Presenter(s) | Title of Contribution | Type | Occasion | Place | Date | Project |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Nuclear Structure Studies with Virtual Photons | Invited Talk | Colloquium University of Sendai | Tohoku, Japan | 2016, December 14 | B02 |
Kai Hebeler | Recent developments of nuclear interactions within chiral EFT and applications to nuclear matter and nuclei | Invited Talk | CERN TH institute “From quarks to gravitational waves: Neutron stars as a laboratory for fundamental physics”, CERN | Geneva, Switzerland | 2016, December 6 | B05 |
Arianna Carbone | Nuclear matter at zero and finite temperatures based on chiral forces | Invited Talk | CERN TH institute “From quarks to gravitational waves: Neutron stars as a laboratory for fundamental physics”, CERN | Geneva, Switzerland | 2016, December 6 | B05 |
Kai Hebeler | Equation of state constrained by nuclear physics and observation | Invited Talk | Nuclear Astrophysics in Germany | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, November 15 | B05 |
Arianna Carbone | Recent advances in infinite matter based on chiral nuclear forces | Plenary Talk | EMMI Physics Day 2016, GSI | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, November 15 | B05 |
Andre Sieverding | Neutrino Nucleosynthesis in the outer layers of supernovae | Contributed Talk | YIPQS long-term and Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial workshop on “Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016”, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Kyoto, Japan | 2016, November 15 | B06 |
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo | Explosive nucleosynthesis of heavy elements | Invited Talk | YIPQS long-term and Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial workshop on “Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016”, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Kyoto, Japan | 2016, November 9 | B06 |
Achim Schwenk | The strong interaction at neutron-rich extremes | Invited Talk | Symposium on “Advances in Effective Field Theories” | Jülich, Germany | 2016, November 7 | A04 |
Christian Drischler | Applications of chiral nuclear forces up to N3LO to nuclear matter and neutron stars | Poster | NPCSM 2016: YIPQS long-term and Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial workshop on “Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016”, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Kyoto, Japan | 2016, October 31 | B05 |
Felix Sommer (Coauthors: Jason Clark, Jörg Krämer, Bernhard Maaß, Peter Mueller, Rodolfo Sanchez, Guy Savard and Wilfried Nörtershäuser) | Determination of the 8 B Nuclear Charge Radius using Collinear Laser Spectroscopy | Poster | Midwestern Cold Atom Workshop, University of Chicago | Chicago, IL, USA | 2016, October 29 | A01 |
Christian Drischler | Applications of chiral nuclear forces up to N3LO to nuclear matter and neutron stars | Poster | 626. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar – Neutron Stars: A Cosmic Laboratory for Matter under Extreme Conditions | Bad Honnef, Germany | 2016, October 28 | B05 |
Kai Hebeler | Recent developments and applications of three-nucleon interactions | Invited Talk | Swedish Nuclear Physics Meeting 2016 | Gothenburg, Sweden | 2016, October 28 | B05 |
Achim Schwenk | Equation of state and neutron star properties constrained by chiral effective field theory and observations | Invited Talk | 626. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar – Neutron Stars: A Cosmic Laboratory for Matter under Extreme Conditions | Bad Honnef, Germany | 2016, October 26 | A04 |
Arianna Carbone | Nuclear Matter from a Self-Consistent Green's Function Approach | Contributed Talk | Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Kyoto, Japan | 2016, October 25 | B05 |
Volker Werner | Photonuclear Precision Measurements on Nuclear… | Invited Talk | Nuclear Photonics 2016 | Monterey, CA, USA | 2016, October 19 | B03 |
