SFB 1245
Atomic Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars


We encourage doctoral researchers to widen their perspectives by doing part of their research in a collaborating group abroad. Doctoral researchers are given the opportunity to do research internships of about 3 months duration in external collaborating groups on the CRC projects. We envision internships for about 4 doctoral researchers per year.

Future Internships:

Accomplished Internships:

  • Giacomo Ricigliano: one month around September-October 2023 at the University of Tokyo with Kenta Hotokezaka
  • Francesca Bonaiti: three weeks in May 2023 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory with Gustav R. Jansen
  • Matthias Göbel: Aug. 31 – Nov. 15, 2022 at Ohio University with Daniel R. Phillips
  • Francesca Bonaiti: Jan. 16 – March 25, 2022 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory with Gaute Hagen
  • Wael Elkamhawy: Oct. 4 – Dez. 25, 2018 at University of Tennessee, Knoxville with Lucas Platter
  • Marcel Schmidt: Mar. 6 – June 28, 2018 at University of Tennessee, Knoxville with Lucas Platter
  • Jonas Braun: Aug. 29 – Nov. 25, 2017 at University of Tennessee, Knoxville with Lucas Platter
  • Klaus Vobig: July 17 – Sep. 4, 2017 at TRIUMF, Vancouver with Petr Navrátil and Jason Holt
  • Carlos Mattes: May 15 – May 26, 2017 at JINA, Michigan State University with Sean Couch
  • Svenja Greif: May 1 – May 31, 2017 at University of Amsterdam with Anna Watts
  • Julia Bliss: Apr. 19 – May 17, 2017 at JINA, Michigan State University with Fernando Montes
  • Christian Drischler: Jan. 9 – Jan. 27, 2017 at Ohio State University, Columbus with Richard J. Furnstahl

Application materials:

  • CV
  • motivation letter with project description (max. 2 pages, should fit the SFB topics)
  • supporting letters from PhD supervisor and host

Submission: via email to MGK PIs

Deadlines: Dec. 15 and June 15 of each year