SFB 1245
Atomic Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars


Name Affiliation Country Period Topic or Occasion Project(s)
Dean Lee Michigan State University USA 2024, July 3 – 6 Seminar talk & discussion “New results in Nuclear Lattice EFT” A02, A05
Akif Baha Balantekin University of Wisconsin USA 2024, June 19 – 27 Mini-Workshop B06
Kirsty Duffy University of Oxford United Kingdom 2024, June 19 – 21 SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” MGK
Giovanni Benato Gran Sasso Science Institute Italy 2024, June 19 – 21 SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” MGK
Javier Menendez University of Barcelona Spain 2024, June 19 – 21 SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” MGK
Joanna Sobczyk Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Germany 2024, June 19 – 21 SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” MGK
Zewei Xiong GSI Germany 2024, June 19 – 21 SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” MGK
Retief Neveling iThemba LABS South Africa 2024, June 9 – 15 Studies of the giant monopole resonance at iThemba LABS B04
Atsushi Tamii Osaka University Japan 2024, April 14 – 20 Lecture Week MGK
Pieter Maris Iowa State University USA 2024, March 13 – 17 Precision Studies of Radii in the NCSM A02
Marta Molero University of Triest Italy 2024, February 1 – 29 Collaboration with Almudena Arcones B06
Jim Lattimer Stony Brook University USA 2023, December 10 – 14 Collaboration with Achim Schwenk Z
Matthias Göbel INFN Pisa Italy 2023, November 27 – December 1 Measurements in 6He(p,p2) zn, t(p,pp) zn A05
Martin Obergaulinger Universidad Valencia Spain 2023, November 6 – 10 Collaboration with Almudena Arcones Z
Miguel-Ángel Aloy Torás Universidad Valencia Spain 2023, November 5 – 7 Collaboration with Almudena Arcones Z
Marialuisa Aliotta University of Edingburgh UK 2023, October 12 – 14 Academic Writing Course MGK
Christian Forssén Chalmers Sweden 2023, October 10 – 13 Lecture Week MGK
Moritz Reichert Universidad Valencia Spain 2023, September 25 – October 1 Collaboration: nucleosynthesis in supernovae & mergers B06
Caroline Robin Universität Bielefeld Germany 2023, September 24 – 28 Talk at SFB1245 annual workshop: Quantum information & entaglement in nuclei Z
Dean Lee FRIB / Michigan State University USA 2023, July 5 – 8 Talk 'Recent Progress in Nuclear Lattice EFT' A02
Moritz Reichert Universidad Valencia Spain 2023, June 5 – 13 Collaboration: nucleosynthesis in supernovae and mergers B06
Joaquín Drut University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA 2023, June 12 – 18 Collaboration on equation of state and SFB Colloquium: Calculating and resumming the virial equation for quantum gases B05
Gaute Hagen Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA 2023, April 23 – May 7 Collaboration on ab initio calculations and SFB Colloquium: Advances in ab initio computations of atomic nuclei A04, B04
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2023, April 23 – 27 Collaboration with Achim Schwenk Z
Frederic Noël University of Washington USA 2023, April 23 – 27 Talk Z
Ritapurna Kanungo TRIUMF/St Mary’s University Canada 2023, April 2 – 9 Lecture Week on Reactions with Radioactive Ion Beams MGK
Volker Koch LBL, Berkeley USA 2023, January 26 – June 30 Sabbatical visit and collaboration on equation of state and impact on heavy-ion collisions B05
Bernhard Maaß Argonne National Laboratory USA 2022, December 12 – 23 Collaboration on laser spectroscopy and SFB Colloquium: First results from ATLANTIS A03
Moritz Reichert Universidad Valencia Spain 2022, Novermber 26 – December 16 Collaboration on nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae B06,
Kenta Hotokezaka University of Tokyo Japan 2022, November 24 – 27 Collaboration on neutron star mergers and kilonova B07
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez CERN/MPIK Germany 2022, November 3 – 4 Collaboration on N = 126 factory and charge radii of Sn and Pb isotopes A03, A04
Willem Dickhoff Washington University, St. Louis USA 2022, October 10 – 12 Collaboration on quasi-free scattering and quenching of single-particle strength A03
Yutaka Utsuno JAEA Japan 2022, October 9 – 13 Co-organizer of REIMEI workshop and collaboration on shell structure of neutron-rich nuclei A08
