Name | Affiliation | Country | Period | Topic or Occasion | Project(s) |
Dean Lee | Michigan State University | USA | 2024, July 3 – 6 | Seminar talk & discussion “New results in Nuclear Lattice EFT” | A02, A05 |
Akif Baha Balantekin | University of Wisconsin | USA | 2024, June 19 – 27 | Mini-Workshop | B06 |
Kirsty Duffy | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 2024, June 19 – 21 | SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” | MGK |
Giovanni Benato | Gran Sasso Science Institute | Italy | 2024, June 19 – 21 | SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” | MGK |
Javier Menendez | University of Barcelona | Spain | 2024, June 19 – 21 | SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” | MGK |
Joanna Sobczyk | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Germany | 2024, June 19 – 21 | SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” | MGK |
Zewei Xiong | GSI | Germany | 2024, June 19 – 21 | SFB 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” | MGK |
Retief Neveling | iThemba LABS | South Africa | 2024, June 9 – 15 | Studies of the giant monopole resonance at iThemba LABS | B04 |
Atsushi Tamii | Osaka University | Japan | 2024, April 14 – 20 | Lecture Week | MGK |
Pieter Maris | Iowa State University | USA | 2024, March 13 – 17 | Precision Studies of Radii in the NCSM | A02 |
Marta Molero | University of Triest | Italy | 2024, February 1 – 29 | Collaboration with Almudena Arcones | B06 |
Jim Lattimer | Stony Brook University | USA | 2023, December 10 – 14 | Collaboration with Achim Schwenk | Z |
Matthias Göbel | INFN Pisa | Italy | 2023, November 27 – December 1 | Measurements in 6He(p,p2) zn, t(p,pp) zn | A05 |
Martin Obergaulinger | Universidad Valencia | Spain | 2023, November 6 – 10 | Collaboration with Almudena Arcones | Z |
Miguel-Ángel Aloy Torás | Universidad Valencia | Spain | 2023, November 5 – 7 | Collaboration with Almudena Arcones | Z |
Marialuisa Aliotta | University of Edingburgh | UK | 2023, October 12 – 14 | Academic Writing Course | MGK |
Christian Forssén | Chalmers | Sweden | 2023, October 10 – 13 | Lecture Week | MGK |
Moritz Reichert | Universidad Valencia | Spain | 2023, September 25 – October 1 | Collaboration: nucleosynthesis in supernovae & mergers | B06 |
Caroline Robin | Universität Bielefeld | Germany | 2023, September 24 – 28 | Talk at SFB1245 annual workshop: Quantum information & entaglement in nuclei | Z |
Dean Lee | FRIB / Michigan State University | USA | 2023, July 5 – 8 | Talk 'Recent Progress in Nuclear Lattice EFT' | A02 |
Moritz Reichert | Universidad Valencia | Spain | 2023, June 5 – 13 | Collaboration: nucleosynthesis in supernovae and mergers | B06 |
Joaquín Drut | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | USA | 2023, June 12 – 18 | Collaboration on equation of state and SFB Colloquium: Calculating and resumming the virial equation for quantum gases | B05 |
Gaute Hagen | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | 2023, April 23 – May 7 | Collaboration on ab initio calculations and SFB Colloquium: Advances in ab initio computations of atomic nuclei | A04, B04 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2023, April 23 – 27 | Collaboration with Achim Schwenk | Z |
Frederic Noël | University of Washington | USA | 2023, April 23 – 27 | Talk | Z |
Ritapurna Kanungo | TRIUMF/St Mary’s University | Canada | 2023, April 2 – 9 | Lecture Week on Reactions with Radioactive Ion Beams | MGK |
Volker Koch | LBL, Berkeley | USA | 2023, January 26 – June 30 | Sabbatical visit and collaboration on equation of state and impact on heavy-ion collisions | B05 |
Bernhard Maaß | Argonne National Laboratory | USA | 2022, December 12 – 23 | Collaboration on laser spectroscopy and SFB Colloquium: First results from ATLANTIS | A03 |