Vladimir Ponomarev | Pygmy dipole resonance in atomic nuclei | Poster | Nuclear Photonics 2016 | Monterey, CA, USA | 2016, October 18 | A07 |
Stefan Typel (Coauhor: Helena Pais) | Nuclear Clusters in Stellar Matter | Invited Talk | Symposium Bound States in Dense Fermion Systems, Applications in Plama and Astrophysics, Instiut für Physik, Universität Rostock | Rostock, Germany | 2016, October 18 | B05 |
Udo Gayer | E1 strength in nuclei with quasi-monoenergetic … | Poster | Nuclear Photonics 2016 | Monterey, CA, USA | 2016, October 18 | B03 |
Achim Schwenk | New results for medium and heavy-mass nuclei | Invited Talk | Fall Meeting of the Americal Physical Society, Division of Nuclear Physics | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, October 13 | A04 |
Kai Hebeler | Reactions based on unitarily evolved nuclear interactions and efficient calculations of chiral 3N forces | Invited Talk | Three-body systems in reactions with rare isotopes, ECT* | Trento, Italy | 2016, October 5 | B05 |
Jörg Krämer | LASPEC in Phase-0: The Nuclear Charge Radius 8B | Contributed Talk | NUSTAR Week 2016 | York, United Kingdom | 2016, September 30 | A01 |
Stefan Typel | CompOSE – CompStar Supernovae Equations of State | Contributed Talk | NewCompStar Joint WG Meeting and Brainstorming and Fun, Universität Basel | Basel, Switzerland | 2016, September 29 | B05 |
Stefan Typel (Coauthor: Helena Pais) | Clusters in EoS Models | Contributed Talk | NewCompStar Joint WG Meeting and Brainstorming and Fun, Universität Basel | Basel, Switzerland | 2016, September 29 | B05 |
Heiko Scheit | Observation of the competitive double gamma decay | Invited Talk | SPIN2016 International Spin Symposium, University of Illinois, Indiana University | Champaign, IL, USA | 2016, September 27 | B04 |
Sandra Kemler (Coauthors: Martin Pospiech, Jens Braun) | Formation of Selfbound States in a 1D Nucl. Model | Contributed Talk | 8th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group – ERG2016, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Trieste, Italy | 2016, September 20 | B05 |
Marc Leonhardt (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Stefan Rechenberger, Paul Springer) | Interplay of chiral and confining dynamics | Poster | 8th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group – ERG2016, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Trieste, Italy | 2016, September 19 | B05 |
Martin Pospiech (Coauthors: Jens Braun, Sandra Kemler) | Formation of Selfbound States in a 1D Nucl. Model | Poster | 8th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group – ERG2016, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Trieste, Italy | 2016, September 19 | B05 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Test Of The Brink – Axel Hypothesis With Gamma Strength Functions from Forward Angle Inelastic Proton Scattering | Contributed Talk | International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) | Adelaide, Australia | 2016, September 15 | B04 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Dipole Polarizability of 48Ca | Contributed Talk | International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) | Adelaide, Australia | 2016, September 12 | B04 |
Thomas Hüther | Alternative Generators for the SRG | Contributed Talk | 28th Indian-Summer School of Physics “Ab Initio Methods in Nuclear Physics”, NPI CAS | Prague, Czech Republic | 2016, September 1 | A02 |
Klaus Vobig | In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group | Contributed Talk | 28th Indian-Summer School of Physics “Ab Initio Methods in Nuclear Physics”, NPI CAS | Prague, Czech Republic | 2016, September 1 | A04 |
Stefan Alexa | R-matrix theory for the Resonating Group Method | Contributed Talk | 28th Indian-Summer School of Physics “Ab Initio Methods in Nuclear Physics”, NPI CAS | Prague, Czech Republic | 2016, August 31 | A02 |
Roland Wirth (Coauthor: Robert Roth) | No-Core Shell Model for Hypernuclei | Contributed Talk | 28th Indian-Summer School of Physics “Ab Initio Methods in Nuclear Physics”, NPI CAS | Prague, Czech Republic | 2016, August 31 | A02 |