Sanjay Reddy INT/University of Washington USA 2022, October 2 – 8 Collaboration on equation of state and neutrino-matter interactions B01
Iyabo Usman University of Witwatersrand South Africa 2022, October 1 – November 30 Collaboration on fine structure of electric dipole response in stable Ca isotopes B04
Rodrigo Fernández University of Alberta Canada 2022, September 12 – December 9 Physics Colloquium and collaboration on r-process nucleosynthesis from accretion disks B07
Evgeny Epelbaum Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany 2022, September 26 – 30 Lecture Week – Effective field theory MGK
Maria Markova University of Oslo Norway 2022, July 27 – August 8 Collaboration on systematics of low-energy E1 strength in stable Sn isotopes B04
Linda Lombardo Observatory of Paris France 2022, July 18 – 22 Collaboration on new observations of r-process elements B06
Fernando Montes Michigan State University USA 2022, July 11 – 24 Collaboration on nucleosynthesis reactions and SFB Colloquium: Rare isotopes and the origin of the not so heavy elements B06
Marta Molero University of Trieste Italy 2022, July 8 – 24 Collaboration on r-process nucleosynthesis in mergers and supernovae B06, B07
Iris Dillmann TRIUMF Canada 2022, June 24 – July 2 Collaboration on nucleosynthesis reactions and SFB Colloquium: The TRISR project – A storage ring for neutron captures on radioactive nuclei B06, B07
Takaharu Otsuka University of Tokyo Japan 2022, April 10 – June 22, October 4 – 6, November 7 – 9 Collaboration on nuclear structure and shell-model calculations, in particular for Zr and Mo isotopes B02
Marialuisa Aliotta University of Edingburgh UK 2022, May 22 – 28 Academic Writing course / Writing workshop MGK
Carlos Bertulani Texas A&M University, Commerce USA 2022, May 14 – June 24, July 2 – August 28 Collaboration on quasi-free scattering cross sections for A03, A05, A06 experiments A03, A05, A06
Pieter Doornenbal RIKEN Japan 2022, May 1 – 31 Collaboration on RIBF program and SFB Colloquium: In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at RIBF A08
Martin Obergaulinger University of Valencia Spain 2022, April 24 – May 1 Collaboration on core-collapse supernova simulations B06
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez CERN Switzerland 2022, September 3 (virtual) SFB Colloquium: Recent results of collinear laser spectroscopy in magic nuclei: From tin to lead A03
Heiko Hergert Michigan State University USA 2022, January 13 SFB Colloquium: A new generation of many-body methods for nuclear structure A04
Takaharu Otsuka University of Tokyo Japan 2021, November 7 – 10 Workshop on Breakthrough Experiments for the next years A01
Georgi Rainovski University of Sofia Bulgaria 2021, September 8 – 10 Collaboration on first-forbidden beta-decays in Zr region B02
Lucas Platter University of Tennessee USA 2021, August 1 – 2022, July 31 Sabbatical visit and collaboration on Halo and pionless EFT A02, A05
Thomas Paperbrock University of Tennessee USA 2021, June 24 (virtual) SFB Colloquium: Effecive theories, coupled clusters, and computers: predicting properties of atomic nuclei A04
Javier Menéndez University of Barcelona Spain 2021, June 17 (virtual), 2022, October 4 – 6 SFB Colloquium: Neutrinoless double-beta decay: New ideas for improved matrix elements
Collaboration on electroweak interactions in nuclei
Constanca Providencia University of Coimbra Portugal 2020, March 12 (virtual) SFB Colloquium: The interplay between neutron stars and the equation of state B05
Camilla Hansen MPI for Astronomy, Heidelberg Germany 2020, November 26 (virtual) SFB Colloquium: Linking direct and indirect stellar observation to nuclear reactions B06, B07
Barbara Dietz Lanzhou University China 2020, February 3 – 7 Collaboration on statistical analysis of high-resolution spectra B04
Javier Menéndez University of Barcelona Spain 2019, December 18 – 19 CEvNS-Workshop B01
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2019, December, 17 – 19 CEvNS-Workshop B01
Javier Menéndez Universität Barcelona Spain 2019, November 27 – 28 Topic weak interactions in nuclei B01