Moritz Reichert | Universidad Valencia | Spain | 2022, Novermber 26 – December 16 | Collaboration on nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae | B06, |
Kenta Hotokezaka | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2022, November 24 – 27 | Collaboration on neutron star mergers and kilonova | B07 |
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez | CERN/MPIK | Germany | 2022, November 3 – 4 | Collaboration on N = 126 factory and charge radii of Sn and Pb isotopes | A03, A04 |
Willem Dickhoff | Washington University, St. Louis | USA | 2022, October 10 – 12 | Collaboration on quasi-free scattering and quenching of single-particle strength | A03 |
Yutaka Utsuno | JAEA | Japan | 2022, October 9 – 13 | Co-organizer of REIMEI workshop and collaboration on shell structure of neutron-rich nuclei | A08 |
Sanjay Reddy | INT/University of Washington | USA | 2022, October 2 – 8 | Collaboration on equation of state and neutrino-matter interactions | B01 |
Iyabo Usman | University of Witwatersrand | South Africa | 2022, October 1 – November 30 | Collaboration on fine structure of electric dipole response in stable Ca isotopes | B04 |
Rodrigo Fernández | University of Alberta | Canada | 2022, September 12 – December 9 | Physics Colloquium and collaboration on r-process nucleosynthesis from accretion disks | B07 |
Evgeny Epelbaum | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | 2022, September 26 – 30 | Lecture Week – Effective field theory | MGK |
Maria Markova | University of Oslo | Norway | 2022, July 27 – August 8 | Collaboration on systematics of low-energy E1 strength in stable Sn isotopes | B04 |
Linda Lombardo | Observatory of Paris | France | 2022, July 18 – 22 | Collaboration on new observations of r-process elements | B06 |
Fernando Montes | Michigan State University | USA | 2022, July 11 – 24 | Collaboration on nucleosynthesis reactions and SFB Colloquium: Rare isotopes and the origin of the not so heavy elements | B06 |
Marta Molero | University of Trieste | Italy | 2022, July 8 – 24 | Collaboration on r-process nucleosynthesis in mergers and supernovae | B06, B07 |
Iris Dillmann | TRIUMF | Canada | 2022, June 24 – July 2 | Collaboration on nucleosynthesis reactions and SFB Colloquium: The TRISR project – A storage ring for neutron captures on radioactive nuclei | B06, B07 |
Takaharu Otsuka | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2022, April 10 – June 22, October 4 – 6, November 7 – 9 | Collaboration on nuclear structure and shell-model calculations, in particular for Zr and Mo isotopes | B02 |
Marialuisa Aliotta | University of Edingburgh | UK | 2022, May 22 – 28 | Academic Writing course / Writing workshop | MGK |
Carlos Bertulani | Texas A&M University, Commerce | USA | 2022, May 14 – June 24, July 2 – August 28 | Collaboration on quasi-free scattering cross sections for A03, A05, A06 experiments | A03, A05, A06 |
Pieter Doornenbal | RIKEN | Japan | 2022, May 1 – 31 | Collaboration on RIBF program and SFB Colloquium: In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at RIBF | A08 |
Martin Obergaulinger | University of Valencia | Spain | 2022, April 24 – May 1 | Collaboration on core-collapse supernova simulations | B06 |
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez | CERN | Switzerland | 2022, September 3 (virtual) | SFB Colloquium: Recent results of collinear laser spectroscopy in magic nuclei: From tin to lead | A03 |
Heiko Hergert | Michigan State University | USA | 2022, January 13 | SFB Colloquium: A new generation of many-body methods for nuclear structure | A04 |
Takaharu Otsuka | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2021, November 7 – 10 | Workshop on Breakthrough Experiments for the next years | A01 |
Georgi Rainovski | University of Sofia | Bulgaria | 2021, September 8 – 10 | Collaboration on first-forbidden beta-decays in Zr region | B02 |
