SFB 1245
Atomic Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars

Talks and Posters 2019

Presenter(s) Title Type Occasion Place Date Project
Svenja K. Greif Constraining the nuclear equation of state from nuclear physics and neutron star observations Invited Talk EMMI Physics Day 2019 Darmstadt, Germany 2019, November 19 B01
Hannah Yasin

Core-collapse supernovae and the equation of state Contributed Talk Astronomy Seminar at Michigan State University East Lansing, MI, USA 2019, November 6 B06
Meytal Duer Study of the 8He(p,pα)4n reaction Invited Talk International Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams Maresias, Brazil 2019, October 17 A06
Achim Schwenk The nuclear chart and equation of state from nuclear forces Plenary Talk Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX Mainz, Germany 2019, September 19 A04
Dag Fahlin Strömberg
Impact of forbidden 20Ne -> 20F electron capture in intermediate-mass stars Contributed Talk Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX Mainz, Germany 2019, September 17 B01
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: Hannah Yasin, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk) Equation of state effects in core-collapse supernova Poster Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX Mainz, Germany 2019, September 16 B01
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk) Impact of the equation of state in core-collapse supernovae Contributed Talk Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IX Mainz, Germany 2019, September 16 B06
Sebastian König (Coauthors: K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk)

Eigenvector continuation in nuclear physics Plenary Talk Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics Vancouver, Canada 2019, September 10 B01
Sebastian König Few nucleons and other stories Plenary Talk 24th European Few-Body Conference Guildford, England 2019, September 5 B01
Christopher Lehr Low-energy dipole response of the halo nuclei 6,8He Contributed Talk SAMURAI International Collaboration Workshop 2019 Tokyo, Japan 2019, August 31 A05
Sonja Storck

Analysis Update on the Lifetime Measurement of the 26O g.s. at SAMURAI Contributed Talk SAMURAI International Collaboration Workshop 2019 Tokyo, Japan 2019, August 30 A06
Meytal Duer Analysis of 8He(p, p alpha)4n Contributed Talk SAMURAI International Collaboration Workshop 2019 Tokyo, Japan 2019, August 30 A06
Dominic Rossi
(Coauthor: J. Kahlbow)
Invariant-Mass Spectroscopy at the low-Z Shore of the Island of Inversion Contributed Talk SAMURAI International Collaboration Workshop 2019 Tokyo, Japan 2019, August 30 A06
Corbinian Wellenhofer

Nuclear Matter and Dilute Fermi Systems from Effective Field Theory Invited Talk Ab initio nuclear theory workshop Surrey, UC Surrey Guildford, England 2019, August 24 B05
Hannah Yasin Core-collapse supernovae and equation of state effects Contributed Talk MICRA Jena, Germany 2019, August 14 B06
Sebastian König From few to many nucleons Contributed Talk Low-Energy Community Meeting 2019, FRIB-TA Annual Meeting, Duke University Durham, USA 2019, August 8 B01
Pierre Capel Recent advances in the description of reactions involving exotic nuclei Invited Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 Glasgow, Scotland 2019, August 2 A05
Meytal Duer Short-Range Correlations in neutron-rich Nuclei Invited Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 Glasgow, Scotland 2019, August 1 A06
Bernhard Maaß

Charge Radii of Boron Isotopes Contributed Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 Glasgow, Scotland 2019, August 1 A01
Sonja Storck (Coauthors: J. Kahlbow, C. Caesar, D. Rossi, T. Aumann) Lifetime Measurement of the 26O ground state at SAMURAI Poster International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 Glasgow, Scotland 2019, August 1 A06
Sergej Bassauer (Coauthors: Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Atsushi Tamii)