Taka Otsuka University of Tokyo Japan 2019, September 1 – 30 Large-Scale Shell Model for Rare-Earth Nuclei A07
Stephanie Lyons Michigan State University USA 2019, September 10 – 16 Beta-decay of neutron-rich Co with total absorption spectroscopy A06
Carlos Bertulani Texas A&M Commerce USA 2019, May 13 – August 27 Pygmy resonances, neutron skins, and neutron stars A06
Lucas Platter University of Tennessee USA 2019, August 18 – 24 Finalization of project A02
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez CERN/ISOLDE Switzerland 2019, August 18 – 19 Laser Spectroscopy Tests at KOALA using a new High-Voltage Device A03
Barbara Dietz University Lanzhou China 2019, July 18 – 26 Analysis of high-resolution spectra using random matrix theory A04

Roger Fearick
University of Cape Town South Africa 2019, July 7 – 26 Polarizability of 40Ca B04
James Lattimer State University of New York at Stony Brook USA 2019, July 15 – 19 Summer Lecture Week 2019 A02
Rotislav Jolos JINR, Dubna Russia 2019, May 21 – 28 Theory Support for Project A07 A07
Ann-Cecilie Larsen University of Oslo Norway 2019, May 21 – 23 Constraining neutron capture rates relevant to r-process and i-process nucleosynthesis B04
Magne Guttormsen University of Oslo Norway 2019, May 21 – 23 Level density in Nd isotopes as function of deformation B04
Jason Holt TRIUMF Canada 2019, May 5 – 11 IMSRG projects A04
Evan O´Connor Stockholm University Sweden 2019, April 22 – 24 Discussions about Neutrinos & EoS in supervovae B05
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2019, March 15 – 16 Collaboration about COHERENT scattering B01
Chamunorwa Oscar Kureba International University of Science Botswana 2019, January 20 – February 3 High-resolution studies of giant resonances with inelastic proton scattering B04
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard Universität Erlangen Germany 2019, January 30 CRC 1245 B04
Alexander Tichai CEA Saclay France 2019, January 25 – 29 Collaboration about MBPT and IMSRG A04
Adriana-Ioana Gheorghe IFIN-HH Romania 2019, January 21 – 25 Photoneutron cross section measurements with a direct multiplicity sorting method B04
Wolfram Weise TU München Germany 2019, January 10 Dense bayonic matter and strangeness in neutron stars A04
Caroline Robin University of Washington USA 2018, December 17 – 19 Charge-exchange modes and weak-interaction processes in Relativistic Nuclear Field Theory B01
Arianna Carbone ECT Italy 2018, December 2 – 7 Predicting nuclear matter at finite-temperature with the use of chiral interactions B01
Rotislav Jolos JINR, Dubna Russia 2018, December 2 – 6 Microscopic Description of Moment of Inertia of Scissors Mode Bands B03
Ingo Tews Los Alamos National Laboratory USA 2018, November 17 – December 1 QMC calculations, equation of state and neutron stars A04
Jürgen Berges Universität Heidelberg Germany 2018, November 29 Nonthermal fixed points and far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics: from the quark-gluon plasma to cold atoms B01
Meytal Duer University of Tel-Aviv Israel 2018, November 20 – 23 CRC 1245 A06
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2018, November 6 – 7 WIMP-nucleus B01

Anu Kankainen

University of Jyväskyla Finland 2018, November 1 – 2 Studies for nuclear structure and astrophysics at IGISOL Journey Z
Christian Drischler University of California, Berkeley USA 2018, October 21 – 30 Collaboration meeting on EOS calculations B05
Sean Couch Michigan State University USA October 2081, 15 – 16 Collaboation B06, Nucleosynthesis in core-collaps supernovae B06
Dick Furnstahl Ohio State University USA 2018, October 4 – 9 Collaboration A02
Georgi Rainovski University of Sofia Bulgaria 2018, August 14 – 18 Octopol vibration bands in the nucleus 154Sm A07
Ingo Tews University of Washington USA 2018, July 30 – 31 How well does GW170817 constrain the equation of state of dense matter? B01
Andrey M. Shirokov Moscow State University Russia 2018, July 15 – 19 Collaboration: Full-HORSE Method A02

Alexander Mazur
Pacific National University USA 2018, July 15 – 19 Collaboration: Full-HORSE Method A02
Roger Fearick University of Cape Town South Africa 2018, June 18 – July 3 Dipole polarizability of 40Ca and level density analysis B04
