Laura Renth defended her doctoral dissertation successfully
Laura Renth defended her dissertation entitled „Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Magic Lead and Mid-Shell Palladium Isotopes“ successfully. Congratulations.
Oliver Papst defended his dissertation successfully
Oliver Papst (B02) defended his dissertation entitled “Exploration of Nuclear-Structure Effects on Averaged Decay Quantities in the Quasicontinuum” successfully. Congratulations.
Francesca Bonaiti defended her dissertation successfully
Francesca Bonaiti defended her dissertation entitled “Constraining the nuclear matter equation of state from electromagnetic observables in finite nuclei” successfully. Congratulations.
Live-Palm Kubushishi defended his doctoral dissertation successfully
Live-Palm Kubushishi (A05) defended his dissertation entitled „Exploring core excitation in halo nuclei using halo effective field theory“ successfully. Congratulations.
Understanding the interior of atomic nuclei
Calculations of nuclear magnetic moments that take into account two-body currents are in better agreement with measured moments than ever before. The results published in Physical Review Letters range from relatively light nuclei such as oxygen to heavy elements such as bismuth.
Matthias Heinz wins 1st prize for a theory poster at DREB2024
Matthias Heinz (A04) won the 1st prize for his theory posters at the 2024 Conference “Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams” (DREB2024) with title “Improved ab initio description of neutron-rich calcium isotopes.”
Marco Knöll hat seine Dissertation erfolgreich verteidigt
Marco Knöll (A02,A04) hat seine Dissertation mit dem Thema „Ab-Initio Theory and Machine Learning for Hypernuclei” erfolgreich verteidigt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
First CRC 1245 Mini-Workshop
The first CRC 1245 Mini-Workshop “Neutrino-matter interactions in the standard model and beyond” was hosted at the TU Darmstadt on June 19-21, 2024. The workshop featured main talks by Kirsty Duffy, Joanna Sobczyk, Javier Menèndez, Giovanni Benato, Baha Balantekin, and Zewei Xiong and an exciting program of talks by CRC members.
Laura Mertes defended her dissertation successfully
Laura Mertes (A04) defended her dissertation entitled “Collective Excitations in Nuclei with ab initio Methods ”successfully. Congratulations.
Matthias Heinz defended his dissertation successfully
Matthias Heinz (A04) defended his dissertation entitled “Ab initio calculations of neutron-rich nuclei with many-body operators” successfully. Congratulations.