Felix Sommer (Coauthors:Jason Clark, Jörg Krämer, Bernhard Maaß, Peter Mueller, Rodolfo Sanchez, Guy Savard and Wilfried Nörtershäuser) | Collinear Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at Argonne National Laboratory | Poster | Euroschool on Exotic Beams | Mainz, Germany | 2016, August 30 | A03 |
Christina Stumpf | Importance-Truncated Shell Model | Contributed Talk | 28th Indian-Summer School of Physics “Ab Initio Methods in Nuclear Physics”, NPI CAS | Prague, Czech Republic | 2016, August 29 | A04 |
Marcus Scheck (Coauthors: S. Mishev, V. Yu. Ponomarev, O. Agar, T. Beck, A. Blanc, R. Chapman, U. Gayer, L.P. Gaffney, E.T. Gr) | Beta Decay as New Probe for the Low-energy E1 Strength | Contributed Talk | Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics of the Nuclear Landscape | Kraków, Poland | 2016, August 28 | B03 |
Achim Schwenk | Challenges in nuclear structure theory | Plenary Talk | Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics of the Nuclear Landscape | Kraków, Poland | 2016, August 28 | A04 |
Almudena Arcones | Neutron-richness of neutrino-driven winds from … | Contributed Talk | INT Workshop INT-16-61W Flavor Observations with Supernova Neutrinos, INT | Seattle, WA, USA | 2016, August 18 | B06 |
Achim Schwenk | Equation of state and neutrino-matter interactions from chiral effective field theory | Invited Talk | INT Workshop INT-16-61W Flavor Observations with Supernova Neutrinos, INT | Seattle, WA, USA | 2016, August 17 | B01 |
Almudena Arcones | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae | Contributed Talk | INT Program INT-16-2b The Phases of Dense Matter, INT | Seattle, WA, USA | 2016, August 12 | B06 |
Christiane Schmickler (Coauthors: H.-W. Hammer, E. Hiyama) | Trimer and Tetramer bound states in … | Contributed Talk | 23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics | Aarhus, Denmark | 2016, August 10 | A02 |
Jonas Braun (Coauthor: H.-W. Hammer) | Electric Properties of One-Neutron Halo Nuclei … | Contributed Talk | 23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics | Aarhus, Denmark | 2016, August 8 | A05 |
Achim Schwenk | Dense matter from nuclear forces | Invited Talk | INT Program INT-16-2b The Phases of Dense Matter, INT | Seattle, WA, USA | 2016, August 8 | A04 |
Jonas Braun (Coauthor: Hans-Werner Hammer) | Electric Properties of One-Neutron Halo Nuclei in Halo EFT | Contributed Talk | 23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics | Aarhus, Denmark | 2016, August 8 | A02 |
Arianna Carbone | Nuclear Matter from a Green’s Function Approach | Contributed Talk | Nuclear Structure 2016 | Knoxville, TN, USA | 2016, July 26 | B05 |
Volker Werner | Nuclear structure and astrophysics with gamma-ray beams | Invited Talk | 9th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics – 2016 | Constanta, Romania | 2016, July 14 | B03 |
Udo Gayer | Statistical Decay of Dipole States in Ti and Cr Isotopes | Poster | 9th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics – 2016 | Constanta, Romania | 2016, July 13 | B03 |
Tobias Beck | The E2 Decay Behavior of the M1 Scissors Mode of 156Gd | Poster | 9th International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics – 2016 | Constanta, Romania | 2016, July 13 | B03 |
Julian Kahlbow (Coauthors: T. Aumann, C. Caesa, M. Holl, H. Scheit) | Single-particle structure of 12Be | Contributed Talk | Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams 2016, TRIUMF | Halifax, Canada | 2016, July 12 | A06 |
Achim Richter | M1 scissors and spin-flip modes | Invited Talk | Workshop “Statistical properties of nuclei”, ECT* | Trento, Italy | 2016, July 11 | B02 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | GSF and LD from high-resolution (p,p') | Invited Talk | Workshop “Statistical properties of nuclei”, ECT* | Trento, Italy | 2016, July 11 | B04 |
Heiko Scheit | The competitive double-gamma nuclear decay | Plenary Talk | MOTO16 | Tokyo, Japan | 2016, June 27 | B04 |
Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo | Nuclear input for explosive nucleosynthesis | Plenary Talk | Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV | Niigata, Japan | 2016, June 24 | B06 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Gamma Strength Fucntions and Level Densities | Contributed Talk | Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV | Niigata, Japan | 2016, June 22 | B04 |
Julia Bliss (Coauthors: Almudena Arcones, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira) | Impact of (α,n) reactions on ndw nucleosynthesis | Poster | Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV | Niigata, Japan | 2016, June 21 | B06 |
Almudena Arcones | R-process: nuclear physics, astrophysics, obs… | Contributed Talk | Nuclei in the Cosmos XIV | Niigata, Japan | 2016, June 21 | B06 |
Kai Hebeler | Symmetry energy, neutron skin and neutron star radius constraints from chiral EFT interactions | Invited Talk | 6th international symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy | Beijing, China | 2016, June 15 | B05 |
Thomas Aumann | Symmetry energy from dipole polarizability | Invited Talk | 6th international symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy | Beijing, China | 2016, June 14 | A06 |
Almudena Arcones | Introduction to r-process | Plenary Talk | ICNT: The r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting FRIB with the cosmos, MSU | East Lansing, MI, USA | 2016, June 14 | B06 |
Norbert Pietralla (Coauthors: C. Kremer, T. Otsuka, P. v. Neumann-Cosel) | Evidence for Type-II Shell Evolution | Invited Talk | 8th Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Nuclei and Many-Body Systems, Charles University in Prague | Prague; Czech Republic | 2016, June 6 | A07 |
Volker Werner | Dipole Modes, Photon Scattering, and Fast Timing | Invited Talk | NUBA-2016: 3rd International Nuclear Physics Summer School, Akdeniz University | Antalya, Turkey | 2016, May 31 | B03 |
Achim Schwenk | Nuclear forces and neutron skins | Invited Talk | Workshop “Neutron Skins of Nuclei", Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics | Mainz, Germany | 2016, May 23 | A04 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Dipole Polarizability of 48Ca | Invited Talk | Workshop “Neutron Skins of Nuclei", Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics | Mainz, Germany | 2016, May 20 | B04 |
Jörg Krämer | Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at ANL | Contributed talk | Application of Lasers and Storage Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research | Poznan, Poland | 2016, May 18 | A01 |
Achim Schwenk | Neutrinoless double-beta decay operator from chiral effective field theory | Invited Talk | Double-Beta Decay Workshop, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, May 12 | B01 |
Achim Schwenk | Neutrinoless double-beta decay and nuclear theory | Plenary Talk | GERDA/Majorana Meeting | München, Germany | 2016, April 25 | B01 |
Achim Schwenk | Chiral effective field theory for nuclear forces: From nuclei to stars and dark matter | Invited Talk | Festsymposium for Wolfram Weise | München, Germany | 2016, April 14 | B01 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Gamma Strength Functions and Level Densities from High-Resolution Inelastic Proton Scattering | Invited Talk | iThemba LABS Colloquium | Cape Town, South Africa | 2016, April 7 | B04 |
Kai Hebeler | Atomic nuclei: from fundamental interactions to structure and stars | Invited Talk | New Vistas in Low-Energy Precision Physics (LEPP) | Mainz, Germany | 2016, April 7 | B05 |
Robert Roth | Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Theory: Beyond… | Invited Talk | INT Program “Nuclear Physics from Lattice QCD”, Institute for Nuclear Theory | Seattle, WA, USA | 2016, April 4 | A02 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Dipole Polarizability of Nuclei, Neutron Skins and Neutron Stars | Invited Talk | Colloquium University of the Witwatersrand | Johannesburg, South Africa | 2016, March 31 | B04 |