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2018, June 28 – 30 WIMP-nucleus scattering B01
Dean Lee Michigan State University USA 2018, June 27 – 28 Recent results and future directions in nuclear lattice simulations A04
Geert Raaijmakers University of Amsterdam Netherlands 2018, June 10 – 22 EOS constraints from neutron star prosperties B01
Luna Pellegri iThemba LABS South Africa 2018, May 27 – 30 Structure of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance B04
Ingo Tews University of Washington USA 2018, May 9 – 17 Nuclear equation of state B05
Kyle Wendt Ohio State University USA 2018, May 2 – 5 Electroweak currents B01
Alexander Tichai CEA Saclay France 2018, April 16 – May 4 Perturbatively Improved NCSM and Bogoliubov MBPT A04
Hilla De-Leon Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel 2018, March 19 – 22 Solar pp-fusion rate and electroweack interactions B01
Kei Minamisono NSCL/MSU USA 2018, February 4 – 10 Nuclear structure studies using lasers at NSCL/MSU A03
Pierre Arthuis CEA de Saclay France 2018, January 30 – February 3 Many-body perturbation theory for open-shell nuclei B05
Axel Frotscher HZDR Dresden Germany 2018, January 22 – 24 Inelastic neutron scattering on 7Li A01
Johann Isaak RCNP Osaka Japan 2017, December 15 – 23 Analysis of commom experiments, future projects B02
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2017, December 20 – 21 Nuclear Physics of dark matter direct detection B01
Jin-Yi Pang Universität Bonn Germany 2017, December 7 Extraction of resonance parameters in finite volume A02
Jia Jun Wu Universität Bonn Germany 2017, December 7 Extraction of resonance parameters in finite volume A02
Akaki Rusetski Universität Bonn Germany 2017, December 7 Three-particle dynamics on the lattice A05
Jason Holt TRIUMF Canada 2017, November 18 – 28 Ab initio nuclear structure via IM-SRG A04
Johannes Simonis Universität Mainz Germany 2017, November 22 – 24 Common projects Z
James Lattimer Stony Brook University USA 2017, November 8 – 11 Equation of state and neutron star physics B05
Lindsay Donaldson iThemba Labs, Somerset West South Africa 2017, October 29 – November 5 Deformation dependence of the electric dipole response B04
Barbara Dietz
University Lanzhou China 2017, October 27 – November 3 Quantum mechanical behaviour of atomic nuclei A04
Aleksi Vuorinen Helsinki Institute for Physics Finland 2017, October 26 – 27 Dense QCD matter from first principles B05
Hans-Thomas Janka Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik Germany 2017 October 13 – 14 Supernova Explosions in three dimensions B06
Ingo Tews University of Washington USA 2017, October 9 – 12 Chiral effective field theory interactions A04
Alexander Fieguth

Universität Münster Germany 2017, September 12 – 13 Nuclear physics for direct search for dark matter B01
Javier Menéndez Center for Nuclear Study-University of Tokyo Japan 2017, September 11 – 13 Electroweak and darkmatter processes with nublei B01
Chary Rangacharyulu University of Saskatchewan Canada 2017, July 24 – 30 6ray as an impractical radiation dose unit B02
Roger Fearick University of Cape Town South Africa 2017, July 9 – 28 Analysis of fine structure from high-resolution scattering data B04
Kei Kotake Fukuoka University Japan 2017, July 13 Multi-messenger predictions from multi-D core-collapse supernova models B06
Alban Kellerbauer MPIK Heidelberg Germany 2017, June 22 Spectroscopy and laser cooling of atomic anions A01
Georgi Rainovski University of Sofia Bulgaria 2017, June 11 – 17 Recent Experiments on Nuclear Pairing A07
Chavdar Stoyanov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgaria 2017, May 30 – June 10 Microscopic description of nuclear low-spin excitations with the Quasiparticle Phonon Model A07
Dimitar Tarpanov
University of Sofia Bulgaria 2017, May 29 – June 9 Microscopic description of nuclear low-spin excitations with the Quasiparticle Phonon Model A07
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard Universtität Erlangen Germany 2017, May 18 Nuclear density functional theory – from phozo-absorption strenght to bulk B04
Moshe Gai University of Connecticut USA 2017, May 12 Discussion on 12C(e,e') experiment at S-DALINAC A07