New Constraints on the Symmetry Energy of Neutron-rich Matter from the Systematics of the Electric Dipole Response in Stable Tin Isotopes Contributed Talk International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 Glasgow, Scotland 2019, July 30 B04
Robert Roth Chiral EFT interactions: some solutions and more puzzles Invited Talk INT Program “Nuclear Structure at the Crossroads” (INT-19-2a), Institute for Nuclear Theory Seattle, WA, USA 2019, July 15 A02
Hannah Yasin
Core-collapse supernovae and equation of state effects Invited Talk Nuclear Physics Colloquium Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2019, July 11 B06
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear Matter and Dilute Fermi Systems from Effective Field Theory Contributed Talk INT Program “Nuclear Structure at the Crossroads”
(INT-19-2a), Institute for Nuclear Theory
Seattle, WA, USA 2019, July 9 B05
Sebastian König Eigenvector continuation in nuclear physics Invited Talk INT Program “Nuclear Structure at the Crossroads”
(INT-19-2a), Institute for Nuclear Theory
Seattle, WA, USA 2019, July 4 B01
Stylianos Nikas

The creation of the first r-process peak in neutron star mergers, impact of nuclear masses and beta decay rates Invited Talk Nuclear and astrophysics aspects for the rapid neutron capture process in the era of multi-messenger observation, ECT* Trento, Italy 2019, July 3 B06
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Low-Energy E1 and M1 Strength from (p,p’) Scattering at Forward Angles Invited Talk African Nuclear Physics Conference Kruger Park, South Africa 2019, July 2 B04
Vladimir Ponomarev
Excitation of the PDR and GDR in the (e,e') scattering Invited Talk African Nuclear Physics Conference Kruger Park, South Africa 2019, July 2 A07
Kai Hebeler Recent progress of chiral three-nucleon interactions and applications to nuclei and matter Contributed talk INT Program “Nuclear Structure at the Crossroads”
(INT-19-2a), Institute for Nuclear Theory
Seattle, WA, USA 2019, July 1 B05
Robert Roth
Hybrid Methods for Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Calculations Invited Tal k Gordon Research Conference – Nuclear Chemistry “Exploring Simple Structural Patterns and the Dynamics of Nuclei” New London, NH, USA 2019, June 20 A02
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Magnetic Excitation Modes in Nuclei School Lecture International Summer School for Graduate Students, University of Oslo Oslo, Norway 2019, June 10 B02
Sebastian König Nuclear physics around the unitarity limit Plenary Talk New Ideas in Constraining Nuclear Forces, ECT* Trento, Italy 2019, June 7 B01
Almudena Arcones

Extreme matter in core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers Invited Talk Colloquium, MPI Nuclear Physics Heidelberg, Germany 2019, June 6 B06
Stylianos Nikas Exploring the astrophysical conditions for the creation of the first r-process peak, and the impact of nuclear physics uncertainties Contributed Talk 28th Annual Symposium Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS) 2019, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece 2019, May 31 B06
Stefan Typel From nuclei to stars with a relativistic density functional Invited Talk 28th Annual Symposium Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS) 2019, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece 2019, May 31 B05
Oliver Papst

Dipole strength of 164Dy below the neutron separation threshold Contributed Talk 7th Workshop on Nuclear Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, Norway 2019, May 29 B03
Peter von Neumann-Cosel Gamma Strength Functions and Level Densities along the Stable Tin Isotope Chain Invited Talk 7th Workshop on Nuclear Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, Norway 2019, May 28 B04
Phillip Imgram )Coauthors: P. Imgram, K. König, J. Krämer, T. Ratajczyk, P. Müller, R. A. Müller, A. Suzhykov, W. Nörtershäuser) Collinear Laser Spectroscopy meets Ion-Trap accuracy: Recent developments in the Ca+ puzzle Contributed Talk PLATAN 2019 Mainz, Germany 2019, May 23 A01
Dag Fahlin Strömberg

Forbidden transition between 20Ne and 20F: Implications of new data Contributed Talk Electron-Capture-Initiated Stellar Collapse, Lorentz Center Leiden, Netherlands 2019, May 21 B01
Bernhard Maaß Charge Radii of Boron Isotopes Contributed Talk PLATAN 2019 Mainz, Germany 2019, May 21 A01
Stefan Typel