Lucas Platter | University of Tennessee | USA | 2021, August 1 – 2022, July 31 | Sabbatical visit and collaboration on Halo and pionless EFT | A02, A05 |
Thomas Paperbrock | University of Tennessee | USA | 2021, June 24 (virtual) | SFB Colloquium: Effecive theories, coupled clusters, and computers: predicting properties of atomic nuclei | A04 |
Javier Menéndez | University of Barcelona | Spain | 2021, June 17 (virtual), 2022, October 4 – 6 |
SFB Colloquium: Neutrinoless double-beta decay: New ideas for improved matrix elements Collaboration on electroweak interactions in nuclei |
B01 |
Constanca Providencia | University of Coimbra | Portugal | 2020, March 12 (virtual) | SFB Colloquium: The interplay between neutron stars and the equation of state | B05 |
Camilla Hansen | MPI for Astronomy, Heidelberg | Germany | 2020, November 26 (virtual) | SFB Colloquium: Linking direct and indirect stellar observation to nuclear reactions | B06, B07 |
Barbara Dietz | Lanzhou University | China | 2020, February 3 – 7 | Collaboration on statistical analysis of high-resolution spectra | B04 |
Javier Menéndez | University of Barcelona | Spain | 2019, December 18 – 19 | CEvNS-Workshop | B01 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2019, December, 17 – 19 | CEvNS-Workshop | B01 |
Javier Menéndez | Universität Barcelona | Spain | 2019, November 27 – 28 | Topic weak interactions in nuclei | B01 |
Taka Otsuka | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2019, September 1 – 30 | Large-Scale Shell Model for Rare-Earth Nuclei | A07 |
Stephanie Lyons | Michigan State University | USA | 2019, September 10 – 16 | Beta-decay of neutron-rich Co with total absorption spectroscopy | A06 |
Carlos Bertulani | Texas A&M Commerce | USA | 2019, May 13 – August 27 | Pygmy resonances, neutron skins, and neutron stars | A06 |
Lucas Platter | University of Tennessee | USA | 2019, August 18 – 24 | Finalization of project | A02 |
Liss Vazquez Rodriguez | CERN/ISOLDE | Switzerland | 2019, August 18 – 19 | Laser Spectroscopy Tests at KOALA using a new High-Voltage Device | A03 |
Barbara Dietz | University Lanzhou | China | 2019, July 18 – 26 | Analysis of high-resolution spectra using random matrix theory | A04 |
Roger Fearick |
University of Cape Town | South Africa | 2019, July 7 – 26 | Polarizability of 40Ca | B04 |
James Lattimer | State University of New York at Stony Brook | USA | 2019, July 15 – 19 | Summer Lecture Week 2019 | A02 |
Rotislav Jolos | JINR, Dubna | Russia | 2019, May 21 – 28 | Theory Support for Project A07 | A07 |
Ann-Cecilie Larsen | University of Oslo | Norway | 2019, May 21 – 23 | Constraining neutron capture rates relevant to r-process and i-process nucleosynthesis | B04 |
Magne Guttormsen | University of Oslo | Norway | 2019, May 21 – 23 | Level density in Nd isotopes as function of deformation | B04 |
Jason Holt | TRIUMF | Canada | 2019, May 5 – 11 | IMSRG projects | A04 |
Evan O´Connor | Stockholm University | Sweden | 2019, April 22 – 24 | Discussions about Neutrinos & EoS in supervovae | B05 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2019, March 15 – 16 | Collaboration about COHERENT scattering | B01 |
Chamunorwa Oscar Kureba | International University of Science | Botswana | 2019, January 20 – February 3 | High-resolution studies of giant resonances with inelastic proton scattering | B04 |
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard | Universität Erlangen | Germany | 2019, January 30 | CRC 1245 | B04 |
Alexander Tichai | CEA Saclay | France | 2019, January 25 – 29 | Collaboration about MBPT and IMSRG | A04 |
Adriana-Ioana Gheorghe | IFIN-HH | Romania | 2019, January 21 – 25 | Photoneutron cross section measurements with a direct multiplicity sorting method | B04 |
Wolfram Weise | TU München | Germany | 2019, January 10 | Dense bayonic matter and strangeness in neutron stars | A04 |