Hiroaki Utsunomiya Konan University Japan 2017, May 2 – 7 The γSF Method for a Unified Understanding of (’γ,n) and (n,’γ) Reactions and a New Dimension of Partical GDR Cross Section Measurements B04
Corbinian Wellenhofer TU München Germany 2017, May 4 – 5 Isospin-Asymmetry Dependence of the Thermodynamic Nuclear Equation of State B01
Sarah Wesolowski Ohio State University, Columbus USA 2017, March 19 – 25 Bayesian uncertainty quantification for effective field theories A04
Thomas Luu Universität Bonn Germany 2017, February 9 Applying Lattice QCD techniques to low-dimensional non-relativistic systems A02
Barbara Dietz
University Lanzhou China 2017, January 23 – February 3 Chaos and Regularity in the doubly magic nucleus 208Pb A04
Pierre Capel Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium 2016. November 1 – December 31 Applications of chiral EFT interactions to reactions investigations within pion-less EFT A04
Thomas Duguet CEA, Saclay France 2016, November 28 – December 2 Symmetry breaking (and possible restoration) in ab initio nuclear many-body calculations A04
Raphael-David Lasseru CEA Sacley France 2016, November 28 – December 2 Symmetry Brecking and Restoration in ab initio Theories A02
Pär-Anders Söderström RIKEN Japan 2016, November 14 – 30 Structure on neutron-rich nuclei around 78Ni A01
Pavel Petkov NIPNE Romania 2016, November 10 – 12 Precision DSAM-Experiments A01
Martin Hoferichter University of Washington USA 2016, November 1 – 4 Nuclear physics of dark matter direct detection B01
Pierre Capel Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium 2016, September 15 – October 31 Applications of chiral EFT interactions to reactions investigations within pion-less EFT B01
Francesco Iachello Yale University USA 2016, October 26 – 27 Cluster Structures A01
Boris Carlsson Chalmers University Sweden 2016, October 20 – 21 Chiral interactions and N³LO calculations A04
Sebastian König Ohio State University USA 2016, September 25 – October 1 Review article about nuclear forces and EFT A05
James Lattimer Stoney Brook University USA 2016, September 14 – 18 EOS of dense matter B05
Roger Fearick University of Cape Town South Africa 2016, August 28 – September 10 Scales and level densities from high-resolution data on the E1 response B04
Angelo Calci TRIUMF, Vancouver Canada 2016, August 31 – September 9 Continuum and 3N Effects in Ab-Initio Calculations for p-Shell Nuclei A02
Sven Binder
Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA 2016, August 20 – September 3 EFT in the Harmonic Oscillator Basis A04
Taka Otsuka University of Tokyo Japan 2016, August 4 – 27 Type-II Shell Evolution A07
George Bertsch University of Washington USA 2016, August 21 – 24 Kernstruktur mittelschwerer bis schwerer Kerne A04
Eduardo Antonio Coello Perez University of Tennessee USA 2016, January 27 – July 31 Effective field theory approach to collective motion in heavy atomic nuclei A04
Mirko Miorelli TRIUMF, Vancouver Canada 2016, June 28 – July 30 Polarizability of medium-mass nuclei A04
Peter Müller Argonne National Laboratory USA 2016, June 27 – July 15 Laser Probing of Simple Atoms, Exotic Nuclei A01
Lucas Platter University of Tennessee, Knoxville USA 2016, May 30 – June 29 Nuclear reactions in Halo EFT A05
Hermann Krebs Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany 2016, June 2 Nuclear forces and currents in chiral effective field theory B05
Doris Jakubaßa-Amundsen Mathematisches Institut der Universität München Germany 2016, May 23 Bremsstrahlung in (e,e') and (e,ej) A07
Petr Navratil RIUMF, Vancouver Canada 2016, May 8 – 11 Collaboration on NCSM with Continuum and Alternative SRG A02
Lindsay Donaldson University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa 2016, April 10 – 24 New experimental study of the E1 response in the Nd isotope chain B04
Vittorio Somà CEA Saclay France 2016, March 8 – 11 Properties of medium-mass nuclei A04
Javier Menéndez University of Tokyo Japan 2016, March 7 – 11 Nuclear physics of dark matter B01
Nigel Orr LPC Caen France 2016, February 10 – 12 Probing the structure of the most neutron-rich isotopes of baron and carbon A06
Corbinian Wellenhofer TU München Germany 2016, November 7 Isospin-Asymmetry Dependence of the Thermodynamic Nuclear Equation of State Z