Clusters in Nuclear Matter and Nuclei Invited Talk Challenges to Transport Theory for Heavy-Ion Collisions, ECT* Trento, Italy 2019, May 21 B05
Jörg Krämer Absolute Frequencies of the 5s2 1S0 -> 5s5p 3P1 Hyperfine Transitions in 115In+ Contributed Talk PLATAN 2019 Mainz, Germany 2019, May 21 A01
Patrick Müller (Coauthors: Phillip Imgram,Kristian König,Jörg Krämer,Tim Ratajczyk,Bernhard Maaß,Wilfried Nörtershäuser) Influence of the current detection geometry at the COALA experiment on quantum interference in the hyperfine spectrum of 43Ca+ ions Poste PLATAN 2019 Mainz, Germany 2019, May 20 A01
Wilfried Nörtershäuser

Determination of Nuclear Ground State Properties by Laser Spectroscopy Invited Talk PLATAN 2019 Mainz, Germany 2019, May 19 A03
Sebastian König Few-body bound states and resonances in finite volume Invited Talk Nuclear Theory Seminar, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum, Germany 2019, May 16 B01
Peter von Neumann-Cosel New Experimental Insights into the Quenching of the Isovector Spin Response Invited Talk Workshop Neutrino Nuclear Responses for Double Beta Decays and Astro Neutrinos (NNR19) Osaka, Japan 2019, May 8 B02
Rodric Seutin (Coauthors: Sebastian König, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk) Electromagnetic currents from chiral effective field theory: results for two- and three-body systems Invited Talk Seminar stored and cooled ions, MPIK Heidelberg, Germany 2019, May 8 B01
Almudena Arcones Heavy element production in neutron star mergers and core-collapse supernovae Invited Talk OKC Colloquium, Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden 2019, May 7 B06
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: Hannah Yasin, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)

Equation of state effects in core-collapse supernovae Contributed Talk PHAROS Conference Platja d'Aro, Spain 2019, April 23 B01
Sebastian König Nuclear physics around the unitarity limit Plenary Talk Effective Field Theories and Ab initio Calculations of Nuclei Nanjing, China 2019, April 11 B01
Achim Schwenk

Chiral effective field theory for nuclei and dark matter direct detection Invited Talk Precise beta decay calculations for searches for new physics, ECT* Trento, Italy 2019, April 10 B01
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear Many-Body Problem and Effective Field Theory Invited Talk Functional Methods in Strongly Correlated Systems Hirschegg, Austria 2019, April 2 B05
Sebastian König Few nucleons and other stories School Lecture Special Lecture, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China 2019, April 2 B01
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)

Equation of state effects in core-collapse supernovae Contributed Talk XIXth Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics Ringberg, Germany 2019, March 29 B06
Udo Gayer
High-Precision Nuclear Structure Studies for 0νββ Decay Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 22 B03
Tobias Beck
E2 strength of the scissors mode and F-vector quadrupole charges over a shape-phase transition Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 22 B03
Jörn Kleemann
Decay Characteristics of the Scissors Mode of the 0νββ-Decay Partner Isotopes 150Nd and 150Sm Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 22 B03
Sebastian König
Few-body resonances from finite-volume calculations Plenary Talk Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theories: Building Together for the Future, GANIL Caen, France 2019, March 21 B01
Michaela Hilcker (Coauthors: Tobias Klaus, Norbert Pietralla, Maxim Singer, Gerhart Steinhilber, Peter von Neumann-Cosel)
Test eines Flüssig-Heliumtargets für Elektronenstreuexperimente Poster DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 21 A01
Stylianos Nikas (Coauthors: Gabriel Martinez Pinedo, Andre Sieverding, Meng-Ru Wu)
Exploring the astrophysical conditions for the creation of the first r-process peak Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 21 B06
Marcel Schilling
Upgrade des Darmstadt High Intensity Photon Setup am S-DALINAC Poster DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 21 A01
Rodric Seutin (Coauthors: Sebastian König, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Electroweak currents from chiral EFT in few-nucleon systems Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 B01
Christopher Lehr Low-energy dipole response of the halo nuclei 6,8He Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 A05
Sergej Bassauer (Coauthors: Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Atsushi Tamii)
Systematics of the Electric Dipole Response in Stable Tin Isotopes Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 B04
Stefan Typel Electric dipole excitation of neutron-rich nuclei in a relativistic energy density functional approach Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 A07
Catharina Brase (Coauthors: Eduardo A. Coello Pérez, Achim Schwenk) Weak decays within an effective theory Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 B01
Jan Hoppe (Coauthors: K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk, and J. Simonis) Probing novel nuclear forces with the in-medium similarity renormalization group Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 A04
Lars Zurek (Coauthors: Eduardo Antonio Coello Pérez, Achim Schwenk)
Energy-density functionals from local chiral interactions Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 20 A04
Dag Fahlin Strömberg (Coauthor: G)abriel Martínez-Pinedo) Astrophysical implications of the forbidden transition between 20Ne and 20F Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 B01
Patrick van Beek (Coauthors: Thomas Aumann, Martin Baumann, Alexander Fuchs, Daniel Körper, Yevhen Kozymka, Heiko Scheidt, Dmytro Symochko) Status report on NEPTUN upgrade and total photoab- sorption setup PROTEUS Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 B04
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear thermodynamics from chiral effective field theory Invited Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 B05
Felix Sommer