Caroline Robin | University of Washington | USA | 2018, December 17 – 19 | Charge-exchange modes and weak-interaction processes in Relativistic Nuclear Field Theory | B01 |
Arianna Carbone | ECT | Italy | 2018, December 2 – 7 | Predicting nuclear matter at finite-temperature with the use of chiral interactions | B01 |
Rotislav Jolos | JINR, Dubna | Russia | 2018, December 2 – 6 | Microscopic Description of Moment of Inertia of Scissors Mode Bands | B03 |
Ingo Tews | Los Alamos National Laboratory | USA | 2018, November 17 – December 1 | QMC calculations, equation of state and neutron stars | A04 |
Jürgen Berges | Universität Heidelberg | Germany | 2018, November 29 | Nonthermal fixed points and far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics: from the quark-gluon plasma to cold atoms | B01 |
Meytal Duer | University of Tel-Aviv | Israel | 2018, November 20 – 23 | CRC 1245 | A06 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2018, November 6 – 7 | WIMP-nucleus | B01 |
Anu Kankainen |
University of Jyväskyla | Finland | 2018, November 1 – 2 | Studies for nuclear structure and astrophysics at IGISOL Journey | Z |
Christian Drischler | University of California, Berkeley | USA | 2018, October 21 – 30 | Collaboration meeting on EOS calculations | B05 |
Sean Couch | Michigan State University | USA | October 2081, 15 – 16 | Collaboation B06, Nucleosynthesis in core-collaps supernovae | B06 |
Dick Furnstahl | Ohio State University | USA | 2018, October 4 – 9 | Collaboration | A02 |
Georgi Rainovski | University of Sofia | Bulgaria | 2018, August 14 – 18 | Octopol vibration bands in the nucleus 154Sm | A07 |
Ingo Tews | University of Washington | USA | 2018, July 30 – 31 | How well does GW170817 constrain the equation of state of dense matter? | B01 |
Andrey M. Shirokov | Moscow State University | Russia | 2018, July 15 – 19 | Collaboration: Full-HORSE Method | A02 |
Alexander Mazur |
Pacific National University | USA | 2018, July 15 – 19 | Collaboration: Full-HORSE Method | A02 |
Roger Fearick | University of Cape Town | South Africa | 2018, June 18 – July 3 | Dipole polarizability of 40Ca and level density analysis | B04 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2018, June 28 – 30 | WIMP-nucleus scattering | B01 |
Dean Lee | Michigan State University | USA | 2018, June 27 – 28 | Recent results and future directions in nuclear lattice simulations | A04 |
Geert Raaijmakers | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | 2018, June 10 – 22 | EOS constraints from neutron star prosperties | B01 |
Luna Pellegri | iThemba LABS | South Africa | 2018, May 27 – 30 | Structure of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance | B04 |
Ingo Tews | University of Washington | USA | 2018, May 9 – 17 | Nuclear equation of state | B05 |
Kyle Wendt | Ohio State University | USA | 2018, May 2 – 5 | Electroweak currents | B01 |
Alexander Tichai | CEA Saclay | France | 2018, April 16 – May 4 | Perturbatively Improved NCSM and Bogoliubov MBPT | A04 |
Hilla De-Leon | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | 2018, March 19 – 22 | Solar pp-fusion rate and electroweack interactions | B01 |
Kei Minamisono | NSCL/MSU | USA | 2018, February 4 – 10 | Nuclear structure studies using lasers at NSCL/MSU | A03 |
Pierre Arthuis | CEA de Saclay | France | 2018, January 30 – February 3 | Many-body perturbation theory for open-shell nuclei | B05 |
Axel Frotscher | HZDR Dresden | Germany | 2018, January 22 – 24 | Inelastic neutron scattering on 7Li | A01 |
Johann Isaak | RCNP Osaka | Japan | 2017, December 15 – 23 | Analysis of commom experiments, future projects | B02 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2017, December 20 – 21 | Nuclear Physics of dark matter direct detection | B01 |