Almudena Arcones | Nucleosynthesis: supernovae & neutron star matter | Invited Talk | JINA-CEE Frontiers in nuclear astrophysics | South Bend, IN, USA | 2016, March 31 | B06 |
Thomas Aumann | Dipole response and the nuclear symmetry energy | Invited Talk | 4th international workshop 'the Structure and Reactions of Exotic Nuclei' | Sao Paulo, Brazil | 2016, March 21 | A05 |
Bernhard Maass | Laser Spectroscopy and the Nuclear Charge Radius of Boron-8 | Invited Talk | Heavy Ion Discussions, ANL | Chicago, IL, USA | 2016, March 18 | A01 |
Almudena Arcones | Nucleosynthesis: supernovae & neutron star matter | Contributed Talk | 18th Workshop of nuclear astrophysics, Ringberg Castle | Reitrain, Germany | 2016, March 18 | B06 |
Svenjy K. Greif (Coauthors: K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk) | Moments of inertia of neutron stars | Contributed Talk | DPG-Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 18 | B05 |
Hans-Werner Hammer | Few-body universality in halo nuclei | Plenary Talk | DPG -Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 18 | A05 |
Tobias Klaus | Experimental study of nuclear verticity … | Contributed Talk | DPG-Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 16 | A07 |
Jonas Braun (Coauthor: Hans-Werner Hammer) | Electric Properties of One-Neutron Halo Nuclei in Halo EFT | Contributed Talk | DPG-Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 16 | A02 |
Sergej Bassauer (Coauthors: C. Kremer, T. Otsuka, P. v. Neumann-Cosel) | Niveaudichte und Gammastärkefunktion von 208Pb | Contributed Talk | DPG-Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 15 | B04 |
Julia Bliss (Coauthors: Almudena Arcones, Fernando Montes, Jorge Pereira) | Impact of (α,n) uncertainties in v-driven winds | Contributed Talk | DPG-Frühjahrstagung | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, March 16 | B06 |
Almudena Arcones | Nucleosynthesis of heavy elements | Plenary Talk | ISOLDE seminar, ISOLDE | Geneva, Switzerland | 2016, March 9 | B06 |
Achim Schwenk | New developments in nuclear structure theory | Plenary Talk | ILIMA Collaboration Meeting, GSI | Darmstadt, Germany | 2016, February 29 | A04 |
Peter von Neumann-Cosel | Spin M1 Resonance in Heavy Nuclei and Quenching | Invited Talk | IIIrd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure | Bormio, Italy | 2016, February 28 | B02 |
Heiko Scheit | Observation of the Competitive Double-gamma Decay | Plenary Talk | IIIrd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure | Bormio, Italy | 2016, February 27 | B04 |
Richard Trippel (Coauthor: Robert Roth) | Correlated RPA from densities and IM-SRG elements | Poster | Workshop Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2016, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, February 24 | A04 |
Christina Stumpf (Coauthors: Klaus Vobig, Robert Roth) | Towards Multi-Shell Valence Spaces | Poster | Workshop Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2016, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, February 24 | A04 |
Achim Schwenk | Nuclear forces and their impact on neutron-rich nuclei | Plenary Talk | IIIrd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure | Bormio, Italy | 2016, February 24 | A04 |
Kai Hebeler | Calculation of semi-local 3N interactions and first results up to N3LO | Invited Talk | Workshop Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2016, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, February 23 | B05 |
Robert Roth | Perspectives in Low-Energy Nuclear Physics | Invited Talk | Workshop Ab Initio Techniques in Nuclear Physics 2016, TRIUMF | Vancouver, Canada | 2016, February 19 | A02 |
Achim Schwenk |
The strong interaction at neutron-rich extremes by at NIC Symposium, Forschungszentrum, February 11, 2016; Project A04 |
Plenary Talk | NIC Symposium, Forschungszentrum Jülich | Jülich, Germany | 2016, February 11 | A04 |