Towards Laser Spectroscopy of Boron-8 Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 A01
Sabrina Schäfer (Coauthors: H. Yasin, A. Arcones, A. Schwenk)
Impact of the equation of state in core-collapse supernovae Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 B01
Hannah Yasin (Coauthors: Sabrina Schäfer, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk)
Core-collapse supernovae and equation of state effects Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 B06
Axel Frotscher (Coauthor: Nancy Paul)
Determination of exclusive (p,3p) cross section for neutron-rich medium-mass nuclei Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 A03
Gerhart Steinhilber (Coauthors: Tobias Klaus, Ronan Lefol, Johann Isaak, Norbert Pietralla, Peter von Neumann-Cosel)

Commissioning Tests for (e,e'g) Coincidence Experiments at the S-DALINAC Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 19 A07
Matthias Heinz (Coauthors: Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk)
Exploring alternative SRG generators in one dimension Contributed Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 München, Germany 2019, March 18 A04
Bernhard Maaß
Precision Spectroscopy of Boron Atoms Invited Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung 2019 Rostock, Germany 2019, March 14 A01
Almudena Arcones
r-process and nucleosynthesis Invited Talk PHAROS PhD Training School: Multimessenger physics and astrophysics with compact binaries Jena, Germany 2019, March 11 B06
Sebastian König
From few to many nucleons Invited Talk Seminar, St. Mary's University Halifax, Canada 2019, March 5 B01
Corbinian Wellenhofer
High-order nuclear matter calculations with chiral interactions Contributed Talk Ab initio Workshop, TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada 2019, March 1 B05
Achim Schwenk
Chiral interactions for nuclear matter and medium-mass nuclei Invited Talk Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics, TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada 2019, February 26 A04
Kai Hebeler
Status of three-nucleon interactions and a novel normal-ordering framework Invited Talk Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics, TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada 2019, February 26 B05
Robert Roth A Practitioner’s View of Next-Generation Chiral Interactions Contributed Talk Progress in Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics, TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada 2019, February 26 A02
Wael Elkamhawy (Coauthor: Hans-Werner Hammer) Electromagnetic Properties of One-Neutron and One-Proton Halo Nuclei in Halo EFT Invited Talk Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2019 Schleching, Germany 2019, February 22 A05
Almudena Arcones Explosive synthesis: How the heavy elements are formed Invited Talk AAAS Annual Meeting Washington, DC, USA 2019, February 14 B06
Sebastian König From few to many nucleons Invited Talk Physics Colloquium, North Carolina State University Raleigh, USA 2019, February 11 B01
Sebastian König Few nucleons and other stories Invited Talk Seminar, IPN Lyon, France 2019, February 8 B01
Corbinian Wellenhofer Three-Body Forces and Uncertainties in the Effective Field Theory Approach to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem Invited Talk Starkes Wechselwirkungsseminar, TUM München, Germany 2019, January 7 B05