Jin-Yi Pang | Universität Bonn | Germany | 2017, December 7 | Extraction of resonance parameters in finite volume | A02 |
Jia Jun Wu | Universität Bonn | Germany | 2017, December 7 | Extraction of resonance parameters in finite volume | A02 |
Akaki Rusetski | Universität Bonn | Germany | 2017, December 7 | Three-particle dynamics on the lattice | A05 |
Jason Holt | TRIUMF | Canada | 2017, November 18 – 28 | Ab initio nuclear structure via IM-SRG | A04 |
Johannes Simonis | Universität Mainz | Germany | 2017, November 22 – 24 | Common projects | Z |
James Lattimer | Stony Brook University | USA | 2017, November 8 – 11 | Equation of state and neutron star physics | B05 |
Lindsay Donaldson | iThemba Labs, Somerset West | South Africa | 2017, October 29 – November 5 | Deformation dependence of the electric dipole response | B04 |
Barbara Dietz |
University Lanzhou | China | 2017, October 27 – November 3 | Quantum mechanical behaviour of atomic nuclei | A04 |
Aleksi Vuorinen | Helsinki Institute for Physics | Finland | 2017, October 26 – 27 | Dense QCD matter from first principles | B05 |
Hans-Thomas Janka | Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik | Germany | 2017 October 13 – 14 | Supernova Explosions in three dimensions | B06 |
Ingo Tews | University of Washington | USA | 2017, October 9 – 12 | Chiral effective field theory interactions | A04 |
Alexander Fieguth |
Universität Münster | Germany | 2017, September 12 – 13 | Nuclear physics for direct search for dark matter | B01 |
Javier Menéndez | Center for Nuclear Study-University of Tokyo | Japan | 2017, September 11 – 13 | Electroweak and darkmatter processes with nublei | B01 |
Chary Rangacharyulu | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | 2017, July 24 – 30 | 6ray as an impractical radiation dose unit | B02 |
Roger Fearick | University of Cape Town | South Africa | 2017, July 9 – 28 | Analysis of fine structure from high-resolution scattering data | B04 |
Kei Kotake | Fukuoka University | Japan | 2017, July 13 | Multi-messenger predictions from multi-D core-collapse supernova models | B06 |
Alban Kellerbauer | MPIK Heidelberg | Germany | 2017, June 22 | Spectroscopy and laser cooling of atomic anions | A01 |
Georgi Rainovski | University of Sofia | Bulgaria | 2017, June 11 – 17 | Recent Experiments on Nuclear Pairing | A07 |
Chavdar Stoyanov | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | 2017, May 30 – June 10 | Microscopic description of nuclear low-spin excitations with the Quasiparticle Phonon Model | A07 |
Dimitar Tarpanov |
University of Sofia | Bulgaria | 2017, May 29 – June 9 | Microscopic description of nuclear low-spin excitations with the Quasiparticle Phonon Model | A07 |
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard | Universtität Erlangen | Germany | 2017, May 18 | Nuclear density functional theory – from phozo-absorption strenght to bulk | B04 |
Moshe Gai | University of Connecticut | USA | 2017, May 12 | Discussion on 12C(e,e') experiment at S-DALINAC | A07 |
Hiroaki Utsunomiya | Konan University | Japan | 2017, May 2 – 7 | The γSF Method for a Unified Understanding of (’γ,n) and (n,’γ) Reactions and a New Dimension of Partical GDR Cross Section Measurements | B04 |
Corbinian Wellenhofer | TU München | Germany | 2017, May 4 – 5 | Isospin-Asymmetry Dependence of the Thermodynamic Nuclear Equation of State | B01 |
Sarah Wesolowski | Ohio State University, Columbus | USA | 2017, March 19 – 25 | Bayesian uncertainty quantification for effective field theories | A04 |
Thomas Luu | Universität Bonn | Germany | 2017, February 9 | Applying Lattice QCD techniques to low-dimensional non-relativistic systems | A02 |
Barbara Dietz |
University Lanzhou | China | 2017, January 23 – February 3 | Chaos and Regularity in the doubly magic nucleus 208Pb | A04 |
