halos in halo effective field theory | Invited Talk | Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2023 | Schleching, Germany | 2023, February 23 | A05 |
Almudena Arcones | Cosmic laboratories for nuclear physics | Invited Talk | University of Washington Physics Colloquium | Seattle, WA, USA | 2023, February 23 | B06, B07 |
Phillip Imgram (Coauthors: K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, W. Nörtershäuser) | High-precision collinear laser spectroscopy of 12C4+ | Invited Talk | 25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics | Mainz, Germany | 2023, February 8 | A01 |
Live-Palm Kubushishi | Perturbative EFT model of core excitations in one-neutron halo nuclei | Contributed Talk | 59th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics | Bormio, Italy | 2023, January 24 | A05 |
Alexandre Obertelli | Neutron-rich nuclear systems | Invited Talk | Seminar General, Horia Hulubei National Institute | Bucharest, Romania | 2023, January 20 | A08 |
Lars Zurek | Energy-density functionals from local chiral interactions | Contributed Talk | EMMI Workshop and International Workshop XLIX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations | Hirschegg, Austria | 2023, January 19 | A04 |
Matthias Göbel | Implications of the unitary limit for neutron spectra of halo nuclei | Invited Talk | EMMI Workshop and International Workshop XLIX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations | Hirschegg, Austria | 2023, January 18 | A05 |
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Alexander Tichai, Ragnar Stroberg, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) | Recent progress on in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations with three-body operators | Contributed Talk | EMMI Workshop and International Workshop XLIX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations | Hirschegg, Austria | 2023, January 16 | A04 |
Pierre Arthuis | Revisiting chiral low-momentum interactions for medium-mass nuclei | Contributed Talk | EMMI Workshop and International Workshop XLIX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations | Hirschegg, Austria | 2023, January 16 | A04 |
Lars Zurek | Energy-density functionals with local chiral interactions | Invited Talk | Monthly Orsay-Saclay online seminar | Orsay/Saclay, France, virtual | 2023, January 9 | A04 |
Phillip Imgram | High-precission collinear laser spectroscopy at TU Darmstadt | Invited Talk | IKS Seminar at KU Leuven | Leuven, Belgium | 2023, January 19 | A01 |