Pierre Capel | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 2016. November 1 – December 31 | Applications of chiral EFT interactions to reactions investigations within pion-less EFT | A04 |
Thomas Duguet | CEA, Saclay | France | 2016, November 28 – December 2 | Symmetry breaking (and possible restoration) in ab initio nuclear many-body calculations | A04 |
Raphael-David Lasseru | CEA Sacley | France | 2016, November 28 – December 2 | Symmetry Brecking and Restoration in ab initio Theories | A02 |
Pär-Anders Söderström | RIKEN | Japan | 2016, November 14 – 30 | Structure on neutron-rich nuclei around 78Ni | A01 |
Pavel Petkov | NIPNE | Romania | 2016, November 10 – 12 | Precision DSAM-Experiments | A01 |
Martin Hoferichter | University of Washington | USA | 2016, November 1 – 4 | Nuclear physics of dark matter direct detection | B01 |
Pierre Capel | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 2016, September 15 – October 31 | Applications of chiral EFT interactions to reactions investigations within pion-less EFT | B01 |
Francesco Iachello | Yale University | USA | 2016, October 26 – 27 | Cluster Structures | A01 |
Boris Carlsson | Chalmers University | Sweden | 2016, October 20 – 21 | Chiral interactions and N³LO calculations | A04 |
Sebastian König | Ohio State University | USA | 2016, September 25 – October 1 | Review article about nuclear forces and EFT | A05 |
James Lattimer | Stoney Brook University | USA | 2016, September 14 – 18 | EOS of dense matter | B05 |
Roger Fearick | University of Cape Town | South Africa | 2016, August 28 – September 10 | Scales and level densities from high-resolution data on the E1 response | B04 |
Angelo Calci | TRIUMF, Vancouver | Canada | 2016, August 31 – September 9 | Continuum and 3N Effects in Ab-Initio Calculations for p-Shell Nuclei | A02 |
Sven Binder |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | 2016, August 20 – September 3 | EFT in the Harmonic Oscillator Basis | A04 |
Taka Otsuka | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2016, August 4 – 27 | Type-II Shell Evolution | A07 |
George Bertsch | University of Washington | USA | 2016, August 21 – 24 | Kernstruktur mittelschwerer bis schwerer Kerne | A04 |
Eduardo Antonio Coello Perez | University of Tennessee | USA | 2016, January 27 – July 31 | Effective field theory approach to collective motion in heavy atomic nuclei | A04 |
Mirko Miorelli | TRIUMF, Vancouver | Canada | 2016, June 28 – July 30 | Polarizability of medium-mass nuclei | A04 |
Peter Müller | Argonne National Laboratory | USA | 2016, June 27 – July 15 | Laser Probing of Simple Atoms, Exotic Nuclei | A01 |
Lucas Platter | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | USA | 2016, May 30 – June 29 | Nuclear reactions in Halo EFT | A05 |
Hermann Krebs | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Germany | 2016, June 2 | Nuclear forces and currents in chiral effective field theory | B05 |
Doris Jakubaßa-Amundsen | Mathematisches Institut der Universität München | Germany | 2016, May 23 | Bremsstrahlung in (e,e') and (e,ej) | A07 |
Petr Navratil | RIUMF, Vancouver | Canada | 2016, May 8 – 11 | Collaboration on NCSM with Continuum and Alternative SRG | A02 |
Lindsay Donaldson | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg | South Africa | 2016, April 10 – 24 | New experimental study of the E1 response in the Nd isotope chain | B04 |
Vittorio Somà | CEA Saclay | France | 2016, March 8 – 11 | Properties of medium-mass nuclei | A04 |
Javier Menéndez | University of Tokyo | Japan | 2016, March 7 – 11 | Nuclear physics of dark matter | B01 |
Nigel Orr | LPC Caen | France | 2016, February 10 – 12 | Probing the structure of the most neutron-rich isotopes of baron and carbon | A06 |
Corbinian Wellenhofer | TU München | Germany | 2016, November 7 | Isospin-Asymmetry Dependence of the Thermodynamic Nuclear Equation of